A warm welcome to author T.J Masters joining us here at Love Bytes to talk about his new release “Diary Dates”, a story in Dreamspinner Press’ Christmas in july feature.
Welcome TJ
Love without Labels
A Release Day blog post by author T.J Masters
Today is the release day for my story Diary Dates from Dreamspinner Press. This story contains several elements which we regularly apply labels to but I purposely ignored them so that the focus was on the blossoming relationship between the two main characters. This is a tale of interracial, May to September, gay men. But are they?
The character of each one is very much grounded in their different cultures but they never recognise or discuss any differences. Each character has all the traditional concerns of two lovers having a big age difference between them but they carry on regardless not allowing it to be an issue. As for being gay it is for the reader to decide because it is not mentioned in the story. There is a brief reflection on young Andrew’s past sexual experiences but none at all about James.
Where love is concerned I have always believed that these labels are irrelevant and I hope that you will see that the story works well without them.
Postgraduate student Andrew Chin arrives in London not only to study, but to explore life away from his traditional family in Singapore. His adventure begins at the airport, where he finds the diary of a wealthy British businessman and endeavors to return it.
James Howard is twice Andrew’s age, and he’s not used to selfless youngsters. Despite a rocky first meeting, the two develop an unlikely friendship as James introduces Andrew to the city. James is looking forward to the festivities leading up to Christmas in London and maybe a celebration with Andrew. But will a nasty bout of the flu ruin their romantic holiday?
Not if Andrew has anything to say about it.
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Author T.J. Masters recently and somewhat reluctantly passed his 60th birthday. After a long and happy teaching career T.J. wanted to follow a new path before senility set in. Books and stories have been a lifelong passion and there are many tales waiting to be told.
As a happily partnered gay man T.J. chooses to write what he knows best. His overactive and ever exploring mind is probably described by the Oscar Wilde quote that “We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars”.
Website: www.tjmasters.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/tjmasterswriter/
Twitter: @tjmasterswriter
They continued on like this for the next few weeks, with James gradually introducing more and more of the city to Andrew. They always had a good time, and Andrew felt himself growing increasingly attached to the older man, but it was during one event he had been particularly looking forward to that he began to wonder if their relationship might develop into something more than just a promise to visit different parts of London together.
They had arranged to meet each other on Regent Street for the switching on of the elaborate Christmas light decorations, something which, for Andrew at least, would mark the true beginning of the season. It was already getting dark when he spotted James striding towards the crowds toward him, looking impressive and imperious in his black wool coat.
“Hello there,” Andrew said, smiling.
In response, James pulled him into a quick but firm embrace. “Hello yourself,” he replied. “I’ve been looking forward to this.”
Hearing that made Andrew feel more relieved than he would have cared to admit. Part of him still worried occasionally that James was only taking him to all of these places out of a sense of obligation. Of course, nothing in his demeanor ever suggested that was the case, but it worried him all the same. It was good to be reassured that James was planning on enjoying himself as well.
“Where should we watch the lights go on?” Andrew said, feeling like an overexcited child. “Where’s the best spot?”
James laughed. “Well, the whole street is going to be pretty busy, as you can see, but I had somewhere in mind. Follow me.”
They navigated their way through the increasingly dense crowds of people filling Regent Street. After a few minutes of walking, James pulled Andrew into a small alcove that housed the door to an upmarket café. It was closed at that time, however, and by standing there they could see the long row of lights suspended along the length of Regent Street.
“Acceptable?” James asked, smiling.
Andrew nodded. “Perfect!”
They waited for another forty-five minutes for the countdown to begin. Finally the lights blazed to life and suffused the entire street with a beautiful golden light that made it look as if one of the dioramas from the department stores had come to life.
Andrew was so busy admiring the lights that it took him a moment or two to notice that James had shifted his position so that they were standing more closely together—almost touching, in fact. He waited for James to move away, thinking it was an accident. When James didn’t, Andrew cautiously returned the gesture by sidling closer to him.
James looked down and smiled. “So?” he said. “What do you think?”
It was difficult to know if he was talking about the lights or their physical proximity to each other. “I love it,” Andrew said.
James turned away to look at the lights again.
T.J brought along a giveaway for our readers !
To win a ecopy of his novella “Taught to Love” answer the following question in the comments.
“Tell me about a stranger visiting your country or town who only stayed for a short while but left a big impression?”.
I had an exchange student from Spain. He was quite a blast of fresh air and differences. I remember we had a long discussion of what “stuff” is.
My aunt was hosting a man who was from Germany in NY on business. He was a few years older than me (I was 20) and he wanted a “companion” to go to the opera with. We went to the opera. He came to our house for Christmas. Sparks flew but nothing happened. It still boggles my mind. He was definitely an enigma.
I had a coworker who came from Britain and stayed for a year maybe less. We didn’t interact much but he found me amusing and said so. I was a teenager and he was an older guy. He was fun to be around and nice. At his going away part he was saying bye to everyone giving out hugs and kisses. I was feeling embarrassed and didn’t want a kiss, it was just awkward for me but he just made a joke about it and it felt fine.
Well, I had a friend from the Netherlands who quit her job and did the around the world travel, and then came to Indonesia. We had a blast because we had been basically penpals over Livejournal for years. Unfortunately, I lost connection nowadays after she left Indonesia and no longer working in her old job.
Congrats H.B!
Thank you =)