Love Bytes would like to welcome the next author in their GRL Blog Tour : Hunter Frost.
Hunter talks about rooming at GRL and brought along a giveaway to our readers!
Welcome Hunter
Surviving GRL with a Roommate(s)
6 Simple Rules
So you’re going to GRL in October. Yay!
You’ve paid your registration, bought your airline tickets, ordered your swag (for those attending as authors), and now you’re wondering how you’ll ever pay for that damn hotel room once it’s over. Big sigh.
No one wants to go into debt for a conference, but sometimes hotels can be pricey. Or maybe you couldn’t get a room before the conference block sold out, and you can’t imagine paying the standard rate without selling your first born. I feel ya.
What better way to secure a room and cut costs than with a roommate, or two, or three…
Don’t worry. You’ll survive and maybe even gain a new BFF if you follow these 6 simple rules:
- Be upfront with your habits, quirks, and personal issues. And ask your roomie about theirs! Do you snore? Have night terrors? Walk around naked? Eat green jelly beans at 3:30am while watching reruns of Charlie’s Angels? Do your roommate a solid and let them know. Sure, it could be a deal-breaker, but it also allows them to prepare. With headphones and a bag a green jelly beans.
- Be flexible. After the above, it would help if you could accommodate someone else’s routines and behaviors, at least a little. Compromise. The roommate situation is like any other relationship. Sometimes you need to take one for the team and shorten your shower so everyone can get a coffee and croissant before heading to their morning panels.
- Use Poopouri. The bathroom can be a touchy subject. And hotel bathrooms are anything but private. I once stayed at a hotel that only had a sliding barn door to close off the bathroom. A curtain would’ve been more private. If you find yourself in a number two situation, break out the Poopouri, Febreze, or take it back to the good ole days by lighting a match. Keep it clean, too. No one likes to see skid marks. It shows you care for those forced to release their waste in your common space.
- Don’t get so drunk you can’t take care of yourself. I know it can be tough, and yes, I enjoy a nice buzz just like everyone else, but… all bets are off when someone pukes on the bed. Just sayin.
- Figure out a code. For those of us that are single, in open relationships, or just want to have some fun, make sure you work out with your roommate how it will go down when you bring someone back to the room. A secret word. Special knock. Underwear on the doorknob. Something! Walking in on sexy times may sound like the beginning of hot porn, but in reality, it’s only fun when it happens to Devon McCormack and his boyfriend. Or when you accidently walk in on Devon McCormack and his boyfriend
- Be compassionate. Things happen and people are fragile. Try to understand that and work out your problems. It will either strengthen your bond, or require you to reevaluate your roommate standards. Most of the time, you’ll come out on top. I’ve had roomies save me from paralyzing ghosts, let me wear their flats when my heels became unbearable, and bring me coffee just because. And I’ve gained some pretty amazing friends, too.
I say go for it!
Hunter’s early addiction to the smell of printed books led her to spend most of her childhood in libraries and bookstores. There she fell in love with stories featuring medieval castles, ghosts, and handsome heroes. Though writing has always been a part of her life, after college she went on to explore careers in graphic design, the culinary arts, and dog grooming before returning to graduate school to get her MA in British history. To pay the bills she spends her days working for the University of Nevada, Las Vegas, but to appease her overactive muse, she writes the kind of fiction that keeps her sane. She adores romance in all forms, but prefers her stories with two heroes that find their happily-ever-after with each other.
Hunter would rather watch Spaceballs (or any Mel Brooks movies really), despite being born in the same year as Star Wars. She loves Monty Python, MST3K, and cheesy rom-coms from the ’80s and ’90s. Her wacky sense of humor is only paralleled by her hopeless romanticism. She’s a goth at heart and a sucker for men with long hair. She adores everything British, but insists tea be drunk without milk. She’s a pescetarian with vegan tendencies and has two fat little cats named after her favorite beverage – Latte and Java. She dreams of coastal living, marshmallows, and Matt Bomer.
Feel free to connect with her through any of her social media accounts, or send her an email. She welcomes messages from readers and/or Brits looking to adopt.
Twitter: @hunterfrostmm
Cemeteries by Moonlight
By Hunter Frost
When a serious bout of writer’s block threatens to delay mystery author Drew Daniels’s newest book, his aunt offers her New Orleans apartment in the heart of the French Quarter as a writing retreat. She neglects to mention that it’s occupied by the enigmatic and sexy Finn Murphy, a cemetery tour guide with a penchant for Victorian attire and a Cajun accent.
A body discovered in an open crypt forces reclusive Drew to deal with Finn’s eccentric group of friends and his underlying attraction to the hot Cajun—despite warnings about Finn’s violent past. Drew might write this stuff, but he’s never had to solve a real-life murder. With a deadline looming and a killer on the loose, this retreat is proving to be anything but helpful for Drew’s novel. Drew can only hope he won’t end up a tragic tale for the Ghostly Legends & Lore, Inc. haunted tour.
States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.
Buy Links:
Hunter brought with her a wonderful giveaway for our readers
Have a chance to win an ecopy of Cemeteries by Moonlight.
Read Cemeteries by Moonlight recently. It was a lot of fun for such a short book!
I’m hoping to walk in on Devon and his boyfriend so when you find out which room they’ll be in, let me know, yeah? Thanks!
Some good advice with the roommate sitch so thanks for the reminders!
Great advice! I wish I was going so I could use it. The book sounds great. Thanks for the giveaway.
Great advice. The best and most inconspicuous thing to do is just hand the Do Not Disturb sign on the door. Underwear is just tacky…lol
New Orleans can be spooky! The first time I stayed there our hotel room opened onto the 3rd floor of the parking garage…at the very end of Canal Street…past where the street cars stopped running…and there were no street lights…
Anyway…you might want to pack some chocolate too!
LOL! I wish I could join a GRL one day. I’ll keep your advice in mind in case that happens
I love the comments. I would love to go myself.
debby236 at gmail dot com
Thanks for the advice it sounds pretty sound, lol =)