A warm welcome to out next featured author in the 2016 featured blog tour, Morticia Knight.
Morticia talks about GRL in Kansas City shares an exclusive excerpt of her upcoming new release and there is a giveaway to enter!
Welcome Morticia
Toto, I’ll Definitely be in Kansas City
I just finished ordering my costume for the GRL Wizard of Oz night, so I have it on the brain. Sadly, dear Toto will have to stay at home. I won’t have any room in the basket for him with all the other accoutrements that will be stowed in there. *ahem* You’ll have to show up to the party to see what I mean.
But the other thing I’m working on is setting up a YouTube channel. This may or may not happen, so I wouldn’t mark it in your planner just yet. My road trip partner, author LE Franks, says I should just go with Facebook Live. But since I’ve never used that before either, I figure, what the heck, I can just learn YouTube. Maybe both. I dunno. I’m an ongoing WIP.
My point to all of this is that we plan on vlogging the whole experience. I’ll be starting at the northern most point of Oregon, traveling down to the suburbs of San Francisco, tossing LE into my car, then as the dynamic duo, we’ll be traversing the country until we somehow land in Kansas City. We’re still working that part out. Since I’ll be in the middle of writing Soul Match 2, we plan to take several hours of each day to stop for free Wi-Fi somewhere and get that word count in.
This now means that in addition to mapping out the route, we need to track every McDonalds and Starbucks between here and Kansas City. I’m a tad nervous about certain sections of our trip. Are there Starbucks in Nebraska? Anyone between Northern California and Missouri who has any public Wi-Fi wisdom, we’d love your input!
Speaking of Soul Match 2, Slave for Two (Soul Match 1), a Sci-Fi BDSM MMM paranormal (say that five times fast), will be out this coming Tuesday, the 20th. Love Bytes is already going to feature it with an exclusive excerpt on the 27th, but I’m feeling super warm and fuzzy tonight (might be the heating pad on my back, not sure), so I’ll share an additional one right now.
Slave For Two (Soul Match 1) Excerpt:
Chris clenched and unclenched his fists, the urge to kick and wail at the bars, to somehow get free and run overwhelming him. No way out. “This sucks.”
“Chris.” Morgan’s voice had taken on a decided tremble. “I don’t want anyone to take me away from you. I don’t want us to be separated, to not know where you are or if I’ll ever see you again.” He’d begun to cry freely. “You’re all I have. I’m already so upset over your mom and the girls. What if I never see them again either?”
“Stop. Please.” He wasn’t sure how much longer he could keep from getting sick if Morgan kept on going. His fear over what might happen to them, what might’ve already happened to them, was more than he could take.
And here I am, locked up. Helpless.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you.”
Morgan curled up on the cot, bringing the blanket up to his chin, not seeming to care if the alien had demanded that it be for sleep only. Chris reached his arm through the bars, stretching as far as he could until the muscles and tendons in his neck and shoulder protested.
“Morgan. I’m here. No matter what, I’ll be thinking of you and I’ll be with you in spirit no matter where you are.”
Slowly, Morgan extended his hand, first from under the cover of the blanket, then through the confines of the cage. They both stretched, reached, but could barely brush the tips of two fingers together.
Chris yanked his hand back so fast, he banged the knuckle of his thumb against a metal bar. “Ow. Damn.”
He sucked on the skin around his soon-to-be-bruised bone as Ol’ Green Eyes glared at him.
“More Gan not yours.”
Jesus. That’s what he ran over here to tell me? “Okay.”
Getting cranky or snarky with them didn’t seem as though it’d be the best move. He planned to keep his tone as even and non-hostile as possible. The alien leaned down, narrowing his eyes at him in a disconcerting way.
“Chris lots of sex. Need strong Ahna.”
Not sure I want to agree to that. He chose not to respond instead.
The green-eyed alien stuck his hand through the bar then fondled some strands of Chris’ hair. “Strange.” The alien straightened, motioning a couple of guards over then when they were near, he unlocked Chris’ cage, pulling the door wide.
“Chris!” Morgan’s voice held a desperate edge.
The green-eyed alien angled swiftly toward Morgan.
“Chris mine!”
Oh hell no.
Where was his inspection by well-dressed, discerning aliens? If he was going to be violated by creatures from another planet, he didn’t want to get stuck with the creepy slave master who kept talking about him as though he were a sex machine. Everything about this particular alien screamed ‘really bad idea’ to him.
The alien turned to him again with the same twisted sneer pulling at his mouth that he’d had on his face earlier. He grabbed Chris’ upper arm then dragged him toward the back, the guards chanting as if in encouragement. Chris was helpless against his strength, the alien moving so fast, he couldn’t even keep up with him, his feet scrabbling uselessly on the smooth cement.
“Orshana Rah!”
His assailant abruptly stopped and Chris crashed into him before crumpling to the floor when he was released from the alien’s vice-like grip. Heated words in their language were exchanged between the green-eyed alien and the one who’d yelled. He glanced up to see who possessed the power to stop the slave master, who Chris had assumed was in charge. He met the gaze of what he was certain was one of the well-dressed aliens the other prisoner had mentioned.
But he wasn’t merely attired in nice clothing—handsome, flowing robes of a muted dark brown with a shimmery gold rope edging—he was also vastly different than the slave master in his manner. Even though he was almost as huskily built, was obviously strong and had the same masculine features, there was a gentleness to him that didn’t seem as threatening as the others Chris had encountered so far.
Those eyes. Amazing.
He could admit that the asshole who’d been dragging him to the back had beautifully-colored eyes, but they weren’t like this alien’s. His were not only a striking sapphire-blue, but they sparkled in a way that gave Chris a sense of peace. It was completely crazy, but there was something about this being, something special that he couldn’t name.
The blue-eyed alien who still held his gaze argued some more, his tone eventually becoming stern enough that he seemed to have put the green-eyed alien in his place. He made a dismissive gesture with his hand. The slave master and two guards retreated, leaving him unattended with the beautiful being.
“The Orshana Rah says you speak English?”
Chris stared stupidly at him from his position on the floor. The blue-eyed alien’s accent was excellent, his diction incredibly precise. “Yes, sir, I do.”
Why he gave the alien an honorific, he had no idea. It simply seemed as though he was the one who was really in charge, or at the very least, more deserving of it than any of the aliens he’d met so far. He held out his hand to Chris. If Chris accepted the offering, it would be the first time he’d willingly touched one of the beings.
And on that note, I’ll see you all at GRL and on the yellow brick road!
Carter Quinn’s question for Morticia Knight: What one man and one woman would you like to be stranded on Gilligan’s Island with (after the Minnow folk were rescued, of course)?
Oh yes, I’m sure I can do much better than the Minnow folk. I suppose I should be philosophical and search my soul for the most meaningful connections I could form with the two most worthy human beings, blah blah blah, but eh, this is Gilligan’s Island after all. In which case, I’ll go for a couple of hotties. Hey, we’re gonna be stuck there for a long time with no cable TV or Internet, so, yah know.
There are many worthy contenders, but I’ll pick Olivia Wilde and Alexander Skarsgard. I hope like hell we all get along. Heh heh heh.
Here’s my question for Lex Chase:
Stunt Car Driver, Mt. Everest Guide, or Golden Gate Bridge Painter? And why…
Author Morticia Knight spends most of her nights writing about men loving men forever after. Even though she’s been crafting her naughty tales of romance for more years than she’d like to share – her adventures as a published author began in 2011. Since then, she’s been fortunate enough to have several books on bestseller lists, along with two titles receiving recognition from the Rainbow Book Awards. Once upon a time, she was the lead singer and songwriter in an indie rock band that toured the West Coast and charted on U.S. college radio. Morticia currently resides on the beautiful northern Oregon coast, and when she’s not fantasizing about hot men, she takes walks along the ocean and occasionally annoys the local karaoke bar patrons.
Twitter: https://twitter.com/MorticiaKnight
Facebook Author page: https://www.facebook.com/authormorticiaknight?fref=nf
Website/blog: http://www.morticiaknight.com/
Email: morticiaknight@gmail.com
Amazon Author Page: http://www.amazon.com/Morticia-Knight/e/B005IQ2B6W/ref=dp_byline_cont_pop_ebooks_1
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.com/morticiaknight/
Morticia is kindle offering one ebook copy from her backlist
Series: Soul Match #1
General Release Date: September 20th, 2016
Published by Pride Publishing
What is destined cannot be changed.
Chris has had a monumentally bad month. First, an aggressive band of aliens invaded the Earth, conquered the world, and now he’s fighting for survival in the mountains with his family and the neighborhood bigot. Just because he’s barely out of his teens and a bit on the scrawny side doesn’t mean he can’t watch out for his mom, sisters and younger cousin. Chris keeps searching for the brighter side of things, but his humor is wearing thin. Fear can do that to a guy.
Lasar and Nary are a soul matched pair of warriors from Alashar. Lasar is Nary’s Ahna, the one who dominates him, and Nary is the Nasha, or submissive, to Lasar. Every Alasharian, regardless of orientation, needs the balance of the power exchange to exist peacefully within their lifelong soul match bond. When Lasar is awarded a war prize, he sends Nary to look over the recent arrivals.
Chris and his cousin Morgan are captured and sent to the slave cages where they discover from the other imprisoned young men that they are destined to be sex toys for alien pairs. When one of those aliens saves Chris and his cousin from being abused by the slave master, Chris hopes that the seemingly kind alien won’t be too horrible an owner.
Lasar and Nary are finally alone together with their new sex slave, ready to enjoy their reward. However, in the middle of their playtime a shocking event occurs that not only disrupts Chris’ world even more than it already has been, but also challenges everything that Lasar and Nary have always held dear. As Lasar searches for answers, he begins to question the reasons behind the Earth invasion and where his loyalties should really lie. As their Ahna, he must be the one who decides whether they will all be safer together, or apart.
Reader Advisory: This book contains scenes involving sounding.
Thanks for the excerpt! I hope your road trip is great and so is GRL. I can’t wait to read Slave for Two as well.