Reviewed by Danielle
TITLE: Looking for Group
AUTHOR: Alexis Hall
PUBLISHER: Riptide Publishing
LENGTH: 297 Pages
RELEASE DATE: August 29th, 2016
So, yeah, I play Heroes of Legend, y’know, the MMO. I’m not like obsessed or addicted or anything. It’s just a game. Anyway, there was this girl in my guild who I really liked because she was funny and nerdy and a great healer. Of course, my mates thought it was hilarious I was into someone I’d met online. And they thought it was even more hilarious when she turned out to be a boy IRL. But the joke’s on them because I still really like him.
And now that we’re together, it’s going pretty well. Except sometimes I think Kit—that’s his name, sorry I didn’t mention that—spends way too much time in HoL. I know he has friends in the guild, but he has me now, and my friends, and everyone knows people you meet online aren’t real. I mean. Not Kit. Kit’s real. Obviously.
Oh, I’m Drew, by the way. This is sort of my story. About how I messed up some stuff and figured out some stuff. And fell in love and stuff.
How I struggled with this book! And still days after I finished I am still searching for the words to put in a review. Was it a great book? No. Was it a bad book? Definitely not. How do I explain what it was that made it definitely not a bad book but also not a great book for me.
Well let’s start with that. I am not a gamer and I knew that going into this story that the story was about that, so I am not using that as an excuse. I have read different stories that had game elements or internet elements in them and have really enjoyed them.
In this story though, gaming is not a little part, it is a huge part of the story. I really liked the underlying message and interaction in this story, not only between both main characters, Drew and Kit, but definitely also their “guild”. And that is exactly what kept me going through the story instead of not finishing it.
The blurb tells the story. HoL is a big part of the book but you can feel within that, the story of Drew and Kit and their friends. For me I personally noticed that I really was lifted up by the “not game” action by all the interactions between Kit and Drew but also Drew’s friends.
Both men struggle through things, trying to do what they want, what they feel themselves and what is expected from them, not only from others but also from their own hearts.
In the end author Alexis Hall makes you keep reading and I would almost say despite the huge game part throughout this whole book and that I believe is a huge accomplishment.
Not being a gamer I am fascinated at how I struggled with this story in both good and negative ways. For a gamer or someone with a little bit of experience in gaming this story has to be heaven on earth. I would suggest you find it out yourself