A warm welcome to author Ethan Stone joining us today to talk about his recent release “Hacked Up”.
Welcome Ethan
Thank you for joining me at Love Bytes today and, of course, a huge thank you to the site for having me here today.
I’ve been down with the cold for a few days now so I’m a bit on the groggy side. If I had an actual day job I’d still be going to work but since I work from home it’s so much easier to let things go to hell while I sleep the day away.
I suppose that’s one of the drawbacks of working from home—using any excuse possible to not write. I’ve actually been taking sometime away from actual writing for a few weeks for several reasons. The first is that the projects I’m currently working on either weren’t exciting me or were dragging me down. One of the books, tentatively called Predators, involves a cop taking down a massive child porn network. Not the most cheerful subject to be sure.
My two other projects are a story featuring a trans woman and a step-brother romance. Plus I was working on the sequel to a co-writing project. However, the first book was rejected so now she and I are working on re-tooling the story while we decide what to do with it.
On top of the things in my professional life I’m also dealing with my father’s estate. He died in August and I had no idea it would take this long to finish things up. We’re in the home stretch and very soon the house will officially be mine and there will be some people I never have to deal with again.
All that adds up to a lot of stress which I was having trouble dealing with. I’ve been publically honest with my readers that I deal with depression and the things lately have added to it. I’m glad to say that I’m slowly climbing out of the hole I’d fallen into and I hope to get writing soon.
My latest release, Hacked Up, is one of my favorite books. I had a strong grasp on the MC, Detective Peter Tao. He was fun to write even though he isn’t the most cheerful person ever. The book is lighter on the romance than my other stories and the focus is more on the mystery. That’s not to say there isn’t any romance because there is. Peter finds his match in millionaire Bryce Carrick. The following exclusive excerpt show Peter first learning about the name of the man he would soon fall for. However, he had no way of knowing exactly how Bryce would affect his life.
Hacked Up by Ethan Stone
Published by Stone Publishing
Release Date: Feb 6, 2017
Seattle is being plagued by a string of gruesome murders. For Detective Peter Tao, it’s a career-making case, but he’s struggling to find a lead. How is the killer choosing his victims? What is he trying to prove?
With a long list of suspects and nothing to connect them, Peter is more determined than ever to apprehend the murderer. Then Peter gets the one vital piece of evidence that ties everything together. Now he’ll have to look beyond the obvious to identify the killer before anyone else is murdered.
Solve the mystery in this fast-moving crime thriller by Ethan Stone.
Romance on the Edge
Ethan Stone doesn’t write your typical boy meets boy stories. With a combination of love and suspense he makes his characters work hard for their HEAs. If they can survive what he puts them through, then they can survive anything. He enjoys Romance with an Edge.
Ethan has been reading mysteries and thrillers since he was young. He’s had a thing for guys in uniform for just as long. That may have influenced the stories he writes.
He’s a native Oregonian with two kids. One of whom has made him a grandfather three times over; even though he is way too young.
Readers can find Ethan online.
Facebook: www.facebook.com/ethan.stone.54
Twitter: @ethanjstone
Pinterest: www.pinterest.com/ethanjstone/
Tumblr: www.tumblr.com/blog/ethanstone
Email: ethanstone.nv@gmail.com
His books: http://www.ethanjstone.com/my-books
I encourage everyone to read this outstanding book. It was amazing and different from other M/M books I have read. And the author keeps you guessing throughout!