Reviewed by Sarina
AUTHOR: Mell Eight
PUBLISHER: Less Than Three Press
LENGTH: 30 pages
RELEASE DATE: December 14, 2016
It’s the holiday season and as usual Ari is feeling left out. He doesn’t celebrate Christmas or even put up a tree. Generally he’s fine with that, but it does mean he doesn’t get to participate in all the holiday cheer happening around him. All he wants is someone to spend Hanukkah with, but so far the only company he has is his dog, which means another season of being overlooked and alone.
Even after Christmas is over, I find myself turning to a few more holiday reads to keep the feel of the season with me just a little longer. I don’t know if I’ve ever really read a story that focused on Hanukkah instead of Christmas but I’m really glad I picked this one up. While there isn’t a lot to go on in the blurb, this was a really sweet story that made me smile.
Ari is fairly alone in the fact that he doesn’t celebrate Christmas and being Jewish just sets him apart in a multitude of different ways besides. His desire to not spend Hanukkah alone anymore was taken care of in a sweet, slightly sneaky fashion and I adored every bit of it. There was also some information about past events in regards to Jewish people that I wasn’t expecting but nevertheless enjoyed; it allowed me to understand where Ari was coming from in his desire not to conform and go along with what others were doing because they celebrate Christmas and he doesn’t.
All in all, this was a really cute story that made for a great after Christmas bonus book and I liked it a lot. If you aren’t quite ready to let go of the holidays yet or just want something that doesn’t focus on Christmas specifically, I’d recommend giving this one a look.