5 Responses

  1. heath0043
    heath0043 at |

    Good luck with the book! I have suffered with depression for years, so I can relate with what you went through. I am so happy you worked through many of your problems and you are in a better place. I never read the first book, but after reading about this one I am looking forward to reading both.

    1. SJ Himes
      SJ Himes at |

      Thank you! It’s been a tough road to travel but I’m making it one day at a time. I hope you enjoy the books. <3

  2. embracetherainbowbooktours
    embracetherainbowbooktours at |

    Thank you so much for the post xxx

  3. SJ Himes
    SJ Himes at |

    Thank you for having us! <3

  4. 16forward
    16forward at |

    Love the sounds of this! Thank you for reviewing it!


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