I suppose this should start with “it’s with a heavy heart that I must share with you…” but, it isn’t. My publication journey started seven years ago with a single goal—to channel my trauma and pain into a healthy outlet. The Little Boy Lost series addressed the horrific bullying I endured in high school. A Heart for Robbie dealt with the loss of my daughter—the fear and guilt I felt both before and after. In the Absence of Monsters was an outlet for figuring out how to live with my abuse as an adult. Then, of course, you have Aaron which was a therapy session all its own. I didn’t start writing because that’s all I’d ever wanted to do. It’s not something I ever thought about until I began reading Fanfiction and figured out what it could do for me. I started writing to cope with the loneliness and depression I’d felt for years.

The move to Atlanta and a wonderful doctor who prescribed an anti-seizure medication off brand for my depression—those things in combination changed my life. It isn’t that I no longer have bad days, dark days—everyone does, but they aren’t as dark. There is a light and a confidence in myself that I haven’t seen in a very long time.
So, what’s the point?
I am retiring from writing as JP Barnaby (and Jamie Mayfield).
For the last seven years, my life has been focused on building her into the author she became. She has nearly thirty published pieces, over half of those are novels. She’s been in the Chicago Tribune, RT Magazine, and USA Today. She’s been to GRL, RT, RWA, and dozens of other conferences and signings around the country. That level of activity takes commitment and a lot of time. There were years when JP took up all of my vacation time from my day job.

I want to watch TV. I want to read for the sheer joy of reading. I want to watch movies and go swimming. I want to sit on the couch talking with my wonderful boyfriend Paul and playing with my sweet dog Chase without constantly worrying about promotion and plugging the next new book on Facebook and book deadlines and editing. I’ve found my happily ever after—I want to slow down, relax, and enjoy it.
So, what happens now?
- As promised, there will be one more novella as part of the Survivor Series (Aaron) boxed set. It’s finished and submitted, but I don’t have details on a release date.
- JP Barnaby will become Trish Barnaby on Facebook and you’re all definitely welcome to stay and hang out with me.
It has been an absolutely magnificent seven years, and I have met so many incredible people.

- To my publishers: especially Elizabeth North of Dreamspinner Press – thank you for supporting me, and supporting my work for all of these years. It’s been an honor working with you.
- To my fellow authors: it has been a pleasure being among you. Thank you for your patience, your wisdom, and your love over the years.
- To my readers: without you, there would have been no reason for me. You have lifted my spirits, encouraged me, and made me feel like there was nothing I couldn’t do. Reading your reviews, meeting you at events, and playing around with you on Facebook have been a light in my life. Thank you so much for taking such good care of Aaron and Spencer, Brian and Jamie, Julian and Simon, and all of the other boys I’ve written about over the years. They came to me needing love, and I brought them to you—you embraced them and gave them that love.
So, with that, I say adieu. Thank you for a wonderful time, and I’ll see you around the web.

Ah, I glad you have reached a comfortable place in your life and know how you want to be in that life – enjoy and good luck!
Thank you for the wonderful books over the years. Relax and enjoy yourself. You’ve earned it.
I’ll miss your writing but I rejoice for your peace of mind. Your books are difficult to read but I’ve devoured every one because they felt like my journey. Good luck with your life and I hope it’s wonderful. Thank you.
So glad you have found your HEA! But, I will miss new books from you. Your books have touched me so deeply (especially Aaron & Spencer). Wishing you much peace and happiness as you continue your journey.