A warm welcome to author J.R.Loveless joining us today to talk about new release “You Belong With Me”.
Hello! Welcome ! Thank you for stopping by! My name is J.R. Loveless and I am here today to tell you a little about myself as well as to introduce to you a new release of mine called You Belong With Me. Since I was little I’ve been an avid reader. My favorite book as a child was E.B. White’s Charlotte’s Web. I read it cover to cover more times than I can remember. Eventually I picked up a crayon and paper and started drafting my own stories. I was and still am a huge animal lover. Horses were typically the primary focus of my stories as a child.
In middle school, seventh grade to be exact, they held a literary contest for short stories. I entered with a friend who drew the pictures while I wrote the story. Unfortunately I don’t really remember the focus of the story, but I do remember that we won second place. The following year in eighth grade I entered the contest on my own, writing a story about a girl who found a horse and against her father’s wishes tamed it to become her own. I won first prize that year.
Over the years, I continued to write short stories, just small romances which eventually life got in the way of after high school. I didn’t attend college as my grades weren’t good enough for a scholarship, my parents didn’t have the money to afford it, and I didn’t really have the focus back then on my own to even consider applying for financial aid. School wasn’t really something I was interested in. Instead, I went straight into my first job. I got my first significant other and moved onward into living day to day. But life has a funny way of throwing us back into what we’re meant to do, I believe. Some things happened and I ended up in a very dark place for a while and I was searching for a way to relieve the pressure, a mindless end to the daily strain I was under. I stumbled on an anime called Loveless.
If you haven’t already figured it out, that’s where my pen name came from. I loved the anime, watched it within a couple of days, and went avidly searching for more. Which is how I came upon a forum that launched me into writing my own yaoi romance original fiction stories. I was on the forum for about five years before submitting my first novel to Dreamspinner Press, Touch Me Gently, but not without a lot of prodding from a friend of mine. I never truly believed that they would accept it. It was unpolished, badly written, and had so much work that needed to be done. It took, if I remember correctly, less than a week before I had a contract in my inbox. I was shocked, excited, ecstatic, and overwhelmed. It’s definitely a feeling I could never describe accurately. You would have to experience it to understand it.
Now, six years later, I have four novels, one currently released novella, and another upcoming novella with Dreamspinner Press. Each one has been a lot of fun, but a lot of experience that I can only say that I am grateful for. They only get better as time goes on because I have learned so much over the last six years. I can hardly wait to see what the next six years bring! Maybe even someday I can do this full time. Who knows what life will bring about, right? So keep reading below to find an excerpt from my latest novella, You Belong With Me, and I hope you enjoy the full story!
Scott has been in love with his best friend Craig for years, but watching Craig with his manipulative boyfriend has worn Scott down, and he knows he needs a break from the pain and maybe a change of scenery and perspective. His twin sister, Karen, convinces him to spend a summer in Paris. Karen is sick and tired of seeing Scott suffer, and she’s not going to stand for it anymore. She confronts Craig and tells him what he’s been missing by spurning Scott’s affection in favor of a jerk who mistreats him. When Craig unknowingly breaks Scott’s heart, Craig opens his eyes—and his own heart—to the possibility of a future with Scott. He plans to use the time while Scott’s abroad to orchestrate a romantic surprise that will show Scott they belong together. But when he sees Scott with another man at the airport, Craig fears he’s too late.
Anger and hurt simmered beneath the surface as Scott slammed the door behind him. He was glad the house was empty, because he didn’t want to talk to anyone. The fact that for the first time in four years Craig wasn’t there at lunch and didn’t even text him made him so angry, but the anger paled in comparison to the pain he felt. As the lunch hour had ticked by and he came to the realization Craig wasn’t coming, it had felt like a sharp knife in his stomach. A hollow feeling had swamped him on his way home. His best friend had forgotten him.
Scott’s eyes stung but he gritted his teeth and refused to let the tears fall. He wouldn’t allow Derek to do this to him. He wouldn’t cry. He tossed himself across his bed and buried his face in the pillow. Somehow Derek had guessed his feelings toward Craig and, whenever he could, went out of his way to make Craig hurt Scott without realizing it. The bastard was so coldhearted he made the devil seem nice.
Scott had gotten each and every one of Craig’s texts, but he knew if he responded, Craig would get the brunt of his pain and anger. Before he spoke to him, he needed to get control of his emotions. If he didn’t, he’d wind up blurting out something he shouldn’t. More than likely it would be about Derek being an asshole, and it might cause a rift between them too wide to repair. He’d lose Craig for sure.
Scott allowed his mind to drift as he lay there. The internship to France being offered by Emerson was starting to look better and better every day. Maybe some time away would be a good thing. If he could get over the way he felt about Craig, his emotions could even out and he wouldn’t constantly have to worry about destroying their friendship. Closing his eyes, he concentrated on breathing in and out slowly. Eventually he started to fall asleep. Only there was no peace, even in his dreams. Immediately he started dreaming of Craig.
Craig kissed his way down Scott’s spine, lips traveling over each vertebrae slowly. He smoothed his calloused hands over Scott’s arms and shoulders with calculating accuracy. Scott moaned when he felt Craig’s hot breath on his lower back, just above his pale rear end. The moan grew louder as Craig slid the tip of his wet tongue along the beginning of the crease leading to Scott’s tight entrance. Sweat built along his skin in a fine sheen at the roar of pleasure that rushed through him. Craig tenderly spread Scott’s cheeks open with his strong hands, baring the puckered channel dying to feel him inside. A small cry rattled in Scott’s throat when his tongue came into contact with Scott’s hole. Quick lapping motions against him made Scott’s cock throb painfully against the sheets. But when Craig probed into his body, Scott heard himself shamelessly begging, “Please.”
He felt Craig smile. “Please what?” Craig asked huskily.
“Craig,” Scott whimpered.
“Tell me.”
“I want you inside of me,” he growled in frustration.
Craig laughed softly and rose up to press the full length of his body over Scott’s. Scott could feel Craig’s hard prick rubbing into the crease of his ass. “Do you, Scott?”
“God yes,” he hissed.
The blunt tip of Craig’s dick nudged the entrance to his hole. Scott reached back with one hand to grip at his hip to try to pull him inside. He shuddered when he felt Craig drop a kiss on the nape of his neck. His firm lips grazed Scott’s ear as he whispered, “I love you, Scott.”
Just when he started to enter him, Scott heard his name again from a distance. Then someone was shaking him. “Scott, wake up.”
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I am a proud author of m/m romance and spend as much time as possible thinking of new worlds to create and new characters to fill those worlds. While I work a full time day job right now, my true dream is to spend my days writing and plotting rather than locked up in an office. I write gay romance because I love men and two men together just equal HOT! I stumbled on m/m romance at a time in my life when it was darkest and it saved my sanity and brought me back onto the path I’d strayed from — Writing. It is and always will be my passion. Someday I hope to break out into the young adult world as that has always been where my interest lies, but I would never abandon my love of m/m romance! I write from the heart. My stories are meant to stir up feelings, to show that not everything is love at first sight, and allow my readers to lose themselves from their everyday lives, to take the red pill and follow my characters down the rabbit hole if you will.
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Website: http://www.jrloveless.com