4 Responses

  1. Lavender Wynter
    Lavender Wynter at |

    I find myself living off re-writing a lot lately. Doesn’t matter if it’s in English or Chinese. It is, however, tedious and harder for one language than the other as I struggle to find phrases and words that work (Oh, you mean I can’t just string random Chinese words into a sentence? LOL), but I notice I’m better off for it in the end. I don’t delete though. I abuse that “Save As” feature and keep the old copy as I re-write in the new one… because, yes, it is disheartening when I have to delete/erase something that already too a long time to put down in the first place. =P

    What is this limit thing you talk about? Does it apply to three foot tall rascals? XD

    As for life lessons, you know that one that says, “Don’t bite off more than you can chew”? I’m still learning the ropes on that one. It worked most days (pre-kids). It doesn’t work when I’m writing because… well, I’m currently laying the stones for a Chinese novel this upcoming NaNoWriMo. I don’t think I’m going to be able to chew it all the way through, but here’s to effort. XD

    Thank you for posting and sharing! <3

    1. AF Henley
      AF Henley at |

      I have no doubt the effort of transcribing from one language to the next is huge! I applaud you for even attempting it! 😀

      You are very welcome, thank you for reading and commenting! Always a pleasure to share with you. <3

  2. drawboy
    drawboy at |

    Personally, I do not think that hate to rewrite is a flaw? Further down you say that you take pride in your work wether it is a success or a failure. Is it not only natural to want to keep what we have created? We liked it in the first place and are proud of it and it is a part of us. 🙂

    Which brings me to…well, maybe not a strict rule but a very sound advice over here in the drawing art department and it does sound very familiar to what you mentioned above. It says if you find something wrong in your piece of art and you can not find a way to make it look right again, no matter how hard you try. You have to let it go, start from scratch because something is fundamentally wrong with your drawing.

    Let it go and do not look back. Definitely a lesson that life had taught me.

    Patience is another good thing that I learned from life. For every shit that happens things will eventually turn out right again. Maybe not immediately or the next day. But things will even out eventually. 🙂 Remember that live streaming I once did when the program crashed and some of the work was lost? I started again without wasting energy on whining of the unfairness and the drawing looked better in the end. 🙂

    Which brings me to a third lesson that I have learned. The Universe is just. So many things in daily life are reminding me of that. I have to work an unscheduled extra day? Somehow I always know that the time will come when i surprisingly manage to get an extra day off. So if in art at one time I have to struggle and things do not work out as hoped then the next time things will surprise me in a much more positive way.

    it all sums up to a fourth lesson that life has taught me. That I should not waste energy being frustrated. I always gained more from knowing that there is no such a s failure. That there are new opportunities, chances to learn and to develop. It was hard to learn and a long way.

    Now that you brought this up and make me think of it again, my friend it surprises me once more how much ”real life” and the things we love to do, the things that partly define us are so intrinsically connected.

    Thank you very much for this post and for making me calling up these thoughts again.


  3. Jack Frost
    Jack Frost at |

    If I have to explain it to them, it’s because they don’t understand how right I am. xD

    I hate starting over as well, though in a different way than you describe you see it all the time in coding. I’m certain the code should be working. It looks right. But for whatever reason it fails with unhelpful debugging information.

    So I delete it and start over, writing it down exactly the same way it was, and then it works. No idea what I was doing wrong in the beginning. But I can easily spend hours trying to force the code to work, or I can spend five minutes re-writing it.

    I need a stop limit switch, I have no concept of when enough is too much. xD Taking things too far is motto.

    Fitting in with your sixth point, I take it to heart that failure is a perfect growing experience. It’s how I manage to continue to play chess even though I am beaten quite often. Of course sometimes the lesson I learn is to “cheat” but only with family. xD

    Of course my biggest lesson I’ve learned and I bring to my writing all the time. Don’t struggle with something for too long. If you can’t solve it, but it aside and come back. Sure sometimes you just have to start over and accept it, but you have to give it a little time.


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