A warm Love Bytes welcome to author Kate Sherwood visiting us today to talk about newest release “Darkness”, Part 3 in the Common Law series.
Kate talks to us about daydreaming and there is a giveaway to participte in!
Welcome Kate
Daydreaming – with details!
I’ve always been a daydreamer. This is probably true of most writers, and maybe even most human beings. When I was younger I used to design entire fantasy nations, with realistic economies, social and political structures, detailed maps at a variety of scales—the whole nine yards. Today I recognize what I was doing as “world building” in writer jargon, but I never really did much with my worlds, never built stories in them or peopled them with individual characters.
As an adult, my daydreams have gotten smaller and more based in reality. Maybe this is because I’m writing, now, and am using up a lot of my imagination on that. Or maybe it’s just part of growing up—isn’t that a line from some teen movie? Something about “when you get older, your dreams die?” (Just looked it up-Breakfast Club, “When you grow up, your heart dies.” Don’t think I’m going to get quite that melodramatic about it, thanks!)
Anyway, my daydreams now are easier to disguise. I can call them “planning”—and a lot of them involve spreadsheets and other mathematical manipulations that obscure their truth. But I know what I’m doing. When I work out the possible returns on investments and writing income and ways to minimize costs that would allow me to quit my day job and just write, I’m not really planning, because if I were I wouldn’t repeat the same exercises over and over with only the tiniest variations as an excuse. I’m daydreaming.
And the funny thing is, I like my day job and would probably hate being a full-time writer. I know this, but I play the game anyway—daydreaming.
I plan my vegetable garden, usually in January, and on paper I’m always totally ambitious and my rows are completely straight and I’m trying new varieties and designs. In reality? I attack my garden with great enthusiasm as soon as the soil is ready to be worked, and half-an-hour later I’m miserable and bored and just want the damn thing to go away. Daydreams are fun—reality is hard work!
What about you guys? Do you have favourite topics for daydreaming? How detailed do you get? Please, tell me someone else out there makes spreadsheets…
About Darkness, part 3 in the Common Law series
A murdered prostitute. An obvious suspect. Clear evidence. For once, Jericho Crewe has a straightforward crime to investigate, and Wade Granger isn’t involved.
It all seems so simple, but Jericho’s instincts won’t let him rest. As he investigates, he finds troubling suggestions that the murder is a part of something larger and more sinister. But working within the boundaries of the law may keep him from finding the truth. If Jericho doesn’t break the rules, an innocent man may rot in jail while a killer remains free to strike again.
Inevitably, it all comes back to Wade. Because who else knows as much about breaking rules? And who else knows Jericho the way Wade does—not wisely, but far, far too well?
Now available from:
About Kate Sherwood
Kate Sherwood started writing about the same time she got back on a horse after almost twenty years away from riding. She’d like to think she was too young for it to be a midlife crisis, but apparently she was ready for some changes!
Kate grew up near Toronto, Ontario (Canada) and went to school in Montreal, then Vancouver. But for the last decade or so she’s been a country girl. Sure, she misses some of the conveniences of the city, but living close to nature makes up for those lacks. She’s living in Ontario’s “cottage country”–other people save up their time and come to spend their vacations in her neighborhood, but she gets to live there all year round!
Since her first book was published in 2010, she’s kept herself busy with novels, novellas, and short stories in almost all the sub-genres of m/m romance. Contemporary, suspense, scifi or fantasy–the settings are just the backdrop for her characters to answer the important questions. How much can they share, and what do they need to keep? Can they bring themselves to trust someone, after being disappointed so many times? Are they brave enough to take a chance on love?
Kate’s books balance drama with humor, angst with optimism. They feature strong, damaged men who fight themselves harder than they fight anyone else. And, wherever possible, there are animals: horses, dogs, cats ferrets, squirrels… sometimes it’s easier to bond with a non-human, and most of Kate’s men need all the help they can get.
After five years of writing, Kate is still learning, still stretching herself, and still enjoying what she does. She’s looking forward to sharing a lot more stories in the future.
Twitter: @kate_sherwood
To celebrate the release of all four books in the Common Law series, we’re giving away one four-tour-wide GRAND PRIZE of $100 in Riptide credit! Enter at each stop on each tour (once they go live) to maximize your chances to win! Leave a comment with your contact info to enter the contest. Entries close at midnight, Eastern time, on April 8, 2017. Contest is NOT restricted to U.S. entries. Thanks for following the Darkness tour, and don’t forget to leave your contact info!
Great post!! I think this will be a very good book and the cover is great.
sstrode at scrtc dot com
I enjoy day dreaming… when I have a moment to do so, which may explain why my night dreams are so vivid. My husband is always amazed that I dream in color, can recall entire conversations and can describe the setting(s) in great detail. I wonder if it’s because I’m slightly ADD, maybe a little OCD (according to him) or just very detail oriented in my awake hours.
oops… dfair1951@gmail.com
Good luck with the series!
Adding this series to list.
I’m a notorious daydreamer! LMAO! One of the many scenes I enjoy imagining is that I’m charming my fellow passengers’ pants with my voice. I’d think of this scene where my girlfriend suddenly called me in my phone & requested to me to sing, say, Say You Won’t Let Go which is my favorite atm. Of course, at first, I’d try to shut her up by saying sweet nothings. (Lol!) But she wouldn’t budge & I’d give in to her wishes. Then, the passengers’ attention would suddenly shift to me & they would be stunned & I’ll get some admiring looks. Not that I’m a terrible singer. I’m not just worthy to be a The Voice contestant. *chuckles*
The idea of daydreaming might be silly but I actually enjoy doing it. It’s one of the best ways that I can get out of my head for a while—away from problems. ^_^
Yep, I daydream of being organized, lol. I haven’t quite managed to get used to spreadsheets, but I am getting there, lol. Congrats on the release! Elewkf1 at yahoo dot com
I must recognise that I spend a lot of time daydreaming… Basically, all the time I’m not working or reading. My dreams are really detailed, and they range from supernatural adventures to every day encounters. It depends on the mood, and sometimes on what I’m reading.
Congrats on the release. I love your books
can’t wait to get the rest of the series on my kindle
My daydreams are pretty average. Winning the lottery. Moving out of this crap place to someplace better. Getting skinny. I’ll never win the lottery because I don’t buy tickets. Someday I could move out of this crap place to somewhere better. But for now this is where the family is. I’m too lazy to work out so skinny will never happen.
I use to be a quite a daydreamer. It was such an issues in my teenage years since I would always do it in class. I had quite a few teachers call me out for it several times a day.
humhumbum AT yahoo DOT com
Congrats on the new release. I daydream quite a lot about typical things. Winning the lottery and helping as many people as I can, taking a trip to somewhere I just read about, finding the love of my life etc.
heath0043 at gmail dot com
Congrats and thanks for the post. Yeah, I kind of do what you do, my daydreams are my creative work in creating a training or team building program. This book and the whole series sound great. I love gay mysteries and thrillers, and I’ve got to get started on this one.
– TheWrote [at] aol [dot] com
Daydreams are wonderful. They can lead you so many places.
debby236 at gmail dot com
I have to wait the previous book before I can read this one, I wish I could reead faster, lol.