Wow, I almost forgot to do my author post, now I’m slipping it in while it is still May 31st in the US!
What a rocky road I’ve had since my last update. I was riding high back in March when I did my first author post. If you remember, I had just published my m/m ghost novella, My Name Was Karl on Amazon and things looked great. I had two other books with signed contracts at a publisher and things were looking up. I even included this in my last author post:
As a side note, can I just say how exciting it is for me as a new author to be able to say ‘my publisher’! Giddy is the word that comes to mind.
Then that publisher had a melt down and announced to the entire world that she wouldn’t read a book by a gay man. Added to some other extremely distasteful rants on various blogs and venues, she quickly proved herself to not be someone I wanted to personally do business with… like at all. I requested my rights back and received them immediately, for which I was thankful. Many other authors cautioned me that it might be difficult. I appreciate that publisher realizing we were not a good fit.
Now I’m waiting to hear back from another publisher on both of those books. They said it would be 3 weeks, and I think it has been 3 1/2, so of course, now I’m overthinking it! I’ll keep you posted on those. I also have a third and final book in that trilogy about half written, so it is keeping me busy on my free days.
I don’t have as many of those any more because I also decided about a month ago to go back to work full time. I’ve been out of work on disability from a major health issue for 3 years, but was ready. That has been going great… at least until last evening when I turned into Superman and launched myself into the air after tripping over one of those concrete tire stop things you see in parking spaces. I’ve been by it hundreds of times, but last night I stubbed my toe and next thing I knew I was flying through the air and crashing to the hot Sanibel Island asphalt. No broken bones, but darn am I sore!
So here I am, bruised from the potholes, and the Superman thing. That’s it for scenes from Dan’s new writer road this month. See you again at the end of July!
If you’re a new author, or a wannabe author, take my advice. Do it! I actually got my first small dribbles from Amazon this month for March sales on the novella. It definitely won’t make me rich, but if you’re thinking you’re going to get wealthy writing you’re living in a dream world anyway. Do it because it is fun, or you have something to say, or because the voices in your head demand it, or whatever your driver is…
Aloha Dan
Glad to see you well.. nearly up on deck again… Just the odd wee thing.
Hope that mends quickly. You poor wee button.
That is dreadful on the publisher. How absolutely horrifying. I wish there was a way to name them because that’s completely unacceptable. How to go out of business in one easy lesson. Not to mention how bigoted and downright revolting it is. I’m sorry. They really aren’t all like that. There are some really good ones out there.
I hope you get accepted soon and are with a much better, more professional and probably much more successful publisher.
Take care. Aloha Meg
Thanks Meg! I didn’t name the publisher here, but if you look at my March 31st post, I was raving about them at the time… by name. If you type Mitton in the little search box up there on the right hand side of the page, it should pop right up. Sad that it happened and set me back, but hopefully I end up in a better place! Thanks for commenting!
Good riddance to bad rubbish! May all your days be bright from here on out… unless you enjoy rain… and then may you have it in equal amounts!