A warm welcome to author Avon Gale joining us here at Love Bytes to talk about her new release. Empty Net , book 4 in the Scoring Chances series.
Welcome Avon
Character Interview with Laurent St. Savoy
(My thanks to Steph Evans for providing the questions I will now make Laurent answer xDD)
- Batman or Superman?
Superman is an alien from another planet, who has to fit in by doing the right thing – the idea that one day everyone will turn on him and hate him for the same reason they love him? Yeah. I find that much more interesting than a guy who’s moody and unbalanced. I mean, I live with myself every day, so.
- Nacho Cheese or Cool Ranch?
These are Doritos chips, right? I was never allowed to have snack foods growing up, but Isaac has a lot of them. I don’t know that I have a preference, but I definitely like them both better than Twinkies. Ugh.
- What song makes you think about Isaac?
“Arabella” by the Arctic Monkeys, because I remember him singing that in the car. He doesn’t know most of the words and makes them up and then pretends he doesn’t.
The songs that makes me think of him in particular are “It’s Been A While” by Staind, or “Headstrong” by Trapt.
- What song will always make you smile (even if it’s just on the inside)
Probably the same ones that make me think about Isaac.
- What’s your ring tone for Isaac?
It’s not really a ring tone, it’s a specific sound on Android. It’s called “Good News”.
- What colour would you like Isaac to dye his hair?
Something that doesn’t stain the shower? Or the sheets? Or my hands, the first time I tried to help him and he didn’t tell me to wear gloves? But I like it blue. It suits him.
- Where does the duck live in the new apartment?
[The face Laurent is making right now is hilarious] The, um. Bedroom.
- What’s the name of the sentinel comic going to be?
I told Isaac it was going to be “Short Stuff Saves the Day” but I was kidding. But I kind of like the title “Sentinel”, so I might just keep it.
Spartanburg Spitfires’ goalie and captain Isaac Drake ended last season with an unexpected trip to the playoffs. He’s found a home and family with his coach and mentor, Misha Samarin, and he’s looking forward to making a serious run for the Kelly Cup. But things take an interesting turn when Isaac’s archnemesis, Laurent St. Savoy, is traded to the Spitfires. After Laurent’s despicable behavior in the playoffs last year, Isaac wants nothing to do with him – no matter how gorgeous he is. But that changes when Isaac discovers the reason for Laurent’s attitude. Laurent St. Savoy grew up the only son of a legendary NHL goalie in a household rife with abuse, constantly treated like a disappointment on and off the ice. When a desperate attempt to escape his father’s tyranny sends him to the Spitfires, the last thing Laurent wants is to make friends. But there’s something about Isaac Drake that he can’t resist, and Laurent has an opportunity to explore his sexuality for the first time, but he’s cracking under end-of-the season pressures. When facing the playoffs and a rivalry turned personal vendetta, Isaac’s not sure he’s enough to hold Laurent—or their relationship—together.
Buy Links for Empty Net
Avon Gale was once the mayor on Foursquare of Jazzercise and Lollicup, which should tell you all you need to know about her as a person. She likes road trips, rock concerts, drinking Kentucky bourbon and yelling at hockey. She’s a displaced southerner living in a liberal midwestern college town, and she never gets tired of people and their stories — either real or the ones she makes up in her head.
Find Avon
@Facebook|| @avongalewrites.com|| @twitter
Win a copy of Power Play, the third book in the Scoring Chances series!
Love the interview!
LOVIT!! This book was Increadible, need more Avon Gale ASAP
Your interview was so fun! A duck in the bedroom. I can see that, since I grew up on a farm, slept in the basement in the winter (it was warmer with the wood burning stove) and slept with baby chicks under heat lamps near me!
I haven’t read any of your books but have several on my Wish List.
Good luck with the release.
Wonderful interview and I can’t wait to read the book.