A warm welcome to authors A.F Henley & Kelly Wyre joining us today on their blog tour for new release: “Breaker: Exile, Volume 1”.
Both authors took a moment to share a discussion they had and there is also a great giveaway to participate in!
Welcome A.F & Kelly
Welcome to the Breaker (Exile, Volume 1) Blog Tour and Giveaway! We’re both super excited about this new release and thrilled to be able to share it with you. Throughout this tour, we’re going to be introducing many of the characters within, and associated with, Exile’s bizarre shores, as well as introducing Exile itself. Then we’re going to top that off with a quick little teaser.
However, before we get into any of that we wanted to remind you that we’ve got a couple of awesome giveaways going along with the tour so be sure to read through to the end to find out how you could win either a Silver-plated Starfish Anklet (just by leaving a single comment!), or the grand prize of a signed, print copy of Breaker, a coordinates bracelet with the Believe. Seek. Prove. reminder so you can always find your way back to the island of Exile, and a $20 gift certificate to the Less Than Three Press book market.
The Character Discussion
Kelly Wyre: So… let’s talk Greek myths.
AF Henley: I do love the Greeks.
KW: …which is a fact, not a myth. Let’s try this again, and see if my co-author gets the clever hint this time. HEY. HENLEY. LET’S TALK ABOUT MYTHS.
AFH: Myth-takes?
KW: Oh forget it. (Do y’all see what I put up with here?) One of the more endearing things about Eddie is how he’s up to date on things out of date. Like the 20th century and also legends of yore. For example, the Ferryman who carts souls across the River Styx and into the underworld. And what is it that Eddie SAYS… Henley?
AFH: *sings* Don’t pay the ferryman… ’til he gets you to the other side.
KW: And Henley’s back, ladies and gentleman! Bravo!
The Teaser
“I ain’t doing this for free.”
Why Eddie assumed the fisherman would be a weathered, wrinkled old man was beyond him. He knew enough about the regeneration qualities of the Cure to know that the aging process and the deterioration of skin and body had been bested. It still seemed odd to be looking into the crystal-bright eyes of a man with flawless, smooth skin when that man made his living from the sea. Santiago, this man was not.
The wind was harsh, the glare of sun coming off the water was intense, and Eddie was more than sure that the whoopsie feeling in his guts was turning his skin gray and green.
“Kid.” The fisherman knocked on the counter that ran alongside him, the sound as hollow and dull as the man’s voice. “You gotta pay me. I ain’t doing this—”
“For free.” Eddie finished the sentence for him. “I heard you the first time. I’m just pondering how smart it’d be to pay the ferryman before he gets me to the other side.” The fisherman lifted an eyebrow, and Eddie gave him a wan smile. “I’m pretty sure that I’m not even supposed to fix a price.”
“Then I guess you should be fixing to get out of my boat and back onto the dock,” the fisherman said without even a second’s hesitation.
“It’s a joke,” Eddie told him. “It’s this old belief thing where—”
“Yeah, I know.” The man snapped. “I can read just fine, thank you.”
Eddie smacked his lips and held up his wrist. “Well, that’s just great then, isn’t it? Where’s your credit scan—”
“No credits.” The man’s expression didn’t change, even with his clipped tone. “Are you crazy or something, kid? That shit’s traceable.”
The fisherman frowned. “And I ain’t gonna have someone tracing you back to my boat, is what I’m saying.” He eyed Eddie from bottom to top, then back down again. “I’ll take those boots, for one. And the jacket as an extra since you’ve held me up for too damn long.”
“But take ’em off, or get out.”
Eddie leaned against the railing of the ship and began to work off his left boot. “Oh, sure, fine. I’ll just walk around with bare feet and arms. It’s not like I’m going to need clothing or anything. I mean, what the fuck, right? I’m going to Exile, after all. It’s probably got, well, I don’t know, magic tailors that’ll spin me a new jacket out of moondust. And who needs boots if the walkways are laid with silk? Yep.” He blew a long breath and tossed the boot in front of the fisherman. “I’ll be just fine without them.”
Breaker (Exile Volume 1)
Copyright © 2017 by Kelly Wyre and A.F. Henley
In the wake of several near-cataclysmic events, humanity created the Cure, a DNA-altering antidote to death by disease and old age. But all cures come with side effects: a small percentage of the population develops a wide range of powers, some of which are lethal to others, and some which are lethal to the wielder.
These people are called the Estranged, hunted and shunned, safe only on the Island of Exile. It is here that Kaeva and Eddie meet—and where they set a prophecy in motion, quite possibly sealing their own demise, and even the end of Exile.
Genre: Gay, Urban Fantasy
Notes: contains some explicit content and includes thoughts and discussions of past and potential suicide
Buy Link:
On behalf of the tour, please join one, or both of our giveaways.
Simply leave a comment below to be entered into a random giveaway for a silver-plated starfish anklet (and whatever else we can stuff into the envelope). Winner will be selected by random number at the close of the grand prize giveaway, one winner per blog post.
Also, enter the Rafflecopter below for your chance to win a signed, print copy of Breaker, a coordinates and message bracelet, and a $20 gift certificate to the Less Than Three Press book market.
For all the terms and conditions, please check out the t’s and c’s posted on the Rafflecopter.
** Please note the grand prize giveaway is being offered tour-wide and there will be one winner awarded for the entire event.
A great big thank you to Love Bytes Reviews for hosting us today, and another to you for joining in on the fun. Best of luck with the giveaway and we hope you enjoyed the post!
Until next time,
Kelly Wyre and AF Henley <3
Kelly Wyre enjoys reading and writing all manner of fiction, ranging from horror to romance. She used to work in advertising but is now happily chained to her writing desk and laptop. Kelly relishes the soft and cuddly and the sharp and bloody with equal amounts of enthusiasm. She’s a coffee addict, a workaholic, a chronic night owl, and loves a good thunderstorm. Currently Kelly resides in the southeastern United States.
Connect with Kelly!
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Henley was born with a full-blown passion for run-on sentences, a zealous indulgence in all words descriptive, and the endearing tendency to overuse punctuation. Since the early years Henley has been an enthusiastic writer, from the first few I-love-my-dog stories to the current leap into erotica. A self-professed Google genius, Henley lives for the hours spent digging through the Internet for ‘research purposes’ which, more often than not, lead seven thousand miles away from first intentions but bring Henley to new discoveries and ideas that, once seeded, tend to flourish. Henley has been proudly publishing with Less Than Three Press since 2012.
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[…] January 12, 2017 – Love Bytes Reviews […]
Who doesn’t love Greek mythology?! I, myself, is an avid fan. We had this World Lit professor who was really fascinated of it to the point that she was gushing like a girl whenever she tells us the story of how Helen was abducted or how Achilles was killed or how Achilles & Patroclus were so adorable together. Alright! The last one wasn’t prof’s observation but mine. LOL!
And did I see the Greek myth reference coming? No. Not at all.
Whenever the idea of traveling in the sea’s mentioned, I always picture the scene of a raging storm, huge waves of water, and a close to sinking boat. LOL! I think I’ve watched too much movies. Hence, I, unlikely connecting the scene to Charon. But the connection worked. 
Thanks for coming by tp Love Bytes, Kel & Henley! <3
So you have more of a Ernest Hemingway imagination than Chris De Burgh, hm? (Yes, mixed references there for sure! XD)
Thank YOU very much for stopping in to read and comment! It is greatly appreciated. <3
If that didn’t givee chills, I don’t know what will.
I’m indeed a fan of Hemingway’s works & two of my favorites are The Old Man and the Sea and For Whom the Bell Tolls.
Glad to be here, Henley. <3
Just generally like mythology as a whole. Not enough to be any good at it, mind you, but I do enjoy when stories from two completely disparate cultures share similarities. Not just how ancient beliefs and sayings have wormed their way into modern references and slang.
Now which Santiago is Eddie referring to? Admittedly I can only come up with two and neither really has much to do with sailing….or being old. xD No…..wait…..I only know of one person, the other is a city (several actually) or Santiano (Santa Anna) from Mexico. So that doesn’t work….*eyes Google* Eh maybe I’ll look it up later.
Eddie, think of it this way. Not everyone gets to strip in front of a smooth skinned hunk….or do they now that the cure exists?
Hmm, I’m not sure if I can leave a link here or not… http://www.shmoop.com/old-man-the-sea/characters.html Santiago.
However, I’m not sure that this particular character is someone Eddie is terribly excited about giving his clothes away to. Or, doing that on the ocean in the spring weather. I mean, it is slightly more southern than I’m used to, but I have to imagine the wind is still pretty cold… XD
Thank you very much for continuing to take part in the tour, my friend. It’s much appreciated. <3
And here I was looking for a real person, never even thought to go back to literature. Big weakness of mine, my view always move too narrowly. xD Thank you for letting me know.
Took several years of Latin in school and mythology was my specialization. Loved the teaser you gave us, definitely sparked my interest!
How very cool is that?! I hope the reference was done well?
I’m glad you enjoyed it, and wish you lots of luck with the giveaway! <3
I love Eddie being smart and witty!
And did his 20th century knowledge not serve him well?
Actually the River Styx came to my mind as well when I read this scene. Is it not a nice analogy? Admittedly not the damned souls were carried to the Underworld but the souls of the dead. And are the Estranged not as good as dead sooner or later if they stay on the Mainland?
While reading this another thought crossed my mind out of nowhere. Soooooorryyyy but suddenly my brain came up with this picture of our two authors, Wyre and Henley, being the ferry”guys” carrying the souls to their destination.
Dark, slow and heavy, and ominous music playing in the background accompanied by lots of moaning from damned souls.
We could totally pull off that job, I’m sure of it!
And you and the moaning… I swear that’s your favourite default sound.
Thank you for joining us again, buddy! <3
interesting characters
bn100candg at hotmail dot com
Thank you! Glad you enjoyed! <3
Congratulations, p-la! You won the site comment giveaway!
Please contact me via email at a.freedom.henley@gmail.com with your mailing information within 3 days (by Tuesday, February 7th) so we can send out your prize!
Thank you EVERYONE for playing along! <3
[…] January 12, 2017 – Love Bytes Reviews Winner: p-la […]
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[…] Check that your essay comes with a arguable thesis at the end of your release, that you just should https://lovebytesreviews.com/2017/01/12/breaker-exile-volume-1-blog-tour-and-giveaway/ then build from the primary human body with an analysis of the particular topic area and express […]