Welcome to the We Three Kings Mini Blog Tour and Giveaway! I am extremely pleased to start this tour off here, at Love Bytes Reviews, and can’t thank them enough for having me.
Today I’ll be sharing an exclusive excerpt from We Three Kings, and I’ve also got a great giveaway that is site specific – in other words, a winner from Love Bytes Reviews is guaranteed! Be sure to read through to the end to get in on the Rafflecopter for a shot at today’s giveaway: a $10 gift certificate to the Less Than Three Press book market, and your very own eBook copy of We Three Kings.
It’s a pleasure to have you here, and I hope you enjoy:
We Three Kings – Exclusive Excerpt
I keep telling myself to stop staring at him. There’s a crew getting Jimmy an office ready at the apex of our three larger ones. It’s nothing more than an entranceway, a tiny seating area that we use as a place to stop on neutral ground before splitting into our own separate offices. Up until an hour ago, it held a small bench-styled couch, two guest chairs, a credenza with various awards and framed photos, and a Ficus Benjamina of enormous reach. The poor plant now sits in my office, to the left of my desk, and I’m more than sure it’s already beginning to sag from the lack of natural lighting. I plan to move it to the south of the room, beside the window, once the space is unoccupied. Now, though, that area is the very-temporary workstation of my new assistant.
He is hunched over a circular, posture-destroying, spine-crippling table, in a desk chair that we rolled out of storage. We’ve closed the door of my office to muffle the sounds of modular furniture being constructed, and while the effort was meant to increase productivity within our space, it has brought mine to a standstill. Because we’re alone. He’s there, and I’m here, and no one can see us, or hear us, or knows what’s going on, and I have all these images of him and I in bathrooms and pantries and storage sheds playing through my head. They are images that no man should have to deal with. Some of them are real: bruises, scratches, tears; some of them are fabrications: naked skin, hard body parts. Some are memories of the things I did while role-playing the Devil, and they are somehow mingling together with the desires I fought so hard against back then. It’s confusing, because it’s making me feel worse than I already do.
Jimmy lowers his pen, raises his eyes, and straightens his spine. He’s uncomfortable, that much is obvious, but there’s nothing I can do about that at the moment.
Which is a lie I’ve been repeating to myself all morning… if I’d wanted to, if I hadn’t been being a sneaky bastard, I could have easily set up Jimmy’s office yesterday and it would have been ready for him to use right away. But Mark and Devin were still here yesterday.
“Am I bothering you?” Jimmy finally swallows enough courage to ask me.
Yes. Oh, yes, he is bothering me. I can’t even begin to list the ways in which he is bothering me. The magnitude of the bother. The all-encompassing weight of the bother that he’s sending my way.
“Ah,” he nods. “Good then.” He retrieves the pen, but it never makes it to the paper. “You just seem like maybe I’m distracting you a little.”
Breath sneaks out between Jimmy’s lips harder than I think he intended it to. Frustration? Uncertainty?
“True enough. Do you want to see what I’ve done with this so far? Just to make sure I’m on the right track?”
I’ve asked him to put together some thoughts on a presentation that I’m never going to make with respect to the new site that Mark and Devin are on. As if, somehow, I might need to convince someone to fund it, or support it, or buy into it. I will need none of those things, but it was the only job that came to mind when Jimmy asked me what he should be working on. For five years, the three of us have talked about getting an assistant, and now that I’ve hired one, I can’t think of a damned thing I want him to do.
Well… a damned thing that he could do fully clothed anyway.
I sigh and bring my palm up to my forehead in an effort to squeeze out the mental picture that my brain has just offered up in its callous disregard to my sanity, a picture that reminds me that Jimmy would not need to remove clothing to do some of things I’d like to see him do, in fact. So as Jimmy rises to walk towards my desk, I’m desperately trying to cancel out the thought of him dropping to his knees in front of me. As such, I’m unable to speak the, “No, that’s all right, I do not want you to come over to my desk.” Or the, “I do not want you to even come close to me,” that I should be saying.
He smells good, like summer rain and open meadows, and I have no idea if it’s cologne or fabric softener. I try to make myself listen to him tell me his ideas, to watch as he points out the sketches and the notes he’s made, and I smile and nod at him when he asks me if that’s what I had in mind.
“Yeah, this looks good.”
He smiles. I can see his shoulders loosening and the muscles softening in his jaw, and as I watch it happen, I can feel my own body follow suit.
Then I have to remind myself to stop nodding so he doesn’t begin referring to me as a my-boss-the-bobble-head behind my back. “It’s really good,” I tell him, and out of nowhere I start gushing over what he’s done. “I like it. A lot. Smart. Professional. Concise. Good design plan. Simple but detailed. Yep, it’s good. That’s definitely going to work.”
Jimmy’s face transforms as his smile grows. He lets his teeth show, small white teeth that are surprisingly straight considering their history. I wonder if he’s had work done to them. When I hear someone say, “We should go get lunch,” I almost look around to see who else is in the office. It takes me a second to realize that I was the one who said it. “To celebrate the new job,” I continue quickly. “And we can go over the new hire kit and get all that paperwork out of the way. So you can keep working. On the presentation. When you get back. Because I need it. This presentation. Badly.”
He doesn’t say anything. He’s giving me the oddest look.
“If you want to,” I add.
“I brought something actually—”
“Which is fine,” I cut him off, rising from my desk, feeling like a complete idiot. “Feel free to use the lunchroom or head outside for a breather. There’s a picnic table in the back that a lot of the employees gather at if you want to get to know some of them.”
I can tell he’s horrified that he’s said something wrong. I shouldn’t feel vindicated by that, but I do.
“I could save it… for tomorrow… or another day or something. I don’t mean…”
I think he’s still mumbling as I walk away.
We Three Kings
Copyright © 2017, A.F. Henley
Chicago 1982 is a goldmine for the construction industry, and Eric and his two business partners are thriving. Once nothing more than orphans in a Catholic boys’ home, they’ve overcome poverty and abuse to obtain success. Now living the lives they once only dreamed of, they’re sure of one thing: they will never look back.
Then the past returns, by way of a cheap polyester suit and a smile Eric has never forgotten—and all the dark memories come crashing back. Lucky for him, Jimmy has no idea who Eric is, or who Eric used to be…
Genre: Gay, Contemporary Romance
Notes: contains some explicit content and references past abuse. This story also includes brief flashbacks of graphic violence.
The Giveaway
Enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win a $10 gift certificate to the Less Than Three Press book market, and an eBook of We Three Kings in your preferred format.
For all the terms and conditions, please check out the t’s and c’s posted on the Rafflecopter.
There will be one winner only. Contest ends March 4, 2017.
A great big thank you to Love Bytes Reviews for hosting today, and another to you for joining me. Best of luck with the giveaway and I hope you enjoyed the post!
Until next time,
AF Henley <3
Henley was born with a full-blown passion for run-on sentences, a zealous indulgence in all words descriptive, and the endearing tendency to overuse punctuation. Since the early years Henley has been an enthusiastic writer, from the first few I-love-my-dog stories to the current leap into erotica. A self-professed Google genius, Henley lives for the hours spent digging through the Internet for ‘research purposes’ which, more often than not, lead seven thousand miles away from first intentions but bring Henley to new discoveries and ideas that, once seeded, tend to flourish. Henley has been proudly publishing with Less Than Three Press since 2012.
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Congrats on the new release. It sounds like a interesting read.
Thanks, Tanja! I’d love to hear what you think if/when you get a chance to read. Good luck with the giveaway! <3
Happy release day, AF! I gotta say that blurb intrigued me, somehow 1982 felt like such a long – and I mean historically long before my time long – then I realized: that was my elementary school year! Not that it meant anything other than I feel old…
I’m right there with you, Didi.
But to me it feels like yesterday! XD Good luck with the giveaway and thanks so much for reading! <3
Congratulations on your new release AF the book sounds very intriguing.
Thank you very much! So glad to have you on the tour with me again.
Good luck! <3
Even this excerpt already is so intense with emotions! Memories of a sad past alone can be overwhelming but mixed with certain emotions of the reality of the present sure can make even the strongest mind stumble.
The contrast between innocent Jimmy’s aura and your protagonist’s memories is awesome! And his memories from back then and the pictures his mind is coming up with now must tear your protagonist apart inside!
Congratulations on your newest, beautiful baby and like Didi said: Happy Release Day!
Thank you, as always, my friend.
As you know, this one was a tough one to write so I’m thrilled that the writing is coming across the way I’d hoped. <3
Congratulations on your newest release! Looking forward to reading it!
Thank you! I’m really excited about it.
I hope you enjoy the rest of the tour as well then; I’ll have a few excerpts for you. Good luck with the giveaway! <3
This sounds like one I’d enjoy!
Thanks Trix! I have all my fingers and toes crossed that you do.
Good luck with the giveaway! <3
[…] Love Bytes Reviews – March 1st, 2017 […]
As always, it’s beautifully written and I wish I could read it all right away <3 It's seems like and interesting book and the excerpt is a nice teaser
Btw, I'm writing this on my phone from a hospital bed after having had surgery earlier today – I'm still not completely clear-headed (is that a word?) yet, so I hope my short comment is as comprehensible here as in my head XP
OH, wow! I’m sorry to hear that, but I’m honoured that you made a point of stopping in anyway! I’m glad I could help keep you company.
Thank you, a million times. Good luck with your recovery and the giveaway.
Congrats on the new book. I can’t wait to read it.
Thank you! I would love to hear what you think about it if you do get a chance to read it. Best of luck with the giveaway and thanks for stopping in to read and comment. <3
Yay!! More Henley awesomeness. Congratulations on the release! And it is in my hands!!
This will sound odd, but thank you for being a guiding star. <3
I’m honoured that you think so. <3 Thank you for your kind words and your support. Glad you were able to join us this time! I hope that means the kiddos are doing much better.
Good luck!
Congrats on the release. I see you’ve gotten back into your break neck pace of writing. xD
I’ve never understood the idea of speaking without knowing you’re the one talking. I know saying things I shouldn’t. Or saying the complete opposite of what I intended to say. But those come from being chicken. Fully conscious choices. Not my body doing its own thing on me. I wish I understood it better.
Oh well, once again I look forward to seeing what you’ve come up with.
Thank you for sharing.
I wish! And I can relate to that as well. It’s weird, isn’t it? XD Thank you so much for stopping in, as always, my friend. Glad you enjoyed! <3
So many questions come to mind while reading the blurb… such as how does he know work has been done on his teeth? Do they have a previous history or has something been reviewed in his application?
Plus the cover looks so authentic.
I can’t wait to read it! I hope the release goes perfectly.
Yay! I’m glad to read that it’s intriguing you. *evil grin* Thank you for your kind comments, I’m so excited about this one!
Good luck with the giveaway! <3
Congrats on the release! It sounds good and I like the cover – different and interesting.
Thanks, Jen! It’s always so hard to pick the write excerpt so I’m thrilled to read that you enjoyed it.
Good luck with the giveaway! <3
Congrats on your release & thanks for the excerpt! This sounds great!
Thank you very much! So glad to have you on the tour.
Congrats on the new book release!Love the cover and i’s go me curious =)
Thank you for that! I would love to hear what you think when you get a chance to get into it.
congrats on your latest release
Thanks, Lee! Great to have you on the tour. <3
Nothing to be sorry for, it was a mastectomy that I’ve been waiting a long time to get to do

Though I’m even less clear-headed today, because they needed to put me under again this morning to check a possible bleeding that misbehaved
I’ve looked forward to this blogtour since you first made a post about it, so it made my day better yesterday when I actually could read it right away <3
This was suppossed to be posted as a reply to Henley’s reply to my original comment, but I must have done it wrong
That’s me and all of technology, so no worries.
It’s always such a relief to get a surgery out of the way. Glad I could be there “with you” when you woke up!
Great excerpt! Can’t wait to read your newest book!
Thank you, Rose! It’s an honour to have you on the tour.
Congratulations, Trix! You’re the winner of the Love Bytes giveaway at the first stop of the We Three Kings mini blog tour! Please check your email.
Thank you so much to everyone else that played along. Please be sure to check afhenlely.com for the other two blog stops on the mini tour. There is still a chance for the rest of you to win as well! <3
[…] Love Bytes Reviews – March 1st, 2017 […]