Welcome back to Love Bytes! It’s great to see you again! Elpída, the third and final book in the Elpída Series, is now out and comes to you from Harmony Ink Press!
Today, Timmy Ashton interviews the characters from Elpída. This is the second part of a two-part post. Read the first part here. Join me in welcoming Timmy, Michael, Jake, Sophia, Thimi, Christy, and Zero to Love Bytes!
Timmy: Thanks for joining me today, guys. Thimi, it’s great to see you back here again. You’re being very brave.
Thimi: *holds his pad and pen up*
Timmy: *smiles* You came prepared. That’s really cool. I see you also brought someone with you. Can you introduce him?
Thimi: *shakes head ‘no’*
Melos: Hey Timmy, it’s nice to meet you. My name’s Mel and I’m Thimi and Zero’s counselor at Wellington Ranch, and I’m excited that Thimi invited me to join you.
Timmy: Nice to meet you, Mel. Thanks for joining us. You too, Zero. Thanks for coming again.
Zero: *nods once*
Timmy: This is pretty exciting. I’ve never had a chance to talk to you all at once and I can’t wait to hear what you have to say. Now that the book is out, readers have met Thimi and Zero, and have had a chance to see how complicated starting a new life can be for an abused person.
Michael: Seriously.
Christy: This is true. It is very hard.
Timmy: It is, and we can’t do it unless we know someone is in our corner 100%. So, if it’s all right, I want to start with a question for all of you. How do you feel now that your whole story is out there for everyone one to read? Michael, let’s start with you.
Michael: Thanks for having us. Well, I’m okay with it, except, well, it’s a little weird to have your entire life exposed for the world to see. Especially the intimate parts.
Christy: *blushes furiously*
Michael: *one-arm hugs Christy* But I think what we’ve gone through and what we will go through is really important. The world needs to know about this stuff so they can help other kids in the same circumstances.
Jake: Michael’s right. As far as I know, there are no other books out there that describe lives like ours. It’s hard to help someone who has been through what Christy and Thimi and even Zero have been through. And I think our story helps people understand them, what they’ve been through, and what we can do.
Sophia: I agree. I think the story also shows people that at times there are no perfect answers and that is okay too. Simply be a good friend and do the best you can to support someone who has endured this sort of horror.
Melos: I think the most important thing to learn from a story like this is that everyone out there can do something to help. Too often people want to whisper inaccurate assumptions and turn away from people who have been victimized. This story shows you that you can help, you can be a good friend. You only need to get involved.
Timmy: How do you do that, Mel? I mean, each of us has different PTSD symptoms. And can’t just expect people to guess what they are and put up with them. What do you recommend?
Melos: The number one thing to do, no matter who you are, doesn’t matter if you’re kin, a friend, a neighbor, a teacher, a counselor, is be a good listener. If you listen, you learn. That will give you ideas about how to help. And that is what these boys need most. People who genuinely want to help them live their new lives to the fullest. Over time, they’ll show you what they need, even if they can’t verbalize it.
Michael: That’s seriously true. And I’d add watching. When I don’t know what to do, I watch Christy’s face. I can tell right away if he’s uncomfortable, or if something has made him happy.
Melos: That’s right, Michael. Watching is very important and you’ve become almost an expert at Christy face.
Christy: Pardon, Melos. I would like to ask the question. What is the Christy face?
Jake: *chuckles* He means that Michael is good at reading your expressions, little buddy.
Melos: That’s what I meant, Christy.
Christy: There is not the problem with my face?
Michael: *one-arm hugs Christy* No, babe. There is nothing wrong with your face. You’re gorgeous. I want to add something else. People like Christy and Thimi and Zero need a lot of reassurance. Most of them *pause* They live in fear. Fear is their number one feeling. So new things scare them. They haven’t been exposed to the outside world. They need help with simple things like new sounds, new smells, new tastes, what you’re supposed to do in different circumstances, and reading people’s expressions. That kind of stuff. So you really need to help them with the basics as well as with living life to the fullest.
Melos: *grins* Rob’s right, Michael. You need to become a psychologist.
Jake: *cracks up* Wait for it….
Michael: No way.
Jake: Boom! There it is.
*soft laughter from the audience*
Timmy: Christy, how about you? What do you think of your story being out there?
Christy: It is good except for the breakup of Michael with me. I did not wish this to happen. It is not nice of the author to write this.
Timmy: *smiles* I totally get that. Mean author. Thimi, your story is just beginning. Are you happy with it so far?
Thimi: *looks at Christy*
Christy: It is okay to give the honest answer.
Thimi: *whispers to Christy*
Christy: Okay, I answer for him. He does not like that the people know he is twelve and has problems with nightmares, vomiting, and wet the pants. He believes these are the problems of the small child. I explain I am like this until I am eighteen. It is normal for the person who has the trauma. Rob also has the special pants for this and he does not need to feel the embarrassment.
Michael: *points at Christy with both index fingers* Truth. You can’t help what other people did to you. Your job is to worry about your future. That stuff goes away with time.
Jake: What Michael said.
Timmy: Zero? Your story is also just beginning. What do you think of it being out there?
Zero: *shrugs* There’s nothing special about it.
Sophia: That is not true. Everyone is special in their own way and everyone has a unique story, and we want to hear yours.
Zero: *glances at Sophia* Whatever.
Melos: How about you say somethin’ positive.
Zero: *shoots Mel an irritated look* I like being at Wellington and I like these guys.
*applause from the audience*
Melos: *holds hand up for a high five and only Christy slaps it gently*
Timmy: *smiles* Michael, you met and fell in love with Christy right away. Your lives have been kind of crazy since you met, and things are finally calming down for you and Christy. Then, along comes Thimi and things get rocky again. What are your feelings about Thimi?
Michael: My heart seriously goes out to the guy. Knowing what Christy has gone through has really opened my eyes to human cruelty. We talk about things like cruelty to animals, but you really don’t know how bad it is unless you’re living it. For me, just knowing all that Christy has been through is evil-wicked. To deal with the effects of it on a daily basis is brutal, and it makes you realize how much people need each other. I’m glad I can be here for Christy and Thimi, and I’ll do everything I can to help Thimi.
Jake: Hear, hear. We’ll stop at nothing to help them.
*thunderous applause from the audience*
Timmy: Are you jealous of the time that Christy spends with Thimi, and how close they are?
Michael: *thinks for a moment* I was at first, but then I realized I was being stupid. It’s no different than me and Jake. We’re like brothers and joined at the hip, and I’m glad Christy and Thimi have each other.
Timmy: Do you think you and Christy will get married and have kids one day?
Michael: *face flushes crimson*
Jake: *cracks up* Answer the question, bro.
Michael: Don’t help, man.
Sophia: Of course they will.
Christy: This is the question for Michael, not you, Sophia.
Michael: *puts an arm around Christy* Right now we’re taking it one day at time. We’re going to get through college and then we’ll figure out what we want to do with our lives.
Timmy: Christy?
Christy: *red-faced* It is the requirement of the parents of Michael to have the grandchildren. *glances at Michael* So, like this, I believe we must.
Michael: It’s up to us, not them.
Christy: I believe we will have the nagging if we do not supply the grandchildren.
Jake: Smart man. The parental units will nag us to death.
Thimi: *leans in and whispers to Christy*
Christy: You would not be one of the children. You would be the uncle.
Thimi: *eyes widen*
Michael: We’ll figure it out after college.
Timmy: This question is for you, Sophia. How does it feel to have a brother you didn’t know you had?
Sophia: It is a wonderful surprise! Christy is the best brother anyone could ask for. *leans over and kisses Christy’s cheek*
Christy: *blushes furiously* It is the good surprise.
Jake: Michael and Christy are the best bros anyone could ask for.
Thimi: *leans in and whispers to Christy*
Christy: You and Zero are the small brother.
Thimi: *eyes widen*
Zero: Not me.
Melos: Positive?
Zero: *glares at Mel* What? I don’t want any brothers.
Christy: Okay, like this, Zero, you are the good friends.
Zero: *gestures to Christy* See? He doesn’t care.
Christy: It is not that I do not care. It is that I wish you to be comfortable with us.
Melos: *gestures to Christy*
Zero: Whatever.
*quiet laughter from the audience*
Timmy: Okay. Thimi and Zero, this question is for both of you. If you guys could have a day to do anything you wanted to do, what would you choose to do?
Thimi: C-carousel.
Zero: *gestures to Thimi* The waterfront is cool. I like marbles too.
Thimi: *nods enthusiastically*
Timmy: Anything else?
Thimi: Eat.
Zero: *gestures to Thimi* Food is über cool. Candy is even better.
Thimi: *nods enthusiastically* B-bears.
Timmy: That’s right. You have a serious thing for Gummy Bears.
Thimi: *nods enthusiastically again* Sleep.
Zero: *gestures to Thimi again* Without nightmares.
Thimi: *nods enthusiastically again* N-no dreams. The b-bath.
Zero: Seriously. Being dirty sucks.
Timmy: I agree with all of that. Not being hungry all the time anymore, having a safe place to sleep where no one is going to hurt you, and to get to bathe everyday, these things are like miracles at first. Jake, this question is for you. How do you see your future with Sophia working out?
Jake: Great.
Sophia: *laughs softly* We are very different, but we complement each other, and I believe it will make our life together interesting.
Jake: Isn’t she a babe? She’s the best girlfriend anyone could ask for. *high-fives Michael*
*thunderous applause from the audience*
Timmy: Can you or do you read? And if so what is your favorite book?
Michael: Ómorphi.
Christy: I like all the books, but without the breakup of Michael with me.
Michael: Glad that book’s behind us.
Jake: Thárros. Prom was the best.
Sophia: *smiles at Jake* I believe the stories are not fully told. The author should finish the trilogy in five parts.
*laughter from the audience*
Thimi: *nods enthusiastically*
Timmy: Thimi? Zero?
Thimi: *whispers to Christy*
Christy: Thimi likes Elpída because it is the hope book.
Zero: I haven’t read ‘em.
Melos: Zero hasn’t been in school for most of his life. He’s just now learning to read. He’s a fast learner and I’d be willin’ to bet he’ll have the trilogy read before the author finishes the next book.
Zero: *glares at Mel*
Melos: Not knowing how to do something is real common for everybody and nothin’ to be afraid of because you can always learn it.
Timmy: I totally agree with that, Mel. Once I was out of my situation, I learned a lot of things really fast. Christy, I have a question for you. What would you like the whole world to know about abused people?
Christy: *one-brow frown in action* For the people like us, never give up the hope. For the people who do not have the abuse history, do not give up on the people who are like us. We need the hope of you too.
*thunderous applause from the audience*
Michael: *one-arm hugs Christy* Best answer ever, babe!
Jake: Copy that! *high-fives Michael*
Timmy: Great answer, Christy. Thanks for joining me today, guys. This has been great. I hope everyone reads these interviews. They’re important.
*thunderous applause from the audience and standing ovation*
A special thank you to Timmy who worked hard to write these interview questions. You’re the best, big guy! Thank you to all of you who have taken the time to ready Timmy’s interviews, the books, and for supporting youth victims of abuse. See you back here next month on Sunday, July 17th!
About Elpída
Michael and Christy attended prom, graduated high school, and Michael leads the USATF tryouts. With Oxford University on the horizon, his future looks bright and he believes life has returned to normal after Christy’s rescue. He couldn’t be more wrong.
Christy has been free from a life of slavery for more than a year and made remarkable progress due in no small part to the love he found with Michael. But the recent prosecution of a past abuser has shattered the life he so painstakingly built out of nothing but a mountain of horror. He now faces the daunting task of building a new life—yet again.
Twelve-year-old Thimi has been missing since Christy left Greece and, unbeknownst to everyone, has hidden out in a vacant mansion in Glyfada. Learning of Christy’s survival is the only thing that brings him out of hiding. People, open spaces, even the most common of sounds frighten him beyond reason. A mere ghost of a boy, Thimi arrives in the US with no knowledge of the outside world—the only constant in his life a purple marble.
Lost, shattered, and afraid, only hope gives them the strength and courage they need to begin anew.
Order Elpída now at Harmony Ink Press!
Also available at Dreamspinner Press, Amazon, Barnes & Noble, iBooks, GooglePlay, & Kobo
About Cody Kennedy
Cody is an author who lives, most of the time, on the east coast of the United States. Cody also writes adult mystery thrillers, fantasy, science fiction, and romance as Aisling Mancy.
Raised on the mean streets and back lots of Hollywood by a Yoda-look-alike grandfather, Cody doesn’t conform, doesn’t fit in, is epic awkward, and lives to perfect a deep-seated oppositional defiance disorder. In a constant state of fascination with the trivial, Cody contemplates such weighty questions as If time and space are curved, then where do all the straight people come from? When not writing, Cody can be found taming waves on western shores, pondering the nutritional value of sunsets, appreciating the much-maligned dandelion, unhooking guide ropes from stanchions, and marveling at all things ordinary.
Cody’s Facebook, Twitter @CodyKAuthor, Pinterest, Tumblr, Google+, Ello,
Goodreads, Medium, Booklikes, and read my free serial story, Fairy.
Pssst. Click on the captioned title of each book to read the first chapter!

[…] Monthly Author Post, Cody Kennedy: Timmy Ashton Interviews the Characters from Elpída! (Part 2) […]
Great interview!!
Another fantastic interview Timmy!! Shared o my timeline. Thoughtful questions .. heartwarming responses. Hopefully everyone will learn from Codys books & these informative interviews. All of you are Exceptional!
That was an awesome interview TImmy!
I really, really loved this. Excellent interview, Timmy!!!
So much good information
This is an awesome interview Timmy!
Brilliant questions. Really made me think. Well done!
I enjoy these interviews so much. They are both fun and a learning experience. Great job Timmy
I loved this! What a lot of fun you must have had pulling this off.
Great interview, Timmy!!
Such a great interview! The questions were perfect, Timmy!