Hiya folks–
Normally, the 23rd of each month is filled with my teasing and ramblings about this and that, but I’ll be taking August off. I’ve released two big books since June 30th, and need a bit of a break. Don’t worry: I’ll be back next month here on the 23rd with some previews of what to expect for the GayRomLit convention in Denver in October where there might be a few surprises, and also talking to you about the next Lightning book, The Consumption of Magic, out in November.
Before then however (most likely the first or second week in September), on my own website tjklunebooks.com, I’ll post the final blog on Bear, Otter, and the Kid–about why things happened the way they did in the last book The Long and Winding Road, and why I am sticking with my decision to have it be The End.
Last thing: for those that want to get sneak peaks and early access to things like free shorts, cover/blurb/release date reveals, there is a new group on Facebook you could join, The Klunatics. It’s a place to talk books (not just mine), enter contests, and get to see things generally before everyone else will. It’s a laid-back, fun group that won’t tolerate any bullshit. Ask to join, and one of my excellent mods will approve you.
And last but not least, thanks for all the support with A Destiny of Dragons and The Long and Winding Road, in addition to my other two releases this year. We’ve got one more to go, and man, is it a doozy.
Thanks for the update. I hope you have a fantastic break and a ton of fun =)
Your break is well deserved. You’ve been writing your ass off. I hope your break is everything you need it to be.
…and here’s a toast to you!
Enjoy your break!
The new BOATK is the best! You have me conditioned already like Pavlov’s dog. I started crying on page one and nothing even happened yet! I was under the dryer at the hair salon and I was so embarrassed I had to lie to the beautician that the peroxide was making my eyes water! Enjoy your vacation.
All your books are just so perfect— thanks for the update and many thanks for your ” words “