A warm welcome to author R Phoenix joining us today to share some exclusive special content for the promo of her Temper Blog Tour
Welcome R
This post is Part I of a three-part short story set in the Ripples in the Status Quo universe about Elias Ivers, a sadistic witch who plays a large role in most of the series. This takes place pre-Takeover, when witches are still in hiding.
Part I will be available at Love Bytes Same Sex Book Reviews (https://lovebytesreviews.com/) on 7/5/16.
Part II will be available at Kimmers’ Erotic Book Banter (http://kimmerseroticbookb.wix.com/kimmerseroticbb) on 7/6/16.
Part III will be available at The Kimi-Chan Experience (http://kimichanexperience.com/) on 7/7/16.
Thank you again to these blogs for agreeing to coordinate on this, and I hope you enjoy!
-R. Phoenix
Retribution. Part I.
They were still outside.
Elias peered through the window, hoping against hope that his tormentors would simply… grow tired of waiting for him to emerge, that they might have to do something other than bullying those they deemed just a little too different.
Weirdo. Trailer trash. Teacher’s Pet. Queer. Coward. Mama’s Boy.
He’d heard it all, and he’d quietly endured each and every insult they’d hurled at him with the force of any artfully-thrown weapon. He listened to the jeers in silence, and he pretended not to see the words sprayed across on his locker. He closed his eyes as they slammed him against the wall, and he went limp when they shoved him into the railing.
He took it all and never said a word, even when the school counselor brought him into her office to question him about the black eyes and the malicious pranks. His parents had told him to simply accept it, to be the better person; they had told him that if he didn’t react, the bullies would get bored and leave him alone.
That had been a year ago.
Every time they shoved him, every time they hissed a nasty word after him in the halls, Elias felt his anger grow. A little bit at a time, teaspoon after teaspoon, he felt the resentment and the rage fill him until he was at the brink of spilling over.
He possessed magic. He didn’t understand why he couldn’t defend himself; what was the use of having special gifts if he couldn’t use them? It seemed a waste, and he certainly couldn’t see a Zajac witch going through all of this without retaliating.
He wasn’t a witch from the oldest family, though; he was only an Ivers, only a member of one of the newest families to be recognized by the eldest five.
But the few times he’d mentioned it, his parents continued to tell him to ignore it; they told him to be the better person. The problem was, of course, that he knew he wasn’t the better person. He wasn’t even a good person. He knew it down to his bones, even if he hadn’t ever acted on it. Even if he wasn’t sure he’d ever dare act on the things he ached to do…
It didn’t stop him from wanting so much more. It didn’t stop him from imagining his tormentors’ demise at his hands. He worked himself into desperate arousal time and again as he imagined having the chance to do anything he wanted to them, anything at all. He imagined in detail the ways he would inflict bruises upon them ten times worse than anything they had ever done to him; he thought of how satisfying it would be to hear their bones snap…
Elias thought, too, of how powerful he’d feel when he heard them beg.
Time and again, Elias hid away until he grew flaccid, until the shameful erection reflecting his desire grew flaccid as his thoughts were replaced by what they had done to him instead. He didn’t touch himself; he was sick. There was something wrong with him for lusting after causing such pain. He didn’t daydream about losing his virginity to a cheerleader or even fantasize about the other boys in the shower like they said he did. No, he imagined what it might be like to hold someone’s life in his hands–and then strip it away, piece by piece. He had never wanted anything so badly in his life.
He had never denied himself so strongly in his life.
Again and again, he swore that he wouldn’t act upon those desires; he knew better. They’d lock him away if they knew what sorts of thoughts he had, and they’d throw away the key. So he tucked those thoughts away and refused to so much as sneak a rub through his pants when they tried to reemerge. He was quiet, he was passive, and he allowed himself to serve as their punching bag day after day after day.
Until today…
About the Series
“You say this is a harsh world, a cruel world; you say this is hell.
This is nothing less than what you deserve.
For centuries, for millennia, we abided by your rules. We created gods for you to worship to explain away what you could not comprehend. When you began to suspect, we convinced you that we were myths, legends, and superstitions. We captured your imaginations with beautiful nightmares; enraptured, you begged for more.
And all the while, we hid in the shadows, cringing away from the light as though we held no power even as we shaped your world. We allowed you to live untouched because the loudest amongst us were cowards and fools who believed you were so much more than what you are.
Weak. Ignorant. Oblivious.
Already, you have lost your will to fight. Your comrades have fallen. Fewer and fewer dare to act against us, for you know you cannot win. The eternal truth is that history is written by the victors. In time, your kind will forget that you were ever anything more than beasts of burden, toys, breeding stock, food sources. You are what we wish you to be.
You question the status quo, the rules of our society. You will learn that there truly are fates worse than death, and you will experience them for as long as it amuses us.
You will know fear and pain, loss and devastation. Your eyes, so defiant now, will fill with tears and despair. You will beg for mercy, and your pleas will fall on ears that crave your agony. Your screams will echo throughout Tartarus and entertain the masses.
And we will revel in it.”
The Ripples in the Status Quo works are set within a world where supernatural beings seized control from humans and relegated them to the bottom of the food chain. Used for food, entertainment, and worse, nothing protects them from the hands of those who claim them as slaves. But not everyone adheres to the status quo the world at large has accepted…
Please note that the RISQ world has little place for humanity, and as a result, content in these works may be offensive and/or triggering to some readers.
The Ripples in the Status Quo Books are:
- Bought. [Dark Erotica.*]
Collision. [Book 2-4 Compilation.]
- Ravel. [Romance.]
- Recoil. [Dark Erotic Romance.]
- Owned. [Dark Erotica.*]
- Temper. [Dark Erotica.*]
*(This dark erotica work caters to those who cheer on the villains as they pursue their goals…no matter what it takes to get there. This includes Very Bad Things as well as Very Sexy Things. Those with sensibilities will likely be offended and want to attack the author with flaming pitchforks. If this applies to you, save an author. Step away from the button.
Lightheartedness aside, this is dark erotica, and it does contain elements of depravity and cruelty that will be offensive to some readers. Please proceed with caution or skip this read.)
About the Book
Title: Temper: A Ripples in the Status Quo Story [Book 5]
Author: R. Phoenix
Cover Artist: Brandyjo Newton
Length: Novel. ~40k
Publisher: Self-Published (Phoenix Publications)
Price: $3.99. Temper is also available on Kindle Unlimited.
Only love can set off the ripples that could change this depraved world for the better.
Only one thing can keep Ashton safe from the supernatural predators who made the world into their depraved, twisted playground after the Takeover—but it’s the one thing that would steal the last remnants of his freedom. At every turn, society confronts Reese and Ashton with the way humans are treated as mere playthings to be used and discarded. When they realize their own desires and pride have no place in the status quo, Ashton and his werewolf lover understand they’ll have to engage in the deadly games played by those in charge if they want to make a difference.
But Reese isn’t a diplomat, and Ash is only human. Together, they must decide if they’re willing to work with the devil they know in what might change everything or rely on their consciences in a world that has no place for kindness or honor… and if they’re ready to sacrifice everything along the way.
Buy Link:
They’d fought side by side, back before they’d realized their support of the Takeover would lead to something they never wanted to be a part of. “And they will pay for taking him, sooner or later,” Aggie said at last, responding to his declaration rather than commenting on his reaction. “They know something’s up, but they don’t know what it is and it pisses them off. They’re lashing out, like the unsupervised children they are.”
Her smile was something grim but satisfied all the same. Reese remained silent, gesturing for her to go on.
Aggie went on, her smile faltering and then vanishing entirely as she spoke, “Jace wasn’t even fucking guilty.”
Surprise flickered through him—at the information and that Aggie would tell him at all. She shouldn’t have; then again, by all rights, she should have sent him packing the moment he’d gone to her for her help.
She shook her head. “Don’t think you can fuck me over, Dorsey. It’s not something they don’t already know, but they’re not going to admit it. They had a mole in my pack,” she said, tugging her bottom lip between her teeth before speaking again. “Jace took the blame.”
Reese snarled, glaring at her. “How could you let him take the blame instead of getting rid of a fucking mole?” he demanded.
Aggie’s foot lashed out at his knee, but Reese was prepared this time. He was a match for any fucking werewolf—even a pack leader of her caliber. He snatched her foot, shoving back; she regained her balance swiftly enough, steadying herself. She might be able to put him on the ground if he gave her the chance, but this wouldn’t be anything like the fight with Desideria. He moved out of the way, and she snapped as she settled into a crouch, “I take care of my pack.”
“Sounds like it,” he retorted.
R. Phoenix has an unhealthy fascination with contrasts: light and dark, heroes and villains, order and chaos. She believes that love can corrupt and power can redeem. Her muse is a sadomasochistic slave driver who thinks it’s terribly amusing to give her the best ideas when she just got comfortable and warm in bed, and she passes on that torture to her readers.
If she had it her way, she would describe the books in her “Ripples in the Status Quo” world as: “Supernatural creatures take over the world and turn humans into pets and food. There’s some sex between guys. And… um… effed up things happen.” It’s probably a good thing she has people around her to remind her that she actually wants people to read her books. (They should really be more diligent, especially when they know she’s writing her author bio.)
She’s an author, stay-at-home mother, housewife, second time college student, and duck herder extraordinaire. She’s learning how to cook without burning the house down, her garden is somehow neither drowning nor drying up, and one day she might remember what that mythical thing called “free time” is. She’s starting to wonder who thought it was a good idea to write bios in third person.
She also tries entirely too hard to be funny, and she mercilessly inflicts her terrible sense of humor upon anyone who speaks to her. Really, it’s not you. It’s her. All the same, she’d love it if you’d say hello, because it makes her day to hear that someone read something she wrote. If they enjoyed it, there’s usually an awkward happy dance and embarrassing sounds of joy to accompany it (no, not that kind of sound, you perv). If all of that hasn’t scared you away, please visit her website athttp://rphoenix.theupsideis.com/.
Social Media
Website: http://rphoenix.theupsideis.com/
Facebook Page: http://www.facebook.com/raissaphoenix
Facebook Profile: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100010806072760
Twitter: https://twitter.com/RaissaPhoenix
Tumblr: http://raissaphoenix.tumblr.com/
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/14741537.R_Phoenix
Rafflecopter giveaway for $25 gift card + a copy of Collision [Books 2-4]. Runs 7/1-7/15 for the blog tour.