Every year, it gets harder and harder to leave my GRL friends behind. This was the sixth year of GayRomLit Retreat, and despite the work, despite the pressure and the changing guard, the organizers are still doing a fabulous job! This year, the organizers were Carol Lynne, Ethan Day, Teresa Emil, and Reese Dante.
JP Bowie, Randy and Mary Gresham (and Lacey), and many others work so hard to keep things running smoothly! These people all need a private island to go to every November, to recuperate.
Kansas City is a favorite of mine because barbecue and awesome steaks. It’s true. I choose conferences by the food the city offers. Except for GRL. They could hold that at Alcatraz, and I’d still attend. Seriously. I’d take an exorcist with me. But I’d go.
Despite a little glitch on my part (I couldn’t find the books I’d been saving to give away) I think I acquitted myself with honor. I did a spotlight with Jordan L. Hawk called Book Boyfriend Bingo. I am a HUGE Jordan L. Hawk fan so I ogled her book boyfriends like everyone else. Jordan is amazing and she has amazing fans. I was so lucky to be able to do that with her. I gave away Adin, Eddie, Tripp, and Tristan. Ask anyone who attended about A** Wine. No lie. I gave away alcohol I chose by the label. And since I don’t drink…mistakes were made.
I did manage to give away all the usual swag…I know you see those bandaid containers and think, “Oh, noes, not that again,” but when if you ever need one, I hope you’ll be glad I always give them out!
There were a lot of people who didn’t go this time, I particularly missed my West Coast pals, Amy Lane, Christopher Koehler, Belinda McBride, Tara Lain, KC Burn, Lex Valentine, and James Buchanan, plus my Beep, Beep partner in food research, Linda Nasuta! It was so weird there without you! Yet the missing folks gave me the opportunity to get better acquainted with some friends I never get enough time with, and also, I seemed to meet lots of people again for the first time! Because I’m face blind, apparently. I can meet you again and again and again and think it’s the first time. Duh.
Let me apologize. Mea culpa, Mea culpa, Mea maxima culpa.
The three M’s, myopia [let’s call it that for the purpose of this article], motherhood, and menopause, have made recognizing and recalling faces–particularly the faces of those with the capacity for changing hairstyles on the fly–just impossible for me.
I recognize Deanna Wadsworth by her magnificent whisky-voice which only happens after hours of talking. I recognize Heather (the dentist) by her hair except there are three lovely ladies who wear similar styles. And she wore extensions one night and then a silver wig another. You see my problem here.
Wade Kelly cut all her hair off. Are you people trying to make me look bad!
At any rate, The Wizard of Oz themed party was great! The Witch Busters and Trina Lane as a brilliant Elphaba were just perfect. There were tons of fun folks there. I have never been to a party where so much thought went into group costumes before.
Friendships formed for life are like that. People get tight at GRL (in the friendship way) and people often stay friends long after the conference. Wonderful environment. Wonderful people. Tribe. Bless you all, I miss you already!
I put all my pictures up on Facebook, (with the enticing album name OS X. Yeesh!)
So now, I’m done with conferences for the year. There are books that need to be written. The holidays are on the way. As soon as the last trick-or-treater marches back down the steps, the Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years, and Birthday grind begins. It’s time to dig in and see what The Muse has on offer. At my house, the muse is otherwise known as hard work and butt-in-chair time.
I have a new cowboy coming out on November 15, My Cowboy Freedom. It’s US only, and I’m so sorry to my friends overseas. Traditional publishing is piecemeal and weird. But I also have the sequel to Hell On Wheels teed up! It’s called All Wheel Drive! Expect a different kind of adventure from the right-handed Holly twin. Healey and Nash may be identical twins, but they like very different things! Stay tuned for that.
Also, expect audio. Lots more audio. And something very, very special for Christmas. Maybe a little trip back to a place I never wanted to leave…
Maybe a little holiday trip to St. Nacho’s!
In the meantime, be well, and don’t eat too much Halloween candy. (More for me, that way!)
Thank you for sharing your experience with us! Sounds like a great time =)
Would love a holiday visit to St. Nacho’s.