7 Responses

  1. Harper Miller
    Harper Miller at |

    “Don’t force it. It’ll show. Readers will be able to pick up on it. They’re a savvy bunch. Step back. Walk away. Work on something different. Come back to it with fresh eyes, and chances are, you’ll figure out the problem.”

    Agreed! And I happen to be one of those people who thinks Fuck Yeah! would look great on a book cover lol. I’m biased though. #teampottymouth

  2. 16forward
    16forward at |

    Great photo! It made me smile….

  3. Colette Flaherty
    Colette Flaherty at |

    Waiting for Saturday 🙂

  4. Wintersong
    Wintersong at |

    I will *definitely* be referring to it as the “Destiny Fuck Yeah!” series from here on out!

  5. Tess
    Tess at |

    I’ve come across a few books that felt forced, I’m so glad you don’t try to force the book but let it flow through you 😉

    And yes, “Destiny, Fuck yeah” SHOULD be the title of that series 😁

  6. Becky
    Becky at |

    Clearly “they” don’t know you try to sneak the word “fisting” into almost every book. What else would it be called *but* Destiny, Fuck Yeah.

  7. Nonexisted
    Nonexisted at |

    Is it bad that in a way I’m glad you’re hitting these walls for chance of you writing us more books along the way? I’m sorry, but sending you all the good vibes and can’t wait to read Olive Juice.


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