When the flames start to spark, Dale and Al, knotch it up even beyond their own beliefs.
Title: Play Chopin for Me
Author: Max Vos
Release Date: May 13, 2017
Publisher: Max Vos, Inc.
Categories: M/M Romance & Fiction
After a devastating fire, Dale Lusk shows up at his sister’s door in nothing but his boxers and a raincoat, desperately needing her help. Losing both his restaurant and home has left Dale without direction or a place to live.
While pushing her handsome brother into a new wardrobe to match his model looks, Chrissie introduces Dale to Al Borkowski. Al is in desperate need of a roommate before his grandmother takes more control of his life.
Little did Chrissie know when she pushed the two men together the sparks that would fly and the changes that would happen in all of their lives.
“Uh… something smells good.” Chrissie and Dale both looked towards the stairs to see Al standing there. “Hi, Al.” Chrissie stood up. “Let me get you a glass of wine. Dale has the best nose for putting wines with food. I’m sure there is more than enough. He always makes too much food.” Al walked towards the two hesitantly. “I don’t want to intrude.” “Nonsense.” Chrissie poured Al a glass of wine. “I think you’ll be able to fully appreciate my brother’s moving in now.”
Grand Prize: $20 Amazon Gift Card
2 e-copies of Play Chopin for Me
Max Vos is a classically trained chef with over 30 years of food service experience. After retiring in 2011, Max found himself with time on his hands and was urged to turn his talents to writing. ‘Cooking English’, a short story, now part of his anthology collection, Inappropriate Roads, is now available. My Hero was his first novel, which turned into an international best seller. Max now has a total of six completed novels, which are listed on his website, along with the entire Memories Series. My Hero: The Olympian, the sequel to My Hero was released late last year.
Max can be reached at
RAM PA Group | May 15 | https://www.rampagroup2.com |
Bookslaidbareboys | May 15 | http://www.books-laid-bare-boys.com |
WickedGoodReads | May 16 | http://wgreads.wordpress.com |
Bonkers about books | May 16 | http://felinewyvern.blogspot.co.uk |
Books all things paranormal and romance | May 17 | https://www.facebook.com/Booksallthingsparanormalandromance/ |
MJ’s Book Blog and Reviews | May 17 | https://www.facebook.com/MJsBookBlogandReviews/ |
Book Reviews & More by Kathy | May 18 | http://www.bookreviewsandmorebykathy.com/ |
Nicole’s Book Musings | May 18 | http://nicolesbookmusings.blogspot.com/ |
Love Bytes Reviews | May 19 | https://www.lovebytesreviews.com/ |
Bayou Book Junkie | May 19 | http://bayoubookjunkie.blogspot.com |
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Congratulations on your new book! I love the cover and the story sounds fantastic. Thank you for the excerpt and giveaway chance.
Hi Max. This new book sounds great. I added it to my TBR list. The cover is really catching which led me to look into it before even reading a blurb. Good luck.
Such an intriguing story line. I can close my eyes and hear the soft piano music… Good luck with the release. It’s sure to be a best seller.
Congrats on the new book! It sounds wonderful =)
He Max!! This sounds like a wonderful book.
Sounds like a good read, adding to list.