REVIEW BY: Christie
TITLE: The Pirate Fairy
AUTHOR: A. J. Llewellyn
PUBLISHER: Pride Publishing
LENGTH: 181 Pages
RELEASE DATE: June 28, 2016
Denny Derrick Dalton is the most feared pirate on the high seas, but he’s not a bad guy. He’s just having a very bad day…
It’s 1841 and the high seas are a dangerous place for anybody. Denny Derrick Dalton’s the most feared pirate in the choppy waters, but his risky reputation takes a hit when a wicked old witch curses him and gives him a pair of fairy wings. It’s hard to boss your crew around when you look ridiculous. Not only that, he has no idea how to fly.
Denny’s depressed. The witch, hiding as sweet Princess Fortunata, has left his ship and taken her brother, Prince Merritt, the man Derrick deeply loves, with her. Can his luck get any worse? Oh yes, it can. His crew mutinies and sells him to a slave ship.
But it’s not just any slave ship. This one’s bewitched, and Denny’s soon taken to a magical court where he must explain his rotten behavior and fight for his life.
But can he save himself to rescue Merritt, who’s at the mercy of his wicked sister’s magic?
This was what ran thru my head upon hearing about the premise of The Pirate Fairy: “So, there’s a book where the main character is a pirate who has been cursed with fairy wings yet can’t use them, he’s sold to a slave ship, then taken to a magical court to be tried for piracy? Shut up and take my money!” Yep, you guessed it, I totally went there and got the book. And, the story was magical. Literally!
The great and terrible Denny Derrick Dalton is a pirate. He is also the captain of a ship named the La-Di-Da, and has a reputation for being ruthless. Well, we all know that reputations can definitely be deceiving, don’t we? Denny Derrick Dalton is basically a gigantic marshmallow once people get to know him.. The thing is, not many people want to try and get to know him. Except maybe for Prince Merrick, who is deeply in love with our captain. And the feelings are definitely mutual between the two. Unfortunately, the prince’s sister does not approve of this relationship, takes Merrick away, and curses Denny with a pair of fairy wings that he can’t even use. Well, mainly due to him not wanting to figure it out, but still, they are essentially unusable. Then, the crew mutinies and sells Denny to a slave ship that takes the captain to be tried and sentenced at the magical courts for piracy, and generally being a very mean person.
Sound ridiculous? It is, and gloriously so.
You may be asking the following questions: What happens at the trial? Can a pirate make it thru a trial where he is being seen in court for basically being a pirate? Does he ever see Prince Merrick again? What about the evil, narrow-minded sister who cursed Denny? And, what about his wings in the first place?
You should know me by now. Totally not spoiling this for you! Be sure to pick up the book and read it for yourself. It really is a cute, quick read with lots of light-hearted humor. I honestly do recommend the book, especially if you need a break from reading heavier, darker works.
**Do please keep in mind, however, that this is quite a fantastical story and you must absolutely suspend reality entirely in order to enjoy and get into this story. Once you do so, you will be laughing your head off at the silly antics of Denny Derrick Dalton, his circumstances, and other tertiary characters. It really is meant to be light, fluffy, silly, and fantastical. So, if you go into this story thinking too much on the details, you will not enjoy it nearly as much as you could.