Reviewed by Becca
TITLE: The Awakening
SERIES: Green Room #1
LENGTH: 141 pages
RELEASE DATE: March 19, 2017
What would you do if you found out you were genetically a Vampire? Would you embrace it or run? I have found that power is a strange thing – sometimes it pulls you into places you never knew you would go. I have done things that most have only dreamed of; ran through walls, jumped off buildings but it all seems like folly.
I am what happens when genetics mutate, when the species collide, when the beauty can’t resist the beast. I can’t infect with my kiss, but I can awaken with my seed but only if they are a mutation such as I.
I don’t even know where to begin with this book. Well, yes I do. I hated it. I’m stumbling for words to explain this book and the characters, because all I can think of are the amount of drugs and alcohol that were being used in this book. Not to mention there was an almost rape scene which just irritated me severely. The blurb is nothing like the book. If I had known it would have been this inaccurate I would never have picked it up.
The book is about Eric and his life, as written in a journal. He is telling the story of how he was ‘awakened’ as a vampire and his struggles with his life after. It also shares the lives of his friends that he finds out are like him. The sad part is, all they do is get drunk. They go out and party every night and get drunk. At one point Eric meets a man, as he is trying to get over another, and then they go back to using drugs. (Before he was a vampire, he used but sobered up.) The more he used, the worse of a person he became. He got involved in sex trafficking, and at one point in the story he had sex so hard with a man he literally beat him up. And he was happy about it. The man had to go to the hospital because he was so tore up. He also got so high he would kill or help kill.
The only part about this book I liked was the end. The epilogue. He was saved from all that mess and was working on getting his life turned around. He was sober again and working to make things right. This is not a book I will read again, nor will I read anymore of the series.
Thanks for the honest review.