I’m a huge history nut. Although I have many options to chose from with cable, I tend to watch a very few number of channels. Usually, the history channel, ID TV or something similar. When I fire up my Amazon prime or Netflix, I do the same thing. History, true crime or nature. The TV is always on, even when I’m writing. Now I do switch it up from time to time and listen to music, but the majority of the time it’s a show I’ve watched numerous time. Yes I know kind of crazy, but I like the back noise without it distracting me from the story I’m writing. I recently came upon a show that pulled me away from my computer and kept me transfixed. Hidden Killers of the Edwardian, Victorian Home.
I never stopped to think about all the modern convinces I have and how they came about. This show made me appreciate my modern convinces all the more. I never realized how many people were permanently scared or even died so that I could enjoy efficient heat, lighting, running water and all the fun gadgets I enjoy. It also made me appreciate how lucky I am to be living in modern times. Some of the things women had to endure in the name of beauty is mind blowing. Most skin products and make-up were made up of poisonous substances. Hair products and styling devices caused baldness and clothing caused serious harm. I mean seriously, can you imagine wearing this?
Vanity wasn’t the only thing that was dangerous to humans during this era. Everything was!! The first gas lights were constantly leaking. The odor undetectable and we all know now what breathing gas fumes or lighting a match in a room full of gas can do. It’s because of the early pioneers of modern technology that we know of the dangers. And then there was the introduction of electricity and OMG that was a nightmare for everyone for awhile. The wires were live and withing the reach of anyone, including children and flammable things like curtains, insulation and the like. It’s amazing we made it out of the Victorian and Edwardian period at all.
As they were getting all that sorted out, they were also trying to figure out how to make their homes look good with all those new fancy gadgets. So someone had the bright idea of adding arsenic to create beautiful colors of wall paper, light up their clocks with radium, insulate with asbestos and paint their walls with lead. While the homes looked beautiful with these new products the homes became death traps.
So today, as I sit at my desk writing, listening to the TV in the background with safe and efficient utilities I give a big shout out to all those who suffered for my modern comforts! Cheers!
To truly appreciate what we have, be sure to watch Hidden Killers of the Edwardian, Victorian Home. It’s sure to blow your mind. Enjoy!
Meet Jo Peterson
SJD Peterso
n, better known as Jo, hails from Michigan. Not the best place to live for someone who hates the cold and snow. When not reading or writing, Jo can be found close to the heater checking out NHL stats and watching the Red Wings kick a little butt. Can’t cook, misses the clothes hamper nine out of ten tries, but is handy with power tools.
Ah, a kindred spirit! I also ALWAYS have the TV on, and usually tuned to a history channel (or horror (Chiller)/SyFy). You’re absolutely correct about the past household dangers, and guess what? In another decade or two, we’ll find out that VCRs caused Autism, or something similar, (sarcasm font is ON) and that the amenities of the 80s-90s were actually hindrances to progress. My snarky point is, hindsight is always 20/20, in all things, in every way. And sometimes, ignorance truly is bliss.
Have you seen The History of Everyday Things? Another informative show about the stories behind the individual pieces of the modern home, from the 2x4s in our walls to the aluminum siding outside.