A warm love bytes welcome to author Jacqueline Rohrbach joining us today for her blog tour on “The Worst Werewolf”. Jacqueline kindly answered some questions, shares an excerpt and their is a giveaway to participate in!
Welcome Jacqueline
Title: The Worst Werewolf
Series: The Immutable Moon, Book 1
Author: Jacqueline Rohrbach
Publisher: NineStar Press
Release Date: February 13th
Length: 67600
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The werewolf said, “Race you to the road.” It was the last thing Tovin heard before his life became uncomfortably complex.
Before that night in the forest, Tovin was the type of guy to play it safe. Happy wearing the same shoes, buying the same deodorant, and eating the same meals day after day, he thought his simple existence was pretty great. At least until his boyfriend dumps him for being boring. Heartbroken but on a mission of vengeance, Tovin decides to start a new life filled with excitement, danger, and maybe a meal from a questionable food truck.
A date with Garvey would start it all. Handsome, sophisticated, the man is everything Tovin thinks he needs. It’s a pity he turns out to be a werewolf on a mission to save his pack from destruction.
Now Tovin is caught up in Garvey’s world.
Abducted and forced to be the bloodservant of a powerful Alpha, he lands right in the middle of a brewing conflict that threatens to destroy humanity.
If you could trade places with one of your characters, who would it be and why?
I’d be Lavario or Kijo. I can’t even imagine having that much confidence in myself.
If you could sequester yourself for a week somewhere and just focus on your writing, where would you go and what would the environment be like?
I’d rent a house in the middle of a forest and let my imagination scare me. One thing I really want to write is a good ghost story.
What’s the one thing, you can’t live without?
Cheesy as it’s going to sound, I’ll have to say my husband. I went through a difficult time with depression, and it’s because of him I’m alive today and it’s also because of him that I gave myself another chance to write. He’s my sweetie bear.
What internet site do you surf to the most?
Etsy. I’d buy so much off that site if I had the money. I never thought I needed embossed rolling pins before I found one that would put Yoda faces on my cookies. Freakin’ Yoda faces. Hell yes I need that.
If you had your own talk show, who would your first three author guests be and why?
A talk show sounds like the worst kind of hell to me. Even thinking about it made me feel anxious. I wouldn’t want to talk to any author in that type of setting because I’d stammer the whole time and I’d start randomly cussing because that’s what I do when I’m nervous. It would be like, “Erm. Oh. Erm. Geeze. **ck!” One-on-one without an audience, I’d like to talk to J.K. Rowling because she seems like a nice person who might have some friendly advice for someone like me. I’d also like to talk to Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman because reading their novels got me through some really tough times as a kid. After that, I’d have to resurrect Kurt Vonnegut or Terry Pratchett. I love their books and was very much inspired by their styles of blending humor and tragedy. I also think all those authors would be forgiving of my social anxiety.
When you got your very first manuscript acceptance letter, what was your initial reaction and who was the first person you told?
Can I cuss on this thing? That’s what I did. I dropped a billion f-bombs. I showed my husband first, and he dropped some f-bombs as well, and then said, “F**k yeah! Let’s go get some motherf****ing pancakes.”
City people came to the forest with heads full of Whitmanesque romantic notions. Most didn’t discover themselves there. Rather, they were found by search and rescue, cold and shivering from disenchantment. And sometimes pneumonia.
Garvey seemed to fall into that camp. At least he sounded that way when he said, “The forest is magical, right?”
Carpenter ants bit his arms and legs, rocks dug into his butt cheeks, pine needles stung the palms of his hands, and droplets of deer poo splattered around the area gave the air a musky odor. The forest sucked. It was about as non-magical as a place could get, the very definition of earthy. But his date’s ass was spellbinding, so Tovin remained agreeable. “Sure,” he said, “this is great.”
Tovin wasn’t dumb, only horny. He’d heard countless stories about people having sex in the woods that all turned out okay. Kids in high school talked about little else, each locker room story was the start of a cautionary tale that ended in sexual conquest, not anything terrible. Even adults did it. His co-workers met women out here. All of them were fine. Just fine.
“…and that’s why I’m here.” Tovin was done explaining himself to Garvey.
Garvey turned. “So you’re here because you finally decided to take a risk and treat yourself?”
Garvey chuckled. “Oh dear.”
Nervous, Tovin fiddled with the edge of the blanket and sipped at overly sweet wine as his companion fussed to secure the backpack he brought with him. Garvey insisted on lugging the junk with them to, as he said, do it right. A blanket, some cheap wine, a few candles. Tovin wasn’t exactly dazzled. His date was as cheap as he was weird.
Once settled, Garvey was right down to business—taking off his shirt, his shoes, and undoing the top button of his pants. “Too much too soon?” He didn’t wait for a response, only browsed through Tovin’s facial features. “Pants it is. To be clear, we did come to the forest to screw, yeah?”
Tovin nodded. “Fantastic, then. Let’s get on with it.” Given the precipitous nature of the man’s undressing, Tovin expected a rough, demanding mouth upon his, taking what it wanted. Screwing, basically. Instead, Garvey traced the lines of Tovin’s face with soft kisses. He used the back of his hand to tenderly follow the same path. Noses bumped. Brown eyes continually met his as if asking, Is this okay? Do you like this?
Tentative, Tovin reached out to touch the nest of hair at the nape of Garvey’s neck, drawing away when the man arched his eyebrow at the gesture. “Sorry.” Tovin mumbled to his lap.
“I’m sorry, too, sweet treat. I want you to touch it, just not like that. It’s not going to kill you.” Garvey presented his head, shook it slightly so that the hair tussled and realigned itself around his crown.
Tovin stammered out a quick reply, “No, it’s made of keratin. Keratin would not kill you. Unless it’s in horns. Or nails. Then, I guess it could.” Inwardly, Tovin sighed at himself when Garvey tilted his head and once again raised his eyebrow. “Sorry, I’m a little nervous.”
“Noted,” Garvey quipped. “Touch my glorious mane of non-lethal keratin, then. It’s the best type of keratin, I say.”
Tovin was in the process of reaching for the second time—faster, slightly more confident—when two howls interrupted. He jumped at the noise, once again pulling back his fingers. He withdrew to the edge of the blanket. “What was that?”
Garvey smiled his same swagger smile, the right side of his mouth curving so that one lone incisor poked out of his lips. “Feral dogs.” He bent again to kiss at the corners of Tovin’s mouth. “And just when I thought you were going to make your move at last. You are so much work.”
“Feral dogs? What are they doing?”
“Being feral dogs. Hunting. Don’t worry. They’re not hunting you, sweet treat.” A reassuring hand traced the length of Tovin’s jaw. “They probably got scent of a rabbit, a squirrel…a something.”
“How do you know? They sound close.”
Garvey’s eyes darkened. “I know,” he paused slightly to bring Tovin’s mouth level with his, “because you’ve already been caught.”
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Jacqueline Rohrbach is a 36-year-old creative writer living in windy central Washington. When she isn’t writing strange books about bloodsucking magical werewolves, she’s baking sweets, or walking her two dogs, Nibbler and Mulder. She also loves cheesy ghost shows, especially when the hosts call out the ghost out like he wants to brawl with it in a bar. You know, “Come out here, you coward! You like to haunt little kids. Haunt me!” Jackee laughs at this EVERY time.
She’s also a hopeless World of Warcraft addict. In her heyday, she was a top parsing disc priest. She became a paladin to fight Deathwing, she went back to a priest to cuddle pandas, and then she went to a shaman because I guess she thought it would be fun to spend an entire expansion underpowered and frustrated. Boomchicken for Legion!
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