10 Responses

  1. Tanja
    Tanja at |

    Thank you for your post, Jeff. Yes the juggling act is very difficult at times. But having multiple interests also keeps life interesting.
    Maybe your having difficulties keeping time management on your own projects is more difficult than in your day job is because they are your own projects. When you have an outside job to do you act differently than you might do for your own.
    Good luck with all. And congrats on your upcoming release.

    1. Jeff Adams (@WriterJeffAdams)
      Jeff Adams (@WriterJeffAdams) at |

      You make a great point, Tanja! It is different managing other people’s projects than my own. Maybe I need to find a different way to keep myself in line 😉

  2. 16forward
    16forward at |

    ‘Flipping for Him’ was so good! I’m mentally preparing myself for my next ‘Adams’ book…

    1. Jeff Adams (@WriterJeffAdams)
      Jeff Adams (@WriterJeffAdams) at |

      Thanks 16forward! I’m glad you liked “Flipping for Him.” Shin and Kevin are among my very favorite couples that I’ve created. I hope you enjoy “Somewhere on Mackinac” when it comes out.

  3. Purple Reader
    Purple Reader at |

    Thanks for sharing your juggling act. I have to admit, even in talking about it you sounded like a project manager. But that’s good, because you have to wear at least two hats to succeed, the creative writing one, and one for managing and promoting the business. I myself have done some project mgt. training. So I was wondering what project mgt. tools have you found help you the most in managing your small bus. project? And good luck with your new releases and ventures.

    1. Jeff Adams (@WriterJeffAdams)
      Jeff Adams (@WriterJeffAdams) at |

      For my business, there’s usually a master calendar where the overall schedule is and then a daily/weekly list of what has to get done. I don’t get as hardcore as creating a MS Project schedule or anything like that (although maybe that would help).

  4. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    Thank you for the post Jeff. I can understand trying to juggle many things and trying to keep it all together and on point. Of course, you also want to make some time for fun and enjoyable activities. It’ll take some time but you’ll find your groove and everything will feel more natural.

    1. Jeff Adams (@WriterJeffAdams)
      Jeff Adams (@WriterJeffAdams) at |

      Thanks, H.B. You’re right… things to always settle into a groove at some point 🙂

  5. Trix
    Trix at |

    At least the life-work balance will give you plenty of material, even if it’s hard to do…

    1. Jeff Adams (@WriterJeffAdams)
      Jeff Adams (@WriterJeffAdams) at |

      And that is the most important thing! New material for stories.


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