A warm welcome to author Annabeth Albert joining us today on her blog tour for newest release “Connection Error”.
Welcome Annabeth
Title: Connection Error
Author: Annabeth Albert
Series Title and Number: #Gaymers, Book 3, but stands alone well too
Cover Artist: CARINA PRESS
Release Date: September 5, 2016
Heat Level: 4 (explicit m/m sex, but lots and lots of plot too!)
Length: approx. 66,000 words
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It’s typical of video game programmer Josiah Simmons to be the last one on the plane on the way to the biggest meeting of his career. Though he’s (mostly) coping with his ADHD, he can’t handle another distraction. But he also can’t ignore his rugged seatmate—especially once he learns the military man’s a fan of his game.
Ryan Orson refuses to let his severe injuries pause his career as a navy SEAL. He’s got hours of grueling physical therapy ahead of him, and no time for anything that might get in the way of his return to active duty. But that doesn’t mean he’s above a little first-class flirtation with geeky-cute Josiah.
When a delay strands the pair in St. Louis, they agree to share a hotel room and a night of gaming. Neither expects their new connection to move to the next level in the light of day. Opposites may attract, but is this game over before it’s even begun?
Book Three of the #gaymers series
I’m so excited to be here today and to share an exclusive excerpt from my new release, CONNECTION ERROR, which stars a computer game developer and an injured Navy SEAL. For this excerpt, I thought it would be fun to share a glimpse at their reunion after a time apart. I love reunion scenes in books—all that pent up emotion and longing coming to fruition—and I hope you enjoy this one!
Ryan had bitten his miserly tongue and paid for the first-class upgrade—he needed the extra room for his legs, and not having to walk very far to get to his chair was worth it. He’d been increasing his hours with the legs on in rehab, but still, visions of Josiah’s pool and slipping them off propelled him through LAX. But then, there was Josiah right at the baggage claim for Ryan’s flight, waiting for him with a huge smile on his face, and the only vision Ryan had was getting him alone enough so that he could kiss him senseless.
He seriously hadn’t realized how much he’d missed Jos until he saw him there—fluffy hair looking even more in need of a haircut, wearing a Han Shot First T-shirt and faded jeans, and uncertain eyes, as if he wasn’t sure how to greet Ryan. And that was okay. Ryan wasn’t exactly sure either. How did one say hello to the guy who’d sneakily become his best friend over the past few months? The guy who was not his boyfriend, but who Ryan couldn’t wait to bang? Yeah. There wasn’t exactly a blueprint for this.
They got his luggage sorted and he followed Josiah through the maze of parking, glad he’d decided to do the chair for the long corridors. Jos drove a Lexus, which had Ryan shaking his head until Jos muttered, “Car’s my mom’s. I mainly bike to work, so we share.”
“Nice.” Ryan still didn’t quite get how dependent Josiah was on his mom, but it wasn’t his business. It was, however, another reminder that Josiah was probably too young for him. Don’t go getting attached. It was bit late for that lecture, because the second the car door shut, Josiah was all over him.
“Oh my God. You have no idea how badly I wanted to kiss you back in the terminal.” Josiah practically hauled Ryan across the console, which was no easy feat.
“You could have,” Ryan said before he could censor himself.
“Really? I figured you big bad SEAL types like to keep your love life on the down low.”
“We do,” Ryan growled, pulling Jos closer until they were nose to nose. “But you make me crazy.”
He claimed Jos’s mouth with a ferocity he hadn’t known he had—he hadn’t even been this desperate when he’d been deployed six months without seeing Chad. Jos gasped against Ryan’s lips. “Well, hello to you too.”
Before Jos, kissing wasn’t all that high on Ryan’s favorite things about sex, but with Jos it was like he needed his lips, needed the rasp of his tongue, the little sighs and moans—
“Oops.” Josiah broke away laughing. “I hope you’re prepared for the world’s fastest mom introduction because I’m about to die if I don’t get you alone soon.”
“Mom, puppy, swim—”
“Swim. You’re making me swim? With a hard-on that could seriously cut steel?”
“Good things come to those who wait,” Ryan said with a pointed look.
Carina Press | Amazon US | Amazon UK | Barnes & Noble | Google Play | Itunes | Kobo Books
Annabeth Albert grew up sneaking romance novels under the bed covers. Now, she devours all subgenres of romance out in the open—no flashlights required! When she’s not adding to her keeper shelf, she’s a multi-published Pacific Northwest romance writer.
Emotionally complex, sexy, and funny stories are her favorites both to read and to write. Annabeth loves finding happy endings for a variety of pairings and is a passionate gay rights supporter. In between searching out dark heroes to redeem, she works a rewarding day job and wrangles two children.
Represented by Saritza Hernandez of the Corvisiero Literary Agency
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