Love Bytes is happy to welcome author Adrienne Wilder to their blog to talk about the release of Epic
Adrienne talks about ideas and don;t forget to check out the double giveaway!
Welcome Adrienne
Where ideas come from—
I’ve been asked on many occasions, usually by friends who listen to me blather on about a story I’m working on, where on earth do I get my ideas?
My ideas are never planned. They just happen. I see something, hear something (a phrase, song, even a sound), and the story begins to unfold. More often than not, the whole story (minus some details) is born within minutes.
On the rare occasion, I get a character in my head. However, it may be years before I actually see their story and figure out where they belong.
I’m not one of the lucky writers who can outline and plan. My stories are often spontaneous, and while I know what they are, I rarely know what’s IN them. Details, conversations, secondary characters, side events or side stories, all come when I’m writing. More than once I’ve written a scene with no idea how it will play in later, only to have it lead into a critical event further in the story.
The best way I have to describe this is, I watch the movie in my head, and write down what the characters do, say, and react. This doesn’t always come out smoothly so when I do rewrites I have to run through the more choppy parts and smooth it out. Spackle and paint—so to speak.
I like how my stories mature, but at the same time, it can be very tiresome. Some scenes play over and over, and others are hard to hear and envision, others happen too fast for me to get it all down. I’ve had stories pour out in weeks and gotten hung up on the ending because it just wasn’t there yet for me to see. Or I’ve had scenes jump, missing something in the middle and I had to figure out what.
So to answer the question “where do I get my ideas?” your guess is as good as mine.
by Adrienne Wilder
June 15, 2017
319 pages
Andrew Atler has learned the hard way, fiction is far better than real life. In his romance novels the world is safe, predictable, and there is always a happy ending. Best of all, he can safely fall in love and the person will never know. There he can weave a tale of perfect passion plus pay the bills.
Matt Grim flies the colors of Hell’s Legion. When he’s not riding his chopper, he’s working as a bouncer for the Six. Matt’s life consists of drinking, playing in a band, and burning the midnight oil in the dungeon. He lives hard, plays hard, and rides even harder.
Two people who would never be a part of the same EPIC love story.
But sometimes those fairy tale clichés have a way of working magic.
And sometimes…sometimes those happy endings do come true.
Email: Fourpaw at windstream dot net
Georgia born and bred, I am an artist, a writer, and a general pain in the ass.
I spend most of my days working on my next book or designing cover art for other writers. For stress relief I do Olympic lifting and occasionally run (but hate it). I have been in love with writing since I was very young but it wasn’t until recently that I decided to pursue it as a profession.
I have experimented in several genres and found that since I identify as male, male romance has been the most comfortable for me to write. I don’t discriminate in my books. All characters are fair game. I do however, prefer a happy ending at some level.
I don’t write the standard romance book. Some might even argue that what I write isn’t romance at all. Personally, I think of them as love stories, where even in a fantastical world, there are realistic outcomes to the obstacles the characters face.
Many of my books have dark turns and twists where the characters fight for the light at the end of the tunnel. I write action, fist fights, gun fights, downright dirty evil people who have to be stopped, things catch fire, blow up, and fall in. My characters come in a unique range. They are not all good guys, but the majority of them have very good hearts. Many of them have been through hell in their lives, and many of them have a laundry list of faults. But hopefully they manage to surprise you with their tenacity and loyalty.
If all goes well, there will be a myriad of different kinds of books available this year. If I am really lucky, you will enjoy them.
by Adrienne
Releasing in August 2017
No sane man would choose to live in the Alaskan bush unless he had something to hide. And Keegan Brooks has secrets darker than night, more dangerous than wolves, more brutal than an Alaskan winter. Every day for him was survival until he found August Vallory the sole survivor in a downed plane.
It’s no longer just Keegan’s life teetering on the edge of survival.
Now it’s his heart.
Aug 14 Boy Meets Boys Reviews – guest post
Aug 15 Making it Happen – review
Vampy and Racey – review/guest post
Aug 16 The Novel Approach Reviews – guest post
Aug 17 Joyfully Jay – guest post
Aug 18 Jeep Diva – guest post
Aug 21 I Smell Sheep – guest post
Aug 22 Love Unchained – review
Pearls Cast Before a McPig – spotlight
Aug 23 Love Bytes – guest post
Aug 25 Jessie G Books – spotlight
Click here to have a chance to win an ecopy of any Adrienne Wilder book.
Tour Wide Giveaway
$20 amazon gift card
Sound great. Can’t wait to read it! Thanks for the chance.
I’ve read it and really enjoyed it. Congratulations on the release
The book sounds great. I can’t wait to read it.
COngrats on the new book. It sounds like a intriguing read.
I’ve loved all the books I’ve read by Adrienne and I’m really looking forward to these.
this sounds awesome
congrats on the new release
Thanks for sharing about your writing processes.
Thank you for let us know more about you <3