Love Bytes is introducing the next author on our GRL Featured Author Blog Tour: Carter Quinn
Carter is talking about a dream and brought along a wonderful giveaway!
Welcome Carter
So I was late getting this thing together because I’m a menace with Google Calendar. Seriously I can’t even correctly download the NASCAR schedule—and all you have to do is determine which series you want. Somehow, every single one of them came through in Eastern time. I’m in Central. Head|Desk|RepeatUntilBloody. Thankfully Dani gave me a bit of extra time. And yet I still have nothing. So I’m going to share part of a dream I had. I wrote it down so hopefully I can do something with it in the future. Imagine, me writing a strong female lead. Sounds fabulous!
He snagged the girl’s overall strap at the shoulder, instantly halting her progress through the door. “Who are you and where do you think you’re going?” he asked, brow arched.
The girl looked up at him with wide eyes under the wide brim of her straw hat. “Why I’m Josephine Eugenie Dougray, of the Hudson Dougrays. My daddy is Mr. Frederick Dougray and my mother is Mrs. Agnes Dougray. They named me after the two Empresses of France, isn’t that swell?” Her bottom lip trembled as she looked around the gargantuan room. She dropped her gaze to the sparkling marble floor. “They were supposed to meet me here, but I’ve been waiting and waiting and they haven’t arrived. I’m afraid something terrible has happened to them. Have you see them? Did they send you to fetch me instead?”
The security man frowned, an expression which seemed to fit his stern face. ““I don’t have any idea who your parents are. Let’s take this into the office. I’ve a feeling you won’t be coming clean with me here in the lobby.”
The girl followed him around the corner and down a slightly narrower hall, his hand securely wrapped around her shoulder strap, thwarting her every intention to escape. A hundred feet from the freedom the secondary exit doors promised, he turned them left into a small, dark hallway, one that was clearly intended for use only by the building’s employees. Three doors down, he ushered her into a tiny room on the right. No bigger than a janitor’s closet, it was chilly, despite the intense heat outside. He flipped on an overhead light, a single bare bulb hanging low from the fifteen-foot ceiling. The room was empty save for a small table with two metal chairs. He pulled one out for her and gestured for her to sit.
“Now who are you really?”
She peered at him again through the gloom, all innocence. “I’m Josephine Eugenie Dougray, I just told you.”
“Listen, kid,” he emphasized the word like it was a derogatory term. “This is the twenty-first century. You don’t have to act like some proper damsel in distress. Just tell me what you’re doing here and I’ll do my best to help. If you won’t do that, then I’ll have no choice but to call Homeland Security.”
“H-Homeland Security?” she uttered the words with a reverent awe.
The man frowned at her again, unaware that the scowl was losing a bit more of its power each time he used it on her. “Last chance. You’re perfectly safe as long as you cooperate.”
“Well thank heavens.” Her voice had dropped an octave and gained a world-weary sarcasm. “I’ve been stuck in this heap of bricks for more days than I can count.” She leaned forward, unbuckled her overalls at the knee, allowing them to cascade down to cover her ankles. She reached back and pulled her braid over her shoulder, releasing it from the band. With practiced hands, she removed her straw hat and ran her fingers through her blonde hair, which cooperated beautifully, losing the just-unbraided look for a sophisticated, if seventy-years out of style, look. “You say this is the twenty-first century?”
The old man shook his head, but it didn’t help. The scene in front of him stayed the same. He cleared his throat. “I do.”
“You got a smoke? I’m dying for a smoke.”
“No one smokes anymore.
She rolled her great blue eyes and sighed heavily. “Well isn’t that fantastic.” She crossed her denim-clad legs and tossed her hair. “So tell me. How did I get here?”
The security guard gaped at her. “I haven’t the foggiest idea. I hoped you’d know.”
So, are you as curious about that as I am? Did you get the 1940s vibe? I think I’m going to be playing with this for a long time to come.
In the meantime, I’m inviting you to participate to win an ebook copy of Vanished: The Complete Trilogy. Dani will give you all the details because I’m seriously freaking late getting this to her! I’ll see you at GRL! Until then, toodle-oo!
Nicole Dennis asked: Is there a genre you haven’t written yet, but have growing plot bunnies for? Why that genre?
LOL Well, I think this post was one long answer to that. Yes, I have a zillion ideas out there that I’m dying to get to. In genres as fun as Sci-fi and as scary as political intrigue.
My question for Morticia Knight: What one man and one woman would you like to be stranded on Gilligan’s Island with (after the Minnow folk were rescued, of course)?
Carter Quinn was born and raised in a very small Western Kansas town where cattle vastly outnumber humans. He came out in 1992, when doing so was still considered an act of rebellion. He discovered M/M in 2010 and started writing again after a fifteen year break. Now he’s told Corporate America to kiss his books. Carter again lives in cattle country, entirely too far from his beloved Colorado Avalanche.
Contact Info
On Twitter: @Carter_Quinn
Vanished: The Complete Trilogy
Henry Cooley has good friends and a good life. He’s secure in his job and his relationship. He’s about to celebrate his twenty-first anniversary with Tom, the love of his life. Their son, CJ, is in his second year at Cal Arts. Henry’s only problems are his growing dissatisfaction with his job and the fact that Tom’s parents still hate him, even after all these years. At least those are his biggest concerns until the morning he wakes up to discover Tom has vanished.
Henry’s world spins out of control as he struggles to find out what happened to Tom. He enlists the help of his best friend, Shaun, and new friend, private investigator Blaine Deveraux. Just when Henry thinks he has it all figured out, he’s confronted with new hazards and surprises. Henry goes through hell and back to uncover what really happened to Tom. But nothing could prepare him for the truth.
Includes the full text of Vanished, Vanished 2, and Vanished 3—over 96,000 words!
Carter generously is offering a copy of the complete Vanished Trilogy to one Lucky winner!

Wow – that snippet/dream really pulled me in. And, yes, I got the 1940s vibe.
Thanks and have a great time at GRL.
It sounds interesting. I would read it if you make a book out of it. Thanks for the giveaway!
I really loved the snippet & would totally love to read an entire story from that!
great excerpt
It sounds intriguing. Your dreams are way more interesting than mine.
sounds like a great trilogy
I haven’t read this series… would love to get the chance to … thanks for the giveaway chance
Looks like a great series!
Awesome post! I loved the Vanished series!
This sounds intriguing. Thanks for the post and the chance to win.
Thanks for all the responses, guys! If you’re interested in keeping track of my world, please visit my website and sign up for my bi-monthly newsletter.The next edition will be out soon. Good luck with the drawing. Happy reading!!!