Reviewed by Kat
TITLE: The Weight Of It All
AUTHOR: N.R. Walker
PUBLISHER: BlueHeart Press
LENGTH: 244 pages
RELEASE DATE: September 12th 2016
After being dumped by his long-term boyfriend for being overweight, Henry Beckett decides to make some drastic changes. In a vain attempt at getting his boyfriend back, Henry does the most absurdly frightening thing he can think of.
He joins a gym.
Reed Henske is a personal trainer who isn’t sure he’ll ever be ready to date again. He’s sick of guys who are only interested in the perfect body image, never seeing him for who he really is.
As Reed tortures Henry with things like diet and exercise, Henry enamours Reed with recipes and laughter. As the friendship lines start to blur, Henry is convinced there’s no way Thor-like Reed could ever be interested in a guy like him.
Reed just has to convince Henry that life isn’t about reaching your ideal bodyweight. It’s about finding your perfect counterweight.
I can honestly say that I literally have tears running down my face. Good tears, but honest-to-goodness real tears. This story touched me much more than I can express.
When I read the blurb for “The Weight Of It All” I just knew I had to read this book. I have struggled with my weight for most of my teen and adult lifetime. Now that I am disabled I cringe at the thought of PT probably as much as Henry did with going to the gym. The phrase “No Pain, No Gain” is one I totally get. I might not have been as anti-exercise as Henry, but doing it in a gym was never my thing. I used to love the joy of physical activity…but outdoors.
Henry has just been unceremoniously dumped by his partner of eight years, being told he was old and fat and couldn’t be with him any more! Old??? He was only thirty five years old! That is not old! Fat? Probably pretty true. Henry loved his food and sedimentary life. But once he picked himself off the floor after a sob session with his best friend Anika, and took a long hard look in the mirror, he knew it was true. Well, mostly true, he was overweight but not old. Henry then decides to do the most shocking thing of all, join a gym to win Graham back. But stepping into that gym changed his whole world and outlook on life.
Reed is an Adonis! Tall, six foot three inches of godliness that you just want to feast on. But, unfortunately that is what everyone does, gawk at his perfectly toned body and beautiful face, but never scratch the surface of the true man. Then, in walks Henry into his world and turns it totally upside down with his quick wit and unfiltered mouth.
“The Weight Of It All” is the story of self discovery and clearing out loads of old baggage…physical, emotional and real. It is the story of how Henry and Reed learn to drop down their closely guarded walls and let the other know the real him.
I get Henry, I really, truly do. He is comfortable in his easy living life. His sudden wake up call of being dumped jolted him into really living again. That’s just what this book has done for me…given me a wake up call. I had been really toying with the idea of breaking through the pain to gain back some stamina and strength. This book sent up that challenge…if Henry can do it then so can I. And Reed’s support and conviction that Henry not only can, but will succeed at the goals put before him, is what everybody needs…a person that really believes in them.
I knew something was up with Reed but I won’t give it away. His backstory was so real and completely believable. You want to be friends with him. You can’t help but want to because he is just that wonderful.
I can’t recommend this book enough. Especially if you are fighting some sort of personal battle and need that final bit of encouragement. This book will not only encourage you but I am pretty sure you might need tissues like I did. Especially in the Epilogue, oh my goodness what an ending! Love, love, loved this fabulous book! If there were more than 5 hearts to give I would!
Lovely review! i enjoyed this book so much as well. Henry was just a complete delight
I actually took it one step further and signed up for Personal Trainer classes after reading it! I don’t need to lose weight, but definitely need the strength training. I totally blame N.R. Walker for the pain I’m in today from my first session on Friday. I soooo feel for Henry’s pain. LOL.
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