A warm welcometo Julie Bozza joining us today on her Signal Boost Blog Tour for new release “The True Love Solution”.
Welcome Julie
The “True Love” Solution – Julie Bozza
The Author and the Character(s)
One of the three main characters in The ‘True Love’ Solution is romance author Ewan Byge. It seems a perfectly reasonable expectation for anyone to think I identify with him, being an author myself. However, as I’m sure most of us realise, these things are always a little more complicated than that.
I regret to say that, unlike Ewan, I do not have a ‘proper home’ in Surrey as well as a flat in London, no matter how humble. In fact – alas! – that’s probably a bit unrealistic for a romance novelist, and I suspect Ewan must have inherited, or otherwise relies upon family resources.
Neither do I compose my work on a typewriter … Though I remember the days of typewriters – electronic rather than Ewan’s choice of manual – and typing pools (and ‘tea ladies’) at work. Mr B worked in Recruitment at the time, and one of the first things I knew about him was that he recruited a young man as a ‘tea lady’, and when that contract ran its course, employed him in the typing pool. Mr B was also mentioned in dispatches for employing as many people with disabilities as he possibly could. And he did his own ironing. Reader, I married him.
But I digress.
There are things I do identify with in Ewan Byge – or things that at least I feel I understand. But I suspect the story doesn’t play out in the ways you might expect if he was my ‘avatar’.
It’s really Jules Madigan who is me in another life. Me, as a gay man with flamboyantly red hair, and raised in the safest of homes to be My Own True Self. I did study accountancy at school and college – and if it wasn’t for me being so useless in the law and economics classes, I may well have ended up following a career like Jules’. I am obviously an obsessive reader like him. I like to nurture my loved ones through cooking – though to be honest I don’t enjoy it as a chore every evening.
And I am also a tad innocent or gullible like Jules, and ended up defrauded when I thought I was buying a piece of fannish memorabilia. That was exactly where this story began – sitting in a police station opposite a cute Police Constable, giving my statement.
But maybe that is a story for another blog post…
Jules Madigan loves his family and he loves his job. The only thing he’s missing out on is a Happy Ever After, like the ones written by his favourite romance author Ewan Byge. While he’s waiting for that HEA, Jules indulges himself in buying Ewan’s old typewriter as memorabilia – before realising he’s been defrauded. Through the fraud case, he makes friends with Police Constable Leonard Edgar – and through Leonard, Jules even gets to meet and work with Ewan Byge Himself! But the course of True Love never did run smooth, and soon Jules has to face some harsh realities.
Julie Bozza is an English-Australian hybrid who is fuelled by espresso, calmed by knitting, unreasonably excited by photography, and madly in love with John Keats.
Thank you for hosting me on my blog tour!
Thank you for the post Julie and for sharing. I’m always curious to learn about how much of the author goes into their character.
Thank you, H.B.! I’m glad you enjoyed the post.
[…] November: Danielle at Love Bytes Same Sex Book Reviews kindly hosted a guest blog titled The Author and the Character(s), in which I talk about which of […]
[…] November: Danielle at Love Bytes Same Sex Book Reviews kindly hosted a guest blog titled The Author and the Character(s), in which I talk about which of […]