5 Responses

  1. Kelly Jensen
    Kelly Jensen at |

    Thank you for hosting me today!

  2. andrewqgordon
    andrewqgordon at |

    200,000 fence posts? Did you trump that …. err I mean make that up? 😉

    1. Kelly Jensen
      Kelly Jensen at |

      Actually, I did some vague math based on the distance (by road) and assuming there would be regular fence posts along the way. 🙂

  3. Trix
    Trix at |

    “Snowed In” by Joel Plaskett, of course! An inappropriate couple gives in to temptation to keep warm at the side of the road…it’s one of his sexier and more dangerous songs off one of the few concept albums I love…

    1. Kelly Jensen
      Kelly Jensen at |

      Perfect. Thank you!


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