3 Responses

  1. Trix
    Trix at |

    Sigh, the party sounds awesome (and you *know* Phryne herself couldn’t have rocked that dress any better). Looking forward to BLUE!

  2. 16forward
    16forward at |

    Love the cocktail dress and the dapper dude with you! So smart looking.

    Good luck with ‘Blue’ and his release. Love his photo too!

  3. Purple Reader
    Purple Reader at |

    I’m all about goal setting. Did you meet your daily quota today with this post? Another question, if you write over 1,000, do you get to apply the surplus to the next day? Now, a more serious question. What if you’re at a spot where it requires a lot or research time, so you can’t write as much. Research is an important part of the process, so you don’t want to shirk (good lord, you might pick the wrong car model!). I do believe that research helps make a story real for me, so more power to you.


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