10 Responses

  1. Kell Ryder
    Kell Ryder at |

    Kindness is something everyone says they want to give, but it rarely happens. I hate when someone does something nice and then says “That’s my good deed for the day.” I mean why would there need to be only one? Try to make everything a nice thing to do.

    Thank you Koti for this post. And thank you also as your kindness has gotten me through some very bad times.

    <3 Timmy

  2. Anna Lund
    Anna Lund at |

    Yes. To all of the above. And kindness is your middle name, Cody. Thank you for being you.

    1. Cody Kennedy
      Cody Kennedy at |

      Thank you, Anna, and right back at you! Kindness is essential.

  3. Jampa
    Jampa at |

    Thank you for this lovely guest post. I truly believe the only thing that will save our world is kindness, universal altruism. And it actually makes life easier — treat everyone with kindness and you don’t have to worry about making exceptions and remembering all those exceptions.

    1. Cody Kennedy
      Cody Kennedy at |

      True, Jampa. I’d like to live in that post-apocalyptic world.

  4. 16forward
    16forward at |

    Congratulations on receiving this award. This means more than a Pulitzer!

    1. Cody Kennedy
      Cody Kennedy at |

      It does! Thank you so very much, 16forward!

  5. ladygodivamagic
    ladygodivamagic at |

    One of the best! Humans as well as blogposts !
    I cannot express with words my feelings for these thoughts, put on paper. Kindness. It costs nothing. Spread it everywhere!
    Thank you Cody for everything that you do. The world is a better place for having you on it. :*

  6. Sara Ella
    Sara Ella at |

    This is so true! You set the example Cody in everything you do and your wonderful stories also share this idea. <3 <3 <3


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