A warm Love Bytes welcome to author Shelly Connors joining us today to talk about her latest release “Identity Crisis”, Book 3 in the Serve and Protect Series.
Shelly talks to us about writing , shares an excerpt and brought with her an AMAZING Giveaway!
Welcome Shelly
A special thank you to Dani and Dan at Love Bytes for all the support and help they have given me. This has been a wonderful opportunity where I have been able to take a hobby and expand my world. I have met interesting people and traveled to places I have never been because of it.
More than anything, and I know I have said this before, I hope my stories at least make people laugh. I work as I high school physical education teacher, hence the grammatical errors, and try to pass on to my students the importance to enjoy life and to love what they do. I truly love my job as an educator but writing give me a chance to take a break from all the people and live in my own little world for just a little while.
For anyone out there who has ever thought about doing something out of the ordinary,my advice is to go for it. As long as you are happy and it doesn’t hurt anyone else, what harm can it do. I will never be able to support myself by writing, but it will save my mind and has brought me a ton of enjoyment.
This will most likely be the last book in the series but I do plan to still write. I hope you have enjoyed the characters and I appreciate any feedback. I accept the good, the bad and the ugly. It will only make me better.
Thank you to everyone who has taken the time and spent the money. It means a great deal to me.
Book: Identity Crisis by Shelly Connors
Series: Serve and Protect Book 3
Publisher: Publish Green
Release Date: August 23 rd, 2016
Editor: Erin Shurant
Pages: 152
Book Blurb:
Sometimes, you can’t outrun your past.
Twins, Kolby and Kaleb Bailey think they have finally found ease in their new life and the men they love. They own a
highly successful restaurant and have made friends. Previously plagued with tragedy, the twin’s relationships with
Detectives, R.J. Kennedy and Dean Davis, have only become stronger. That is until Kaleb’s ex, Dominick Futaro, sees him on television attending a hockey game and vows revenge.
Dominick teams up with Kolby’s abusive exhusband and together they hunt down the twins.
When someone who is all too familiar with the Bailey’s history comes to their restaurant, the twins decide it’s time to run.
Burying the past, may have cost them their future. The detectives are not willing to give up on their relationships. Soliciting the help of Here To Serve’s bouncers, they go after their lovers. Little do R.J. and Dean realize, going after what they care about most, may cost them even more.
R.J. and Dean went back to the precinct to fill out some paperwork before they finished up their day. Richards and O’Leary were just coming in as they started to leave.
O’Leary knocked R.J.’s shoulder as they passed in the hallway, spinning him around. “Got something to say, O’Leary? Just spit it out.” The tension was always high any time those two were in the same vicinity.
O’Leary grinned. “Speaking of spitting, just got done talking to the boyfriend, Davis. Looks guilty as sin.”
If the comment had been directed at R.J., fists would have already been flying. Dean was more meditative. He placed his finger and thumb on his chin in a thoughtful way. “Huh, you must have the wrong guy.
Possible mistaken identity?”
“What’re you talking about, Davis? I’d know you’re cocksucking boyfriend anywhere.” R.J. stood back and tried to figure out where Dean was going with this. Dean’s bright blue eyes were still deep in thought. “No…no, can’t be him.” He was shaking his head slightly then stopped and smiled a wicked grin. “My boyfriend never spits, only swallows.” R.J. just about choked trying not to laugh out loud. Dean pointed his finger towards the flabbergasted detective. “Sounds like you were looking for him though. I’ll let him know. Night, O’Leary.”
Shelly brought with her 10!! ecopies of Identity Crisis
Enter the rafflecopter to have a chance to win a copy!
Good luck
Definitely sounds like an edge-of-your-seat story!
New to me author! Sounds great and added to TBR
Sounds interesting, adding to my wishlist!
sounds great
Looks great. Thank you for the excerpt =)
Sounds really good. I did not know the author or the series, but I’ll certainly add it to my TBR pile
Sounds good and love the blurb!
Thanks to everyone for the comments. If you do read it, I hope you enjoy. Huge thanks to Dani and Dan who have given me this amazing opportunity. It has been a lot of fun.
Very cool cover!
Not familiar with this author; the book sounds great. Off to look for the first two books in the Serve and Protect series…..
It sounds, thanks for the chance!
Congratulations on your latest release Shelly the book sounds fab and I wish you many sales.
Congrats on your new release. The series sounds great. I love gay romance, detectives, adventures, etc. So I’ll have to check this out.