Reviewed by Kat
TITLE: Sebastian & Owen
SERIES: Storming Love: Tsunami #3
AUTHOR: Nic Starr
LENGTH: 79 pages
RELEASE DATE: October 6, 2016
Owen’s eagerness to win Sebastian back turns to desperation as a tsunami threatens to tear them apart.
The last twelve months have been hard on Owen Hewitt and even tougher on his relationship. For six years, Sebastian Carmichael has been the love of his life, but that love is put to the test as Owen sinks into injury-induced depression.
Living with chronic pain and unable to do the things he used to do makes him feel like a failure, and causes him to believe he’s holding the younger Sebastian back.
When Sebastian takes some time out and leaves to stay at their holiday house, it could spell the end of the relationship. But as a tsunami bears down on the Tasmanian coast, it could spell the end of everything.
When I read the blurb for this I just knew I had to read this. As is usual, Nic Starr is a go-to author and she didn’t disappoint!
Owen Hewitt is worried he is holding back his younger partner of six years, Sebastian Carmichael, since he has been dealing with a shoulder injury that has taken him from their active outdoor lifestyle. Sebastian knows Owen is hurting and only wants his partner and best friend to seek help to get better. But Owen’s stubbornness is driving a wedge in their lives and could ultimately affect their love. This is the story of how Owen finally figures out what is really true and important, but it might be too late.
I totally get Owen. You hate holding people back and being a burden. You are afraid that you are dragging them down every moment. The depression overtakes you and you can’t see things straight. Lucky for Owen he has a lover and a best friend that won’t give up on him. My hubby is the same way. He gives me space but for only limited amounts of time and then he pushes me to get the help I need. That is exactly who Sebastian is and Owen is so lucky to have him. A supportive and positive partner is the best thing you can have when tragedy happens. And yes, a debilitating injury is a tragedy in your mind.
Nic Starr states on her website “Sebastian & Owen is a story I wrote for the MLR Press Storming Love: Tsunami series. It’s a little different to anything I’ve written in the past as this book is part of a collection. Four authors were asked to write a story, each story with its own characters and setting, but centered around the same tsunami event. The result is four books, set in Australia and New Zealand, that bring together romance and a natural disaster.” It is easily read as a standalone book.
I really enjoyed this book even though it made me a bit nervous and, at times, struck a little too close to home. Luckily I haven’t had to experience a tsunami first hand but it is the fear of all that live on the ocean shore live with. Great short book about how love triumphs over challenges and disasters. Nic Starr really got what it is like to live with the fears of change and how they affect the ones you love.
Thank you so much for taking the time to read the story. I’ve thrilled that you enjoyed it