Summer is here, and what better way to relax by the pool than with a steamy romance! I don’t think I’m exaggerating when I say that Sara and Laura’s relationship is hotter than Manhattan in July, and I can’t wait to introduce you to these snarky and sexy ladies. I’ll be touring throughout the week to talk about my new release, Heat Wave, and I hope you’ll follow along. Plus, there’s a pretty sweet prize in it if you do!
“We should go to the beach,” Laura said suddenly.
That snapped Sara out of her forced distraction, and she perked up. Cool water, warm sand, and Laura in a bikini? Yeah, she could go for that.
“I bet there are tons of hot ladies there.”
And the interest faded away again.
It wasn’t that Sara didn’t appreciate a beautiful woman . . . or a beautiful man. But she was hot, and the oppressive humidity made her want to enjoy the shade and take a nap until the worst of the heat burned off in the afternoon. How Laura had the energy to focus on other people, she wasn’t sure.
But the twisting jealousy was starting to take root in her stomach with every passing woman that Laura remarked upon, so she seized on a pause in the conversation to change the subject.
“Hey.” Sara tilted her head up to meet Laura’s gaze. “Why’d you decide to be a makeup artist?”
Laura shifted. “Wow, that’s unexpected. You don’t normally get into the personal questions until you’ve had a few drinks.”
Sara shrugged one shoulder. “Nah, just thinkin’.”
“Well.” Laura seemed to think for a second. “I just grew up with it. My mom was one of those door-to-door saleswomen who sold makeup in the neighborhood, so we always had a ton of samples around. And I guess I like the idea of being able to transform myself and others to look different. I actually went to school for visual effects—y’know, movie makeup and all that.”
“You went to college?”
Laura seemed uncomfortable. “I dropped out after two years.”
Sara rubbed her ankle. “I never went at all.”
“So what makes you bring it up now?”
“I signed up to take a night class at the local college a couple of weeks ago.” She hadn’t talked about it yet with anyone other than Nate and Abby, and George to make sure he didn’t schedule her on those evenings. “Just been thinkin’ lately about what I want to do with my life.”
Laura swung her legs off of Sara’s lap, stretching. She was wearing a tiny green T-shirt that looked about two washes away from dissolving, and when she stretched, the entire thing thinned out over her breasts.
“What do you want to do?”
Laura laughed. “Stop staring at my boobs and pay attention. You started this.”
It wasn’t like anyone could blame Sara for staring; she would bet that half the people in the park had turned to watch Laura stretch all that smooth, pale skin.
“You’re thinking about my boobs again aren’t you?”
Sara shook her head. “No. I was thinking about your question.”
“Which was?”
Sara thought for a moment. Kept thinking. “Okay, fine, I wasn’t paying attention. Ask me again?”
Laura repeated the question, still laughing.
“I guess I want to run a business of my own someday,” Sara finally answered. “I want to be in charge of myself. It’s tough at the diner because I see a dozen things that could be done better—ordering systems that could change so we’re more efficient, accounting practices that would be less time-consuming. But I can’t change anything because it’s not my business.”
“Yeah, I know.” Laura exhaled, shifting to stretch her legs out alongside Sara’s. “I’ve always wanted to own my own business too. Like, my own salon? I could do makeup for weddings or parties or whatever people wanted.”
Sara turned to her in surprise. “So why don’t you do it?”
Laura waved a hand. “That’s why I came out to New York originally, you know? The city where anyone can follow their dreams. And I fell in love with the city, but realized pretty quickly that the dream wasn’t ever going to become a reality.” At Sara’s raised eyebrow, Laura added, “There are a hundred companies just like that in New York already. How would I compete?”
Sara wanted to argue, but she had no idea what it was like to run any business in the city, let alone a salon. Managing the diner sometimes wasn’t exactly a basis for reality.
“Don’t you enjoy working at the theater?”
“Sure.” Laura didn’t sound convinced. “It’s a good job. It pays. And working in theater in New York is its own kind of dream come true. But the work isn’t very challenging, and it’s the same thing night after night. I miss having new opportunities, new problems to solve every day. With the production I feel . . . I don’t know. Stuck in a rut.”
Sara could relate. “Maybe it’s time for a change, then.” There were dozens of other opportunities for a woman with Laura’s talents in New York, after all.
Laura smiled thinly. “Yeah, maybe it is.”
About Heat Wave
Sara Walker’s life is going nowhere fast: she has a job she enjoys but doesn’t love, friends who are too busy to hang out with her, and no boyfriend in sight. Then a phone call on a lonely Friday night changes everything, and suddenly she’s spending her weekends with Laura. Newly single and openly bisexual, Laura makes Sara think decidedly not-straight thoughts.
Laura Murphy, with her red hair, freckles, and killer curves, is any guy’s wet dream. But Laura’s done with guys for now, and it’s Sara who can’t stop dreaming about her. When Sara finally gives in to the curiosity, Laura blows her mind and pushes her further than she’s ever gone before.
But Laura makes it very clear that this is only a rebound fling, and she’s still planning to move to California. She’s more than happy to tie Sara up, but she’s not ready to be tied down. If Sara wants to keep her, she’s going to have to work hard to convince Laura that New York is worth staying for . . . and so is she.
Now available from:
About the Seasons of Love Universe
New York is the city that never sleeps: where everything can change in the blink of an eye, and where anything is possible—especially romance. In the bitter cold of winter or the impossible humidity of mid-summer, your own happily ever after might be right around the corner.
The people of New York come from all walks of life, and the relationships are just as diverse. So whether you’re a waiter or an aspiring actor, a banker or a model, falling in love can happen quicker than the seasons change.
Check out Seasons of Love!
About Elyse Springer
Elyse is an author and world-traveler, whose unique life experiences have helped to shape the stories that she wants to tell. She writes romances with LGBTQ+ characters and relationships, and believes that every person deserves a Happily Ever After. When she’s not staring futilely at her computer screen, El spends her time adding stamps to her passport, catching up on her terrifying TBR list, and learning to be a better adult.
She’s always happy to chat with other readers, and you can find her online at:
- Website:
- Twitter: @ElyseSpringer
- Facebook:
To celebrate the release of Heat Wave, one lucky winner will receive a $10 Amazon gift card! Leave a comment with your contact info to enter the contest. Entries close at midnight, Eastern time, on August 5, 2017. Contest is NOT restricted to U.S. entries. Thanks for following the tour, and don’t forget to leave your contact info!
congrats on the new release
Congrats on the new release, Elyse.
tankie44 at gmail dot com
Congrats on your new book release!
kathleenpower at comcast dot com
Congrats on the new release. I love the title.
debby236 at gmail dot com
Congratulations on the release!
Heat Wave sounds great and I hope the tour is a lot of fun for you
jslbrown2009 at aol dot com
Congrats on the new release!!
oops…contact info…duh
heath0043 at gmail dot com
I like the excerpt!
Thanks for the excerpt!
Thank you for the excerpt =)
humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com
Congrats, Elyse, and thanks for the post. This sounds great. The title and cover go are apropos. I spent a summer in NYC, and indeed it does get hot, but I also loved the shows and jazz clubs. – Purple Reader,
TheWrote [at] aol [dot] com
This is a wonderful series! I’m so happy there’s a new edition to add.