A warm welcome to author Yolande Kleinn joining us today to talk about her new release “Running Hot”.
Welcome Yolande
Kurt Trench loves running a successful auto repair shop with his twin sister Lena. Lately loyal customer Shane Dolan has been coming around more often, and Kurt assumes it’s because of his sister. While Kurt wouldn’t dream of coming between them, he can’t help being drawn to Shane himself… Or thinking about him in ways he definitely shouldn’t.
One night everything changes. Kurt doesn’t reciprocate Shane’s kiss—he’s got no intention of stealing his sister’s man—but when he tells Lena what happened, she can’t believe how thick her brother is. She’s not the reason Shane’s been coming around the garage, and Kurt and Shane have more in common than a love of classic muscle cars. Now it’s on Kurt to make the next move, assuming he hasn’t blown his chance for good.
Running Hot by Yolande Kleinn
Words: 17,000
Publisher: Dreamspinner Press
Cover Artist: L.C. Chase
Purchase Links:
Dreamspinner Press / Amazon / All Romance eBooks / B&N / iBooks / Kobo
Shane Dolan didn’t believe in love at first sight. The very idea was naive, unrealistic, downright foolish. He wasn’t some teenager to get carried away by a rush of stomach-butterflies at the sight of a pretty face.
But he also couldn’t deny the instant and unrelenting hold Kurt Trench had taken on his heart (not to mention other, less sentimental parts of his anatomy).
A week since first catching sight of the burly mechanic, and Shane was still reeling.
Now he needed to walk back into Trench Auto Repair to reclaim his car, and his pulse was racing before he’d even finished paying his cab fare. Christ, how was he supposed to do this—go in casual, pay his bill like no big deal—when his heart was already firing off at ninety miles an hour? A deep breath did little to calm him. Shane strode forward anyway, through the open bay door and into the enormous garage.
His eyes found Kurt immediately, because no matter how firmly he told himself to play it cool, his senses were on high alert. Kurt was across the wide cement floor, working at the front end of a massive truck. At this distance Shane couldn’t tell what Kurt was doing, only that it must be something heavy. Of course Kurt didn’t notice Shane’s arrival. Why should he? The man clearly had his hands full with more important matters.
It took Shane several reluctant moments to turn away from the sight of powerful shoulders and strong arms straining at their task. Then another handful of seconds before he convinced his legs to walk toward the office at the back of the garage.
The office was empty. A wide wall of windows made it easy to tell even before he drew close, and Shane paused at the open doorframe.
Vivid memory rose, sudden but not entirely unexpected. Shane’s first visit to the garage—his first glimpse of Kurt in this very office. Handsome face, gravel-deep voice, and a handshake that was strong but not crushing. Kurt was more mountain than man, and Shane could happily have stared at that broad, muscled chest all day. Instead, he’d paid attention (or at least pretended to) while Kurt explained paperwork and fees. Boring as hell, but at least Shane didn’t have to fake his interest in the speaker.
He’d been absolutely riveted.
Now, faced with an empty office, Shane found his mind wandering. He’d always possessed an active imagination, and it was no surprise to find himself fantasizing about Kurt. About strong hands holding Shane down, holding him close, holding him still. A deep, rough voice murmuring in his ear, intimacies and orders. A generous mouth trailing kisses down his skin, tasting and claiming every inch of him. A muscled chest bare along Shane’s back, weight bearing him down, pinning him firmly in place over the hastily cleared desk.
Fucking fuck. Shane’s blood was heating fast, and he did his best to cut the imaginings short. This wasn’t the time or the place for such thoughts.
“Hey,” came a graveled greeting, and Shane turned to find Kurt standing just behind him.
“Hi.” He stepped aside to let Kurt through the office door, then followed a pace behind. His face was warm, not from embarrassment but from want, and he prayed his jeans hid his other predicament well enough. “I’m here to pick up my car.” He didn’t sound the least bit suave—mostly he sounded like he’d been caught sneaking around somewhere he didn’t belong—but at least he was forming coherent sentences.
“Got your invoice ready.” Kurt handed Shane a stapled set of papers from the desk. He obviously expected Shane to look it over. But Shane just reached into his back pocket for the check he’d written before calling a cab. The message on his voicemail had given the dollar amount, and he was confident the garage’s paperwork was in order. He wouldn’t have come so far out of his way in the first place if Trench Auto hadn’t come highly recommended.
“Thanks.” Kurt accepted the check. Then, like a clumsy afterthought, he took a brown envelope out of the top desk drawer. “Here.”
Kurt tilted the envelope and slid a car key into Shane’s hand.
“She’s parked in the side lot,” Kurt said. “Oh, and you’ll need some brake work in a couple months. Let me know if you want a quote.”
“Sure. I’ll be in touch.” Shane would definitely call for that quote. He looked forward to having an excuse to come back, even if Trench Auto was a fair distance from his usual orbit. When Kurt shook his hand, the strength in that grip sent a visceral pulse of desire along Shane’s skin. He couldn’t help the slow, eager smile that stretched across his face in answer to all the wordless potential of Kurt’s touch. Yeah, Shane would be back in a couple months. Sooner, if he could conjure a believable reason.
Something told him he’d be spending a lot of time in this garage.
About Yolande
Yolande Kleinn may be a shameless dreamer and a stubborn optimist, but she is also a proud purveyor of erotic romance. Excitable, fastidious and a little eclectic, she spends every spare moment writing the stories she wants to read. If she can drag other people into the pool along with her, then so much the better.
A Minnesotan by both heart and geography, Yolande has plenty of experience weathering tough winters. Her favorite method: distracting herself with warm beverages and even warmer stories. A night spent with a good book is heaven. A morning free to write, with a hot cup of coffee close at hand, is even better.
I already read Running Hot and i loved it
Thanks for sharing a flash fic in Shane’s point of view, i really enjoyed it.