A warm welcome to author CC Bridges joining us today to talk about new release “Love in the Time of Hurricanes”, part of the States of Love Collection.
Welcome CC
As I write this, it’s an unseasonably warm February here in New Jersey. It’s the kind of weather that makes me want to go to the Boardwalk. For locals, this is the best time to head to the beach. It’s quiet, and you can enjoy the smell of the ocean, the crisp bite of the wind, and the solid feel of the wood beneath your feet.
I was so happy I was able to write for Dreamspinner’s States of Love series. Now I get to share a glimpse of my favorite place with all of you. In “Love in the Time of the Hurricanes,” you get a glimpse of one of the shore towns during the beginning of winter.
Last summer, I took some pictures of my inspiration. These are some images of the rebuilt boardwalk, after both Sandy, and the fire that happened almost a year later.
As a special thank you for checking out my post, I’m doing a giveaway of a $10 Dreamspinner gift certificate! (That way you can get Love in the Time of Hurricanes, and one of my other works as well!) Entries close on March 31st!
The night Nick Henderson storms into Martelli’s Pizzeria, he’s just looking for something to eat. Along with dinner, he finds Lou Martelli—pizza cook extraordinaire and Jersey Shore native. Nick is renting a Shore house for the winter while taking classes at the local community college as he devises a way to escape the accounting major his father chose for him.
When Lou offers to show Nick around, heat flares between them as they realize they have more in common than domineering families. But it’s not all fun and games on the boardwalk. Hurricane Sandy blows ashore, changing the place Nick was starting to think of as home. His peace is shattered, and it will take everything he has to keep his relationship with Lou from being torn apart by the storm brewing around them.
States of Love: Stories of romance that span every corner of the United States.
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CC Bridges is a mild-mannered librarian by day, but by night she writes about worlds of adventure and romance. When she’s not busy solving puzzles in an escape room, she can be found diving into comics or binge-watching superhero movies. She writes surrounded by books, spare computing equipment, a fluffy dog, and a long-suffering husband in the state of New Jersey. In 2011, she won a Rainbow Award for best gay sci-fi/futuristic novel.
Social Media Links
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ccbridgeswriter
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ccbridgeswriter
Blog: http://blog.ccbridges.net/
Website: http://www.ccbridges.net
I enjoy all tropes.