Hi everyone!
I hope life is treating you kind!
Me, I am busy with work , family and blogging so what’s new! 
I have some winners to share with you:
batchelorboy, who won the Christina Bruni giveaway
Daine, who won the amazon gc donated by Brandon Witt
Lee, who won the amazon giftcard offered by Lane Hayes
Didi, who won the Riptide store credit
Dee and Diane who won Z.Allora’s giveaway
Jess who won Victoria Temple’s giveaway
Trix who won A.F Henley’s giveaway
Ginger who won a backlist title from Ariel Tachna
I am also busy, together with the other organizers, working on Euro Pride Con in Berlin this year. As June is quickly approaching we are trying to fill in an interesting and exciting program for our attendees. There are still a few spots left so you can still join in the fun
I also have great news for 2018! I just signed off on a fabulous deal for EPC 2018! More news on that coming in June
We are getting close to April and that means Love Bytes is going to be doing some serious celebrating!
We are celebrating our 4 year anniversary and I am currently working my way to just exactly how we’re going to be doing that this year. No spoilers yet, but I can tell you this, you might want to check in on the weekends in the month of April
Finally on a more serious note. I normally don’t share things like this, but as this concerns one of “our” own, meaning a dear friend of mine and fellow Love Bytes reviewer. I decided that for once it would be okay to ask for some attention for this.
If you have a minute, click on the link below and read the story about Dan and his husband Steve and what they are fighting up against.
Kick Steve’s Cancer to the Curb
Till next time,
Hugs and Love
Thank you Brandon Witt! Gift cards rock!
Dani, a US friend has suggested that dan and Steve go on local media for publicity and help in what’s going on.
[…] found in readers. Readers keep me focused and help me keep my eye on the ball. By way of example, Dani wants Liam’s story (from Safe), Lis wants Nicos’s story (from the Elpída series), Michael […]