A warm welcome to author M.A Church joining us today here at Love Bytes to talk about new Dreamspinner Press release “Texting, Authorcorrect and a Prius”.
Welcome M.A
Six Things About Me
Coke or Pepsi?
LOL, Coke all the way.
Dog or cat?
Cat! Catcatcatcatcat!!! LOL.
I like cats, can you tell? I’m not a dog person. A rather large dog bit me when I was a small child, and I remember it. Dogs know I’m scared of them. So, of course, if I’m at a friend’s home and they have a dog… the dog glues itself to my side and won’t leave. They want to love all over me, and all I want is for them to just go away!
Then I have to come home and explain myself to Kitty-Kitty. He really doesn’t like me coming in smelling like dog.
What comes first? Title or plot?
Mostly the plot comes first and that triggers a title.
Music while you write or quiet?
Funny you should ask. I used to say no, that it distracted me. Then I did a play list for Be My Human and guess what? I found music! *jumps and down* I will say if I’m having trouble with a section, I take the ear buds out and go to the ol’ standby… silence.
E-books or Print?
Hmmm, boy that’s a hard one. I like the convenience of E-books. I remember the days of having stacks of paperbacks in my walk-in closet that reached the ceiling. But I have to say that nothing beats holding a book in your hand. *grin* Nothing beats seeing your name on the spine, either!
Candy bar or Ice cream?
How about pieces of a candy bar in the ice cream? *grin*
Clay McDonald finds the perfect car on Craigslist and is quick to send the seller a text:
Is your penis still for sale?
AutoCorrect strikes again. Damn—he should’ve proofread. How embarrassing.
Luckily Darrell Anderson, a mechanic and the owner of the Prius, is more amused than offended, and the two men agree to meet. When they do, the attraction is instant, and a date is arranged. But a series of mishaps, misunderstandings, and misplaced assumptions sorely test the new relationship.
In a contemporary romantic comedy about the perils of technology and dating in the modern world, a text that went so wrong might just lead to something so right—but only if Clay can refrain from jumping to conclusions and give love the benefit of the doubt.
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“Are you ready?”
Clay was ready for something—he just wasn’t sure what. He returned the cards to his wallet. “Yeah, I’m ready.”
“Then let’s do this.”
Clay followed Darrell back outside, and Darrell handed him the keys again. Clay sat in the driver’s seat and started the car, pleased to see it started with no problems. He’d been watching closely when Darrell backed it out of his garage. He was glad to see there was no smoke and he didn’t hear any funny noises.
“Okay, do you know your way around out here?” Darrell asked when they reached the end of his driveway.
“Not really. I’ve been out this way only a couple times.”
“No problem.” Darrell looked both ways. “Take a right here and then take another right at the next stop sign.”
Clay followed Darrell’s directions.
“We’ll go a couple miles and then take another right,” Darrell said. “About a mile and take another right. We’re basically going to make a loop and end up back here. There’s a stretch where you can open her up too.”
Clay tried not to squirm in his seat. The sexual innuendos were killing him.
M.A. Church is a true Southern belle who spent many years in the elementary education sector. Now she spends her days lost in fantasy worlds, arguing with hardheaded aliens on far-off planets, herding her numerous shifters, or trying to tempt her country boys away from their fishing poles. It’s a full time job, but hey, someone’s gotta do it!
When not writing, she’s on the back porch tending to the demanding wildlife around the pond in the backyard. The ducks are very outspoken. She’s married to her high school sweetheart, and they have two grown children.
She is a member of Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers of America.
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