9 Responses

  1. mztikicat
    mztikicat at |

    Somehow I’ve missed this series. Coming from a family that includes choreographers, ballroom dancers, and ballerinas, compels me to read anything about dancing. I’m addicted to Broadway and film musicals, and eagerly await the dance scenes in any movie. Excited to read these books.

  2. Heather Cat
    Heather Cat at |

    I am so happy to return to this series. I can’t wait to read this book.

  3. Trix
    Trix at |

    I love a good dance premise, always!

  4. susana
    susana at |

    Thank you for the chance, Heidi! I love your books

  5. Lee Todd
    Lee Todd at |

    I get through hard times by having a good cry (it’s very cathartic) then talking with my family and BFF
    congrats on the new release

  6. Kara Guido
    Kara Guido at |

    When things seem bleak, I eat dark chocolate, take a really hot bath, and then take a nap. If I can afford it, I’ll get a massage, which usually makes me have a really good cry.

  7. Toni
    Toni at |

    I have my copy of Enjoy the Dance on my Kindle and I’m looking forward to reading. Thanks for the excerpt. I enjoyed the glimpse of the Logan guys in the past.

  8. suze294
    suze294 at |

    I loved Ed and Laurie so eager to read about them, and the Logans, in this one and looking forward to this story

  9. Purple Reader
    Purple Reader at |

    Congrats on your new book. I loved Dance with Me and look forward to Enjoy the Dance. When times are difficult, I go through a process – I cetainly feel the bad part, but also I work to get over it, and I find that humor is a good salve.


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