3 Responses

  1. Jess A Jaye
    Jess A Jaye at |

    If I won the lottery tomorrow I would take a year out, fly to the States and do a road trip around the whole country. I wanna go to every state. I’d see all the usual touristy attractions but all of those sights that people wouldn’t normally visit. Fingers crossed that my numbers come up tomorrow!

    1. Cia Nordwell
      Cia Nordwell at |

      Good luck, Jess! You’ll have to plan that carefully so you don’t roast in some states or freeze in others, lol! That’s one of the craziest things about the US–our states are so spread apart that there are many unique areas to enjoy.

  2. Bea LaRocca
    Bea LaRocca at |

    Another must read for me! I loved everything about the blurb and excerpt and can’t wait to read this story! If only I could afford to travel…sigh. Thanks so much for sharing and for offering the Giveaway!


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