Reviewed by Sarina
TITLE: World’s Collide
SERIES: Sanctuary #7
AUTHOR: R.J. Scott
PUBLISHER: Love Lane Books
LENGTH: 199 pages
RELEASE DATE: July 2, 2013
It is the day after New Years and Dale is en route back to Albany in a private jet with Emily Bullen. She is coming back home after turning states evidence on her husband Senator Thomas Bullen.
What no one factored in, not Sanctuary or the FBI, was the lengths Griffin Ryland would go to in the effort to protect himself.
Joseph finds out Dale is in trouble and it is only with the help of his team of SEALs that he can make sure Dale is safe and that Griffin Ryland can’t cause any more trouble.
A snowy New Years, a deserted airport and a hostage situation with people already dead and suddenly the worlds of Sanctuary and the SEALs collide, with terrifying consequences.
Then, two weeks alone at a resort, falling deeper in love leave the two men with decisions to make and suddenly there is the chance to make forever a possibility.
…And with this, all of the loose ends and last minute things associated with the Bullen case is finally complete! I was actually absurdly excited to read this because A) the set up sounded great and B) it features a couple from a previous book and I wanted to see how they were doing. Dale and Joseph were first introduced as main characters back in the second book of the Sanctuary series and, at the time, I found the story good but their relationship and declarations of love rather unbelievable. I was really hoping that this time around I would see something that would make seeing them together seem right instead of a bit farfetched and, happily, I can say that the author managed to pull that off for me.
The first part of the book starts off with a near literal bang and was great! I loved the action and how Joseph’s team rally around him to go help Dale when they don’t even know him. The bonds between the SEALS was completely apparent and I loved getting to see Joseph in action and more in his element than the first time around. Seeing him and together when it was over was sweet and Dale’s actions said more than words ever could in that instance. Dale’s job taking care of Emily Bullen is fairly short and wraps up with a little more than half of the book to go; honestly, while I would’ve loved more action and getting to see Joseph in his element, I was glad to see the final pieces of this storyline put to rest. The remainder of the book focuses on just Joseph and Dale reconnecting after too much time apart while Joseph faces some tough choices in regards to his future.
This was a really good way to wrap everything up with Bullen’s; I got some action, some hot one on one time with Joseph and Dale and plenty of sweet heartwarming moments that made me smile. I actually get these two together now in a way I didn’t before and I enjoyed seeing them reconnect more than I did watching as they initially got together. The book wrapped things up nicely in the series so far but if you haven’t read the previous books, it won’t make as much sense to you.