Reviewed by Sarina
TITLE: Unfinished Business
AUTHORS: Carlo Angelo, Cassandra Pierce, Stephanie Rabig, and Megan Derr
PUBLISHER: Less Than Three Press
LENGTH: 168 pages
RELEASE DATE: October 12, 2016
REBORN by Carlo Angelo Several days ago Ilya confessed his feelings to Ridley, and since then matters between the two men have been strained. With Ridley sick and their case about disappearing men still unsolved, Ilya is almost relieved to take on an easy case of dispelling a rogue at the Netherworld estate. But the more of the estate he sees, the more he realizes the easy case might just leave him dead.
YOU MAY NOW KISS THE (CORPSE) BRIDE by Stephanie Rabig Nora is at her wit’s end. She died several months ago, and knows she should move on, but can’t get thoughts of her husband out of her mind. Though ghosts technically aren’t allowed to contact the living, she finds a Private Investigator, Sanaa, who’s willing to bend the rules for her. Sanaa’s willing to help, but she has shadows in her past, including a vengeful former client. Just because she’s dead doesn’t mean she won’t need her .38.
THE THRILL OF THE CASE by Cassandra Pierce At first, Geordie thinks his case will be run-of-the-mill: an aging millionaire wants him to tail his sexy young boytoy to see if he’s been cheating. Expecting to be bored even more than on most surveillance missions, Geordie follows his target to a private nightclub and manages to slip inside. What he finds turns his whole world upside down. But he’s got a job to do, even if it’s not nearly as routine as he’d anticipated, and being discovered as a detective will get him killed fast. The attraction to the club’s owner isn’t helping matters.
GODFREY AND THE DETECTIVE by Megan Derr Godfrey makes a point to live a quiet, unassuming life—mostly because vampires are a lot less likely to get dead that way. Finding a dead body in his yard is very much the last thing he wanted, though he can’t be entirely upset about the hot, scruffy detective assigned the case. The problem with humans, however, is that they don’t know when to quit…
This was a really fun read full of a good variety of stories. While you get the type of stories I’m used to involving vampires and other paranormal creatures, it was nice seeing the variations presented as well as getting to read things by three new to me authors. I enjoyed the entire book from start to finish and if you enjoy a good paranormal story with a dose of mystery, I can guarantee you’ll like this anthology.
REBORN by Carlo Angelo 4.5*
Really great start to the book! While the beginning of the story read a little choppy to me, the rest quickly smoothed out and was actually a really interesting and enjoyable read. I liked the main characters and how, even though you didn’t see them together as much as I would’ve liked, you could feel the connection between them. I liked how the story went in a direction I wasn’t expecting yet still managed to connect back to the investigation at the beginning. Very well done, I’ll happily read this one again.
YOU MAY NOW KISS THE (CORPSE) BRIDE by Stephanie Rabig 3.5*
This was the story that had the most interesting concept, in my opinion. I found the afterlife concept presented here unique and something I would’ve liked to have explored more. The story itself was well written and enjoyable but I just didn’t feel the connection between the main characters at all which is a shame; as the only f/f story in the anthology, I expected it to stand out a little more than it did. I will say that the twist at the end was awesome and my absolute favorite part of the entire story.
THE THRILL OF THE CASE by Cassandra Pierce 4*
I can only think of one other instance where I read a story with a similar concept to this one but I think I liked this one a bit more. I liked Geordie’s character quite a bit and would’ve happily read more about him if given half the chance. The investigation itself didn’t have a great deal to it but I still enjoyed it though that was more for the chance to watch Geordie’s blatant disbelief about what was going on around him. The ending was a bit of a surprise but was also slightly disappointing in that things seemed to wrap up too quickly and I never got the complete resolution that I wanted. This was still an entertaining story, however, that I wouldn’t mind reading again.
This was a fantastic story to end the book with! I loved all the characters, including the secondaries (who I’d have loved to have seen more of) and there was a fully defined start, middle and end to the story that made it feel much longer than it actually was. Godfrey and Shelby fit well together in a way that left me feeling as though they’d have a nice long life together after the story had ended. The mystery portion was interesting and I really enjoyed it and while there were still a few questions left unanswered at the end, I was really happy with where the story left off. Great story, wonderful way to end the anthology and I look forward to reading this again in the future.