Reviewed by Sarina
TITLE: File Gumbo
SERIES: Roughstock #3
AUTHOR: B.A. Tortuga
PUBLISHER: Pride Publishing
LENGTH: 202 pages
RELEASE DATE: January 19, 2016
Beau is riding like the two-time champ that he is, but nothing is assured in the world of bull riding–not happiness, not wealth, and not survival.
Beau is a two-time champion bullrider who is working on his third title. Sam is his long-time lover and traveling partner, who is feeling the sting of having just about the worst season he can remember. The two of them are on the road together twenty-four seven, and it’s starting to get to them a little, between the constant injuries Sam faces, and the relentless press that Beau has to put up with. Add in friends on the circuit who need their help and the fact that they have to hide what they mean to each other, and it’s no wonder that Sam and Beau’s relationship starts to wear a little from the friction. When things blow up in their faces, Sam leaves the bullriding tour for a while, but the boys find out they’re far more miserable apart than they are together. Beau and Sam may agree to disagree in order to make peace and help out their friends Jason and Coke, but in the unpredictable world of extreme sports, nothing goes as it’s planned. Can Beau and Sam recover from what just might the last ride of Sam’s life?
Publisher’s Note: This book was previously released elsewhere. It has been re-edited for re-release with Pride Publishing.
This series just keeps getting better! Unlike the first two books, File Gumbo features an already established relationship and I really enjoyed the dynamic that they had. Beau and Sam have been together for years and that shows in their interactions both in and out of the arena despite the fact that they felt the need to hide that they were together. I do find it a little sad that the men of this series seem to be living under their own version of Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell but it also makes it more meaningful when someone is trusted enough to be told the truth.
Like the previous installments, there is a good look at both life on the road and life when there is downtime enough to come home. Beau and Sam fit together really well but, like any other couple, outside stresses do lead to friction and fights; that was actually one of my favorite parts of the book as it was nice to see the realization for both main characters that they just loved each other too much to remain apart.
The biggest surprise of the book came later, however; right about the time I was thinking of putting to book down to get some sleep, naturally. I’m not ashamed to admit that there were some tears on my part and I was absolutely glued to the pages until I’d finished the remainder of the book. I loved this story! It had a little bit of everything I love to read about all wrapped around a pair of sexy cowboys and for those that have been following the series, you’ll be happy to know you do get a nice visit with Jason and Bax, as well.
Every book I’ve read has been better than the one before and I just can’t wait to continue the series! Those that love a story about cowboys will enjoy this one but it is best read as part of a series so I recommend starting at the beginning. You won’t regret it either way.