21 Responses

  1. lisa44837
    lisa44837 at |

    My family is all scattered so we don’t have traditions anymore. I just like gathering what we do have around together & the eating!

  2. Jen CW
    Jen CW at |

    Some of our traditions include: cutting a Christmas tree together as family and decorating it, as well as baking cookies with my mom. When my kids get older, I’ll start watching my parent’s Christmas tradition of action movies with them: Die Hard, Lethal Weapon, The Last Boy Scout, etc.

  3. Ami
    Ami at |

    I don’t celebrate Christmas since I’m a Muslim, but I definitely think that reading holiday books count as holiday tradition, no?

    1. DJ Jamison
      DJ Jamison at |

      Definitely — and whatever holiday you may celebrate, I hope you enjoy!

  4. Didi
    Didi at |

    My favorite traditions was “mudik” or going to our hometown to gather with the big family, celebrated the holiday and had supper together; which sadly I haven’t done anymore since my gram’s passed away. Still have the good memory of those times though.

  5. James Escol
    James Escol at |

    To answer Chance’s question, “Nah. It’s not bad at all. *winks*”
    To answer the real question. LOL. We have this Christmas tradition called “Simbang Gabi” where people would go to church at night or at dawn, which most of the people prefer. It begins on the 16th of December until Christmas eve. It is told that if you complete the 9 days of simbang gabi, you would get any wish you want to be granted. TBH, I never completed the 9 days ’cause for one, I always get lazy (LOL) & secondly, I don’t believe on wishes getting granted. Meanwhile, every new year, we spend our time on an open church (which is far from us) where there are a lot of Holy statues, garden, & a lot of places to do some reflection. A really good place to start the new year. =)

  6. debby236
    debby236 at |

    My family is shrinking and so it is important to keep those we have especially at Christmas. I enjoy the dinner and remembering past fun, whole we make new fun. I would like some glow in the dark fishies.

  7. jenf27
    jenf27 at |

    We have lots of traditions, from watching our fav holiday shows to opening one gift on Christmas Eve and the rest on Christmas morning. One of my favorite traditions is our family house/tree trimming day – which is happening today. 🙂

    Thanks for the post! Chance for Christmas sounds great.

  8. Trix
    Trix at |

    I look forward to the homemade tamales friends bring on Christmas Eve!

  9. susana
    susana at |

    I always enjoy family gatherings, whether in Christmas Eve or New Years’ Eve. We gather for dinner, eat an awful lot of food, sing carols and end watching some sappy movie together. That’s a lot of fun!

  10. Elmi
    Elmi at |

    My favorite holiday tradition is putting up & decorating the tree. My kids are still small so all the deco ends up on the bottom branches, LOL. My little girl also makes the star each year. Since she plays it to shreds come January, it has become a tradition too.

  11. Ileana
    Ileana at |

    Putting the tree up, listening to Christmas/holiday spirit music, eating pasteles, exchanging gifts, drawing holiday related things, and reading holiday books.

  12. Shirley Ann Speakman
    Shirley Ann Speakman at |

    We don’t have any traditions except we have to have breakfast and be dressed before we can open our presents I can remember when we were young it was so hard we desperately kept telling everyone to hurry up!

  13. ButtonsMom2003
    ButtonsMom2003 at |

    The last few years our “traditions” have changed. The one that seems to be holding is to play bingo on New Year’s Eve with a bunch of friends and family.

    Chance for Christmas is a great story. <3

  14. Lee Todd
    Lee Todd at |

    driving around to check out the Christmas lights
    Christmas lunch with the family – we do salads and cold meats as it’s way too hot to cook on Christmas day in Australia!

  15. Serena S.
    Serena S. at |

    My brother always makes special cocktails for Christmas and New Years.
    Congrats on the new release! I loved this book, truly wonderful. <3

  16. Jess A Jaye
    Jess A Jaye at |

    Watching cheesy Christmas films while wrapping presents and writing out cards. Oh and eating my weight in my mum’s homemade mince pies yum!

  17. jodi marinich
    jodi marinich at |

    really enjoyed the excerpt
    jmarinich33 at aol dot com

  18. 16forward
    16forward at |

    I am lucky to be a member of a family of readers… so every Christmas Eve we each open one present… and it is always a book… to take to bed with us or share! On Christmas Day, after the presents are open and the meal has been demolished, we play cards or board games, and reflect on the year and talk about the new year to come. At some point in the holiday season, we all go out to a meal together to celebrate just being together without anyone having to cook or clean up. We are so lucky!

  19. H.B.
    H.B. at |

    We don’t celebrate it. Even when we tried to it was pretty halfassed since we grew up without. We do try to get together to have a meal but it doesn’t always work out.

  20. Purple Reader
    Purple Reader at |

    Congrats and thanks for the post. One tradition is more recent, with my partner, now new husband. He’s vegetarian, so cooks a tofurkey, and I’m not, so I have the turkey. Sometimes we share it with our chosen family, sometimes I get to eat it all myself (with a lot of leftovers that we joke about).


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