Reviewed by Becca
TITLE: Best Gay Erotica of the Year Volume 2: Warlords and Warriors
EDITOR: Rob Rosen
PUBLISHER: Cleis Press
LENGTH: 264 pages
RELEASE DATE: December 13, 2016
Enter a world of definitive men: strong-bodied, animalistic creatures consumed by immediate desires. Within this collection of the hottest gay erotica of the year, you’ll meet commanding Roman legionnaires, dashing Britannic thieves, lithe Egyptian royal guards, and ice-impervious Vikings who fight for what they want – to fully conquer other men, both on the battlefield and in their beds. From stories of men who inhabit sweeping vistas, to those in landscapes lost to the ravages of time, to tales of wanderers who will do anything to fulfill their overbearing need to feel one male body against another, the adventure and eroticism of the Best Gay Erotica of the Year, Volume 2: Warlords & Warriors anthology will leave you reveling and ready for more.
This was an anthology of short stories (about 20 pages each) full of war and sex. Overall, I give this anthology 3.5 stars. Individually, the problem I had with these stories is that some of them seemed to be not enough for me. I love short stories but I need the story to have some depth. These left me wanting more details. How did the characters end up? Did they have a happily ever after? Were there problems because some were enemies? Did they have problems because of their professions? Some in the stories were thieves and captives or slaves while have hot sex with guards and their captors. Did they fall in love? Or were their differences too much?
PLEASE NOTE: There may be some spoilers.
Athens Nochua by Rhidian Brenig Jones
In this first story, Lucius is captured and given as a prize to his sworn enemy, who is the King’s son, after a duel. The son, Llyr, and his boyfriend, act on their list for Lucius and have a three- way. Then Llyr banishes Lucius from his sight. The story left me hanging. What happened to Lucius after he was banished? Did Llyr miss him and their chemistry?
2.5 stars
Dragon’s Son by Evey Brett
Shirou loses his father and is left in charge of the kingdom in the middle of a war. After falling for the physician, he decides he wants more from life. He surrenders to the enemy and leaves with his beloved, Kenji. This story was sweet. It made me happy that it seemed like a happily ever after despite the war.
3.5 stars
To the Victor by Salome Wilde
In this short story, a tyrannical overlord is overthrown. He is visited by his captor and the chemistry Sparks. They have steamy sex and decide to try to put their differences aside to be together. This story, to me, shows how to let bygones be bygones and move forward into the future. The sex was smoking hot.
3 stars
Captives by Richard Michael’s
Even though they tried to be careful, a captive and a guard were seen by someone as the captive gave the guard a blowjob. The guard was imprisoned and they decide to make the most of the situation before sentencing by having incredible sex in front of everyone. And then they are sentenced. The story leaves you hanging. It doesn’t say how they were sentenced just that they walked toward their punishment. Well what happened? Were the exiled or executed?
3.5 stars for the sex
The Orkney Landing by Brent Archer
A Viking couple capture a slave and use him for everything, including sex. As time goes on they fall in love with each other. Even though the guy was a slave it was sweet how the fell for each other and how things changed between them all. The slave became an equal and love made everything good.
3 stars
Rise Up by B. Snow
A Jewish spy and a resistance leader find love in war torn WWII. Years later, after they escape, they are still in love and together. I loved this story because in spite of Hitler and the Germans, they refused to give up their love. Love always prevails.
3.5 stars
A Time for Thieves by Eric Del Carlo
A thief and a guard find gold and hot sex and decide to start a new life together far away. This was another story that left you wanting more. Where did they go? Could the guard trust the thief? Did they this change his ways? Could they fall in love with their differences?
3 stars
More Use Alive by Jonathan Asche
Romans capture a Gothic warrior. They fall in love and switch roles in order to be free and run away together. Since they fell in love so fast, did they stay together? Or was it just adrenaline from the war? Or was it love at first sight?
3 stars
A Long Way Home by Richard May
A Persian couple have one last sexcapade before one says goodbye to save the other. I didn’t like this one because to save him he slept with the King and made a deal. He also uses his lover for sex and just leaves him. If you really love someone, fight for them. And not with sex.
2.5 stars
The Boy He Left Behind by Shepherd
Josie loses Zeke to war. Zeke used Josie badly but Josie claims to love him. As Josie grieves he finds new love in the unlikeliest of places; a hurt enemy by the name of Duncan. This story ended so sweet because Josie realized he found true love and not what he thought was love. I liked that.
3 stars
Gifted by A.R. Bell
Two leaders circle around each other for 5 years before finally succumbing and being together. This one was just so funny. One hated having to wait so long and the other was waiting til he came of age. The quips these two pass back and forth made this short hilarious. And the chemistry was great.
3.5 stars
Redbone’s Man by Xavier Axelson
A warlord and a spy find love. Parts of this story were just crude to me but that was the way of slaves and prisoners then and now. They were treated like such trash. I had a hard time with this story because of it.
2 stars
For All Eternity by Rob Rosen
Two slaves get granted forever in eternity together. This one made me cry a little because they were so happy to be together forever. They were given a second chance at love by the Pharaoh.
3.5 stars
Mojave by Dale Chase
War heroes find love. This one just needed more to for me to feel fulfilled. What happened to the characters? Did they have a good life or was the war too much?
2 stars
All stories have a high steamy sex rating!