Hail, hail, it’s Matt again,
I’m finally finishing the last part of the Myer Triplets: The Custom Bike Maker. I’m in final drafts and hope to have it out within the month, perhaps Valentine’s Day. It has been interesting because I hadn’t written really anything in over a year. If most don’t know, my husband died nearly a year ago and I have spent the last year getting my life back into some type of normality. Going back to writing was more difficult than I thought. I made mistakes in syntax and structure and the tone of the book was way darker than the other two Myers. Granted, I needed it to be more intense but this was more than I planned. I ended up going back and re-writing some sections.
But the good news is that Cotton’s book is done. And with him, I’m at a crossroads on whether to continue writing. I still have more stories but I have to ask myself is writing what I need right now? That is the question that is digging at my soul. I’m not sure. I love writing and hearing from the readers but do I need to spend more time in the real world?
I guess I’ll find out. I’ll post as soon as Cotton’s book comes out and I hope everyone can stop by and read his story. They Myer boys are dear to my heart. They are more me and my late husband than I care to admit!
Thanks all,
Matt, Do what you feel is best for you at this time. Maybe try writing a little just part time as the mood strikes you? After a loss it is hard to know what to do or not to do so try not to make any decisions that will make you feel uncomfortable either way. Best wishes for whatever you decide and I look forward to the new book.
Absolutely you have to do what feels right for you. Whatever makes you feel most fulfilled – but I’m hoping for the rest of the Oswald Witches – that cliffhanger Ugh
Please do what is best for you in this moment. Maybe you don’t need to be writing right now. Maybe dip into it a bit and see how it feels.
I do hope you come back to writing some time, because I love your stories. But there is time.
I can’t imagine how hard the last year has been for you. You have to make a decision that is right for your future. I selfishly hope we get more books from you but understand that might not be in your best interest. I love your Myer Triplets and can’t wait to read Cotton’s story.
I am looking forward to Cotton’s book. That being said, I hope you find the direction that you want and need. I can’t imagine how hard this last year has been for you. I do hope that you find some peace and take care of yourself. While I hope that at some point you will start writing again (because I absolutely love your books), I also understand that life gets in the way and you need to do what is best for you.