Hi everybody! I’m Yolande Kleinn, and I’m thrilled to welcome you to the Covet blog tour. I’m giddy to be here myself, and I hope you’re looking forward to my kinky contemporary M/M/M love story. I had a terrific time writing this book—getting to know Jack and Colin and Peter—and I can’t wait for you to meet them too. Follow along for the chance to win a $30 Riptide Publishing gift card!
The best thing about the start of a relationship—even one as casual as the understanding between Jack and Colin—is the endless realm of possibilities. Obviously the characters can only take one path forward, but that doesn’t mean we have to ignore the rest. Read on for a glimpse into Jack Mason’s fantasies, as he considers the different ways his first time with Colin Sloan might go.
Be warned, there is explicit sexual content ahead.
Maybe they would go dancing.
Jack didn’t know if Colin liked to dance. He hadn’t found a way to ask without being more blunt than his current tactics permitted. But Jack liked dancing. He liked the noise and chaos of a crowded club, the wordless intimacy to be found amid the cacophony.
He would take Colin to his favorite club. The one on the corner of East Seventh Street, with the impossibly high ceilings that made the place feel like a cathedral, and the barely sufficient lighting that created all kinds of deep shadows and along the uneven walls.
And they’d dance—of course they would—but it wouldn’t take them long to get distracted. Their bodies would be too warm in the crowd, and the rhythm would shiver beneath their skin, the deep pulsing baseline steady in their chests.
He would be able to feel Colin’s heart beating far less steadily. Both men oblivious to the crush of bodies all around them as they moved together, as they held on, as they sought a rhythm all their own.
Jack would be breathing hard by the time he realized just how aroused he’d grown beneath the tight denim of his jeans. He would gasp aloud when Colin slipped a hand between their bodies and found him, stroked the trapped length. It would be the best sort of agony, all that wanting and anticipation. The giddy rush of heat through his veins.
Naturally Jack would return the favor eagerly. He would smirk at the low moan, muffled against Jack’s shoulder as he groped Colin’s equally interested cock.
It would be a challenge between them. Spontaneous, probably a bad idea, glorious in its own way. Teasing touches as they worked each other into a frenzy.
Before either one of them managed to reach the finish line, Jack would raise the stakes. Cautious suggestion at first: he would pop the button of Colin’s pants. Colin’s stillness all the confirmation necessary to prove the action hadn’t gone unnoticed. But Colin wouldn’t protest. No, Colin would draw a shuddering breath and then urge him on with winded, “Yes, fuck, do it.”
Jack wouldn’t try to resist. Never mind where they were, never mind the risk, never mind the busy venue. So many people on this dance floor, no one would notice two men crushed so close together, swaying amid the crowd but no longer dancing.
No one would notice as Jack undid Colin’s zipper and then slipped his hand inside.
He would make this last as long as he could bear to, teasing and stroking, swallowing Colin’s moans with hungry kisses.
When Colin came, it would be with a soundless shudder, face pressed to Jack’s throat, arms tight around his waist. Jack would smile—a real smile this time—not a smirk. Because Colin would be suddenly boneless in his arms. Heavy and satisfied and gorgeous, as Jack put Colin’s clothing to rights for him, gave him time to settle back to Earth.
“Good?” Jack would ask, a faint hint of smugness creeping back into his smile and his voice.
Colin would gust a startled laugh, loud enough to reach him over the music. He’d be smiling when he retreated from Jack’s arms.
Jack wouldn’t have time to wonder about this withdrawal—any more than he’d wonder what to do about his own needs—before Colin grabbed his arm and dragged him off the dance floor. Those deep shadows would come in handy now, and Jack would grin as Colin shoved him back against the wall, barely hidden from prying eyes.
His breath would hitch as Colin sank to his knees. And oh, oh God, it would take all his self control to hold himself back from the edge.
Not that he would hold out long. Fuck, no way in hell was he going to last like this, desperate and overwhelmed. Surrounded by a wall of music, feeling exposed despite the shadows, riled and aching for this.
Desperate for Colin to touch him.
Colin’s mouth would take him in, would work him over with the confidence of experience. And yes, it would be good—wildly good—and Jack would come in almost no time. He’d throw his head back and moan too loud as Colin swallowed around him.
About Covet
Jack Mason—graphic designer and unrepentant player—has never been interested in monogamy. He certainly isn’t looking for romance when he meets Professor Colin Sloan.
Newly single and not looking for anything serious, Colin is intrigued by Jack’s offer of a physical affair with no strings attached. Becoming friends wasn’t part of the plan, but as accidents go, this one’s pretty great.
Peter Mason is Jack’s identical twin. In a long-term relationship himself, Peter tells no one that he’s falling for his brother’s newest favorite, even as the secret creates tension with his girlfriend.
When Peter’s relationship falls apart, he seduces Colin, fully expecting Jack to forgive his transgression. But Jack is keeping secrets too—he hasn’t told even Colin that he’s fallen in love. Suddenly the twins are feuding, and Colin is caught in the middle, blindsided by the revelation that he doesn’t want to choose between them.
Now all three must find a way to share, or they’ll tear each other apart.
Now available from Riptide Publishing. http://www.riptidepublishing.com/titles/covet
About Yolande Kleinn
Yolande Kleinn may be a shameless dreamer and a stubborn optimist, but she is also a proud purveyor of erotic romance. Excitable, fastidious, and a little eclectic, she spends every spare moment as far away from reality as possible.
A Minnesotan by both heart and geography, Yolande has plenty of experience weathering tough winters. Her favorite method: distracting herself with warm beverages and even warmer stories. A night spent with a good book is heaven. A morning free to write, with a hot cup of coffee close at hand, is even better.
Connect with Yolande:
To celebrate the release of Covet, one lucky winner will receive a $30 Riptide gift card! Leave a comment with your contact info to enter the contest. Entries close at midnight, Eastern time, on September 23, 2017. Contest is NOT restricted to U.S. entries. Thanks for following the tour, and don’t forget to leave your contact info!
Very imaginative this Jack character, huh.
Congrats on the new book, Yolanda – sounds really exciting!
puspitorinid AT yahoo DOT com
That excerpt gave me goosebumps! So much desire expressed so eloquently! This is sure to be a best seller!
I like the way Jack thinks!
Congrats on the book. Jack has a great way of thinking. sounds like fun.
heath0043 at gmail dot com
Hot fantasies!
jlshannon74 at gmail.com
Congrats on your new book release!
I’m really intrigued by this story. It sounds just like the right sort of kink…
Thanks for sharing another Jack fantasy!
legacylandisa at gmail dot com
So naughty, but so good.
humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com
Thanks for the post! violet817(at)aol(dot)com
*fans self* whoa! that was hot!!
Jack’s imagination gets an A+ in my book. =) peachescon(at)gmail(dot)com
Thanks for the post, and congrats, Yolande. Oh boy, another fantasy scene. You’re certainly exploring your options as an author. – Purple Reader,
TheWrote [at] aol [dot] com
Congratulations for the book, Yolande! Good luck with the rest of the blog tour
Thanks for the post! Very hot!